The radical view of Christianity

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The radical view of Christianity

Post by inMalkuth »

While I love Christianity for a number of things, and often agree to give thanks to Jesus Christ for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me when I am dining with my parents (who are very religious Christians thankfully), I have to sit back and stare at the audacity of this faith.

I completely understand that forgiving someone is a crucial part of life, necessary for our survival both individually and collectively. While I know that Christianity did not invent the idea of forgiveness, it does promote that we should do this for our selves, and for others for all of our betterment.

Another thing that Christianity brings to the table is a method in which we can protect ourselves from a the potentially horrible consequence of our actions. Should there be an afterlife, Christianity provides an excellent guideline to follow in order to assure that yours will be wonderful. By being peaceful, virginal, not harming and charitable, the Gods will find no fault in you. While I dont personally believe that this is the meaning of life, I do agree that it is a valuable path for those who want to follow it, and I too, can find no flaw in those that do.

My greatest concern with Christianity, and the only potential flaw I see in it, is that they believe that their lives are less important than someone elses. It is not out of weakness that they champion this ideal; it is because they believe that they can alter the very essence of natural law by observing acts of self sacrifice to each other. Should this vision be successful, imagine what this world could achieve! HOWEVER... as this vision is not fully realized (even by some people who call themselves Christian), what ends up happening is that a strong person who believes when it comes down to them or you they choose themselves, and quickly assess an easy prey and pounce! This is a terrible, awful and horrifying reality for many, and its probably the leading cause for why people abandon this religion.

Now, if I think it over... does God need to answer to any of us? The obvious answer is no. Would God, who is seeking people for his family or order or lodge or whatever... look to recruit someone who so willfully would submit to just about anyone? I have to say, no. I speak of course in comparing JHVH with whomever the Father of Christ is supposed to be. I really find it hard to believe they are the same God.

Anyway, I think each of us should consider the radical aspect of this faith, what it might suggest for the world and for ourselves, before attacking it or accepting it. For certain it has some pretty strong supporters in the Divine realm or it wouldnt have covered a third of the planet.

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by Cerber »

inMalkuth wrote:While I love Christianity
I find it despicable, but after 2000 years of ravaging they kind of matured to the point where I at least would be willing to tolerate it. I was born Christian but I denounced it when I was 10 or so, the only kid in my entire school do refused to take that eucharist thing which kind of was mandatory at that time in that school.

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by inMalkuth »

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to be the teaching of Christ that we are to put others before ourselves, even at the cost of our own life. I know for certain that laying ones life down for others is considered a truly noble thing, achieved only by the greatest among us. Christians do not own this idea, but I see this as a fundamental belief of Christians. If one is not able to put their lives down, then they aught to at least put the needs of others before their own. If they cannot do that, then they aught to put the needs of others before their own desires. If they are not doing that, then what exactly are they doing? I know that a lot of people will say "We pray" and I have to say that this is not the message here. Praying to God is only really useful in gaining favor for ones self, for whatever interest one is praying for and it is ultimately selfish. Doing anything to earn favor from God (charity, sacrifice, etc all for healing or an eternal life) is actually an extremely selfish act and contrary to the message of Christ. Prayer should be expected, and not used as a replacement for putting the needs of others in front of ones own desires. The request of Jesus was not just to pray, it was to take action.

In light of the request for this high act of charity, I can easily see that Christianity is not succeeding, and I would dare to say that it is actually a failure. I spoke to a woman the other day proudly wearing a cross around her neck. I asked her a few questions and she talked about how she once worked for the housing dept. Through the course of our conversation she revealed to me that she thought it was her right to deny housing to homeless people, and that she wondered why they would even bother driving across the country to Fargo in an attempt to find such housing. She essentially denied them, and passed judgement on them. She then went on to say how "bad she feels" when she see's people in need. I realized that day that compassion without deeds is not compassion at all, and that she touted her Christianity just to puff up her own self worth by declaring that she "feels bad", meaning this made her a good person. It was disgusting.

My point is that it is not my demand, but the demand of the Christian God on His people that they put their desires behind the needs of others. Personally, I cannot say this is easily done, and I cannot say that it is completely logical, but I also dont call myself a Christian. The fact is that if it came down to my life over someone elses, I would now choose to save my own life, because if I were not alive to make a moral decision, then there would be no moral choice for me to make, and therefore morality would lead me to my death in which I will have no opportunity to make a moral choice and the whole thing would have been a waste of effort. If I am not here to tell people what a moral choice is, and the rest of us kept ourselves alive while I died for them, then who would be left to say that this is the way to act? As I am capable of having just as much value to society as you, then I should take my own safety into consideration before yours. If I am not here to feed you, then you would not get fed. The same is true about you.

The fundamental belief that someone else is to die for me SHOULD be driving every Christian into making the moral decisions based off of such a radical idea, but it does not. The entire vision was to reform the world in the light of the vision of Christ but it is not happening because no one is doing it. I wonder who then truly deserves to wear a cross around their neck.

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by Cerber »

Not entire sure what you are aiming for. But your view of Christ and his industries seems very idealistic. I personally don't have good experience with it, but I'm forced to use their services, because that d!ck wiped out all competition and I'm yet to find alternative service which would allow me to buy safe passage for my relatives with a simple convenient bank transfer.
But I always thought the underlining message there was not that you should dedicate your life to others, that's just the surface, underneath it the main requirement is to dedicate your life, your mind and your soul to the Christ.. and to go around helping others as a marketing campaign for the "Christ Industries". For me it's more like corporate entity rather than deep spiritual force or however people see it. I don’t see much depth there of any kind, all the packaging and no content, at best you can a good old fashioned boiled egg packaged in 10 layers of colourful plastic. It's still useful, but it's overpriced and if you could boiled it your self if they didn't take your stoves away for your own safety, because those were "evil and dangerous". Or something like that. Maybe somebody has a good example of them doing anything good to others without advertising their corporate entity or without having some hidden desire "advance their career" or promote their company's "products" while doing some good deed?

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by inMalkuth »

I once believed as you, that they were doing good deeds just to promote their agenda. Then I asked myself "What is their agenda?" Their agenda is to aid one another. The idea is indeed to give yourself over to Christ, but when they take communion they all partake in the body of Christ, and they themselves become the Body of Christ (which is just another name for his church/community). In this manner they join with, and give themselves over to, their community. Its actually a pretty ironclad idea and would work rather well if not for the wall that divides them from other people, and their own interior walls that stop them from fully committing themselves to this idea. They would argue that not everyone can be a saint... and I ask, "Why not?" Isnt that the whole intention??

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by inMalkuth »

Even Christians want something. The basic formula we should keep in mind is

ABSOLUTE SELFISHNESS<------------------------------------------------------>ALTRUISM

When people say they are Satanists, I can assume that they are on the left of the spectrum.

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by Cerber »

I don't think there is such thing as democrat or republican or concervative in flesh and bone, its just an idea that people get attached to, rarely in full, for a while, some - for a long while. same with religion, just politics, power struggles and profiteering. Don't they have their own bank?

They, Christians, don't do it for their own selfish​ interests, they do it for a "greater good", because Jesus said so, and who would dare to question lord and saviour, CEO of the almighty "Christ Industries"

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Re: The radical view of Christianity

Post by inMalkuth »

They, Christians, don't do it for their own selfish​ interests, they do it for a "greater good", because Jesus said so, and who would dare to question lord and saviour, CEO of the almighty "Christ Industries"[/quote]

In this I would disagree somewhat. The same that you said of politics can be said of religious practitioners. Some may do it because Jesus said so, some may do it because they see that it works for all of us, some probably do it to go to Heaven. Christ saw this and even said in the gospels that works alone do not ensure a Heavenly reward. I think the people you identify with most are those that are called "cradle Catholics" who never had the opportunity to doubt. Were you raised by a religious family, I assume?

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