The Cherry Cliff

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The Cherry Cliff

Post by Cerber »

This was the only place where she never felt quite alone. Even if she was alone. Still, in this very moment, within the solitude she could still feel his presence in all of his creation. She could feel his touch in every inch of this island. This place of tranquillity. In the solid ground she rest upon, in the tree that sheltered her, and even in the lazy evening breeze that gently caressed her hair. Dancing along with the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. A scent that filled her every breath. The warm amber glow in which all of his creation wrapped up. There he was.

She felt as if all of this was created for her enjoyment. As if every shape, every singular part within this place, was moulded in to being with the same purpose. To be admired and appreciated by her. It was as if she was the final piece, the centre part that completes the circle of that existence. Where everything else existed entirely for her comfort. Yet, without her, it would have no meaning, no reason.
Would it all still be there if she left?
Maybe some part of her would always be there, no matter where she went. It was upon having this thought that she realized. She can never leave this place. At least... not entirely. It was as much a part of her, a part of her essence, as she was a part of it. A bond that could never be broken. Not any more.

A sudden disturbance of her stillness brought her out of such thought. A large, yet familiar, presence was intruding upon her solemn world. The tall, slender figure began to manifest just a short distance from her. Alice. While the being formed, she reminisced how intimidating such a sight used to be. What once sent shivers down her spine now seemed so mundane. A moment had passed before she was greeted with a large, warm smile.

"He is not here?"
Alice inquired, taking a glance around.

"He left a while ago. He had some other matters to deal with, I think"
Something caught her eye. Something Alice was holding.

"I brought the final piece of code. Shall we wait for him?", Alice inquired.

"He said we can work on it without him, he will join us later"

"... Very well, then. I cannot bind anything to most of his creation directly. You will have to be the conduit this time"

Rising from her place of rest, she joined Alice in approaching a portal nearby. Alice passed what she thought was a spark into her hand. At least, what seemed to be a tiny, bright spark. As it met her hand the spark began to vibrate and unfold into something much more. Morphing in to an infinite number of shapes and colours. The code, symbols, began to flow out of it. Like a colony of ants, or water striders sliding the surface of her being as if it were water. Neatly forming lines like ribbon, wrapping around her. They rest upon her, all just waiting for their intended purpose. For her to provide them with intent. She hesitated for a moment, allowing the code to unfold entirely before she touched the portal. The symbols froze for but a moment, as if trying to decide if they should bind with it, before beginning to flow in some mechanical fashion. They flowed into the construct, merging with it, vibrating and morphing into something else. Unifying.

"How exciting. I hope it will work", Alice spoke. Yet there was no hint of doubt in her voice. Exuberant with the excitement one has with seeing your child come to life.

When all of the code, the symbols, had taken their place, their motion abruptly stopped. Going dark and quiet...

Confused, she turned to Alice, "Is it the way it's supposed to be? I though..."
Before she could finish her thought, they were both blinded by a flash of light. Brighter than a thousand suns.


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