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Sleep Paralysis Skills

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:11 am
by barnacle
I've had sleep paralysis hundreds of times over the years so I've learned some skills for dealing with it. I decided to start this thread so people can share their skills and learn new skills for dealing with this phenomenon. Heres my skills:

Pulling Yourself Out of Paralysis: This is probably the most important skill to know because sleep paralysis is a whole lot less scary when you know you can get out of it if you need to. When you are in sleep paralysis, most of your body is paralysed but there are some muscles that you can still move such as your toes, fingers, neck and shoulders. These are what you can use to gain leverage and pull yourself out of paralysis. The trick to pulling yourself out of paralysis is to put all your energy and effort into a single jolt. I usually try to move my shoulders from side to side. Its essential that you put all your effort into one single jolt, as opposed to a series of smaller jolts. If you don't put enough effort into it, you will partially regain control of your muscles but the second you relax, you will sink right back into paralysis and all progress will be lost. Theres a threshhold that you have to reach, one your reach that threshhold, you can move again but you will be very sleepy and won't feel like moving and if you don't bother to move, you'll sink back into paralysis again. So with that in mind, the second you regain control of your muscles, roll over or sit up or something, that wiil ensure that you don't sink back into paralysis.

Also, heres a trick which doesn't help at all for pulling yourself out of paralysis but feels pretty weird. When I tilt my head back while in sleep paralysis my neck muscles start to spasm. Its kind of like my neck starts having an epileptic fit and it takes little or no effort for me to make this happen. I always do this when I'm pulling myself out of paralysis because it requires no effort and it would be such an easy way to get out of paralysis (as opposed to the mad effort it takes to jolt yourself out of paralysis) but it doesn't work at all, its just something thats fun to do while in SP. It feels pretty intense so I wanna set up a video camera some day and record myself while I'm in SP to see what it looks like lol.

Starting a Dream: Theres a second way out of sleep paralysis that I know of. Thats to start dreaming. I notice that every time a dream is about to start, I feel like I'm summersalting through space. Sometimes I can start that process up myself. What seems to be most important in starting a dream though is to let your logic slip. You need to stop thinking logically and just let your logic and thought patterns drift into chaos so that they become more fluid. Thats what makes dreams start. The trick for this is to just stop consciously thinking and just observe. Eventually your brain will start coming out with thoughts automatically and those thoughts will be bizarre, seemingly irrational/unlogical thoughts. After that visions will start appearing and before you know it, you're dreaming. Another trick is to try and leave your body. People who are supposedly adept at astral travelling say sleep paralysis is the perfect launch pad for leaving your body. I've tried plenty of times and each time, I ended up in a lucid dream. This is a good way to trick your brain into starting up a dream.

Relax and Enjoy It: I've had sleep paralysis hundreds of times so I can tell you with absolute certainty that nothing in sleep paralysis can hurt you, let alone kill you. When you keep that in mind, its fun. Its like some crazy hyperdimensional rollercoaster. Its always hard to breath because some of your chest muscles are shut down (this is why we breath shallower when we're asleep) so make sure you don't fall asleep face down or with a blanket covering your face. I've done that a few times and its horrible.

Re: Sleep Paralysis Skills

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:12 am
by Shadowman82
Ah I used to be really afraid of sleep paralysis episodes . Over time I started doing some interesting things . I believe that during an attack of sleep paralysis we are in a somewhat in between state where we can perceive things we normally can't and in my case do things we normally can't . Sometimes when I'm being attacked by some being I have almost on reflex shot energy at them . This seems to get them to leave . Also on very few occasions I have from a state of sleep paralysis been able to go into astral projection . In that case the being that is attacking me becomes very solid and I can actually grab it and fight with it as I would a real person . This also generally gets them to back off , probably because they are not used to someone who is fighting them and would rather go after easy victims . In any case I haven't had any episodes in a while .