A Reflection of the Inception

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A Reflection of the Inception

Post by Occult Forum Archive »

Original post: Mmothra

Albino Crow
06-19-2004, 04:12 PM
I just thought I would share a few insights into some experiences I've had throughout my years of the mysteries and disciplines of esotericism for anyone with questions about the path. I've been thinking a lot lately about my 'inception', and where it's been taking me as of recently. I consider myself very much a beginner even at this point, so I won't involve my words with profound or complex topics.

To say there's a wealth of information, beauty, and light in the realm of occultism of any kind is an understatement, so I think that first and foremost an individual's mental well-being is of paramount importance. I learned of this through personal experiences. For someone not accustomed to various sacred bodies of knowledge, the intake of such information can take a toll on the psyche of the curious. Consider it an over-load of sorts, or even cognitive dissonance, to coin a psychological term. You may find that your previous beliefs, or opinions on things are being challenged, and this may be very natural in some situations. This is where meditation and ceremonial rites become vastly important.

If you're very curious about a subject or two, be sure to take your time and contemplate honestly about what you're taking into account. Above and beyond all else, no matter what form of magick or meditation you're dealing with, follow your heart. It's no rare commodity that your consciousness may be expanding and the opening up of your mind is taking place, but be careful what you're opening it up to. Take the time two consider two facets of your work. On one side you have the study of what you're taking into account, and as it's cousin the involving meditation or ceremonial rite to ease and comfort your mind. Think of it like a road being paved. You have the actual asphalt being laid down (studying), and meditation it's guard-rail for safety. Stability of mind is very important.

Ultimately, the more you know the better you are, as they say, but finding what it means to you is integral. This path may sometimes be a chaotic one at first, but even just the effort to take it seriously and honestly pays off. I hope this helps anyone that has read it, and may have been curious.

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