Blue Flame Here

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Blue Flame Here

Post by Kalagni »

It's been a while since I've done much of the forum thing, so a while since I've done an intro...

I'm a 26 year old University student in Toronto Ontario, I'm working on two degrees at the same time (with a 130% course load because I'm crazy).

I'm never quite sure how to define my occult path. I generally say religiously I'm Vajrayana Buddhist, magickally I'm a Ceremonial Magickian, and philosophically I'm a Chaos Magickian.

I'm a serious student of Vajrayana Buddhism, studying under one local lama, and two who occasionally visit the city for training. I tend to be (frustratingly) old school in some regards to Vajrayana, and other times really progressive/contrary. For instance I have a lot of issue with people who collect Abhisheka/Wongkur/Empowerments.

For the Ceremonial Magick part I'm largely self-taught and small group informed. I do plan on joining either the local OTO or GD body eventually, but due to a personal spiritual restriction I'm under I won't be able to pursue this until the fall. I'm Golden Dawn inspired, but per my usual have my issues with the system and have made adjustments that I feel are more natural. Large emphasis on Goetic and Qabalistic magick

Chaos magick is really what helped bring me into magick and a lot of the philosophy/theory underpins my worldview but my practice is more ceremonial.

I'm a voracious reader, reading a minimum of 60 books a year, and generally at least half are occult. I run an occult blog (which I won't link right away, so it doesn't seem like I'm pimping my site) which I ramble and review some of my reading on.

I'm very intellectually inclined. I jokingly explain I'm a ceremonial magickian because it's the most structured and logical of the magickal systems and someone with a brain like mind works a lot better with structure than free form.

Something silly or unusual just for character information... My altar currently has a statue of Apocalypse (X-Men), a Dr. Manhattan action figure, and a Buddhathulhu statue (I made myself) on it. Also if that didn't give it away, I can easily be labeled a geek.

I'm sure there is more to say, but don't know what is relevant. So that's me, any questions, just ask.

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