Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

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Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by Bobertt »

Sorry if this post gets long but thanks for reading. For a little back story i recently got promoted at my job but its been one of the most stressful times of my life so far due to a lot of things, some my fault and some out of my control. But for the past month i've been going back and forth over whether to quit this job, go back to my old position, or try and stick through it until i can move into a better department because im no longer happy in life and this job takes up too much time out of my life even of i went back to my old position.

Im new to the occult so i dont know much but i have been practicing meditating based on a post i found on this forum. I dont really see anything when i meditate but where the 3rd eye chakra is supposed to be i usually feel some sensations and feel more relaxed after. But last night i tried asking for a sign before meditating for the first time and as soon as i began the normal sensations from the 3rd eye area started but soon afterwards i felt a sensation for the first time where the crown chakra is supposed to be. I seemed to get into the meditation a bit faster but i didnt see anything and at some point while i was doing it i fell asleep and right before i woke up i had a dream. I believe this is the sign i asked for because i rarely dream and from some loose interpetations of parts of what i could find online seem to indicate it is related to what i wanted to know.

I dont remember it 100% but i was on the big bottom floor of a skyscraper and there were other people in suits around a big black plane. I got in it alone and i took off and either broke through the wall and started flying up in a spiral from the outside using the wings to destroy the skyscraper or i went up in a spiral from inside the skyscraper and when i was near the top i broke out the side. When i was outside i saw other skyscrapers like i was in a city and (where it gets weird) i saw godzilla fighting some other monster on top of a skyscraper. I cant remember for sure but i think he was on the skyscraper i was destroying but its possible he was on a separate one. I was a little under him with the plane and i then jumped out of it and looked down and i could see the street with some of the people from where the plane was before. I felt the sensation of falling but unlike any dream ive had before i didnt immediately wake up from the fear of the feeling of falling. I calmed myself and said it would be ok and fell and landed on the street and was fine. I looked at one of the guys in the suit but cant remember his face and woke up.

Some stuff i found online said falling and not feeling afraid means you will overcome your adversities with ease.

Seeing godzilla means i feel like im out of control and certain situation is getting the best of me.

Seeing an airplane mean you will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness. Perhaps you need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something. If the airplane is taking off, then it suggests that an idea or plan is about to "take off" and be put into action. It may also represent your need to get away and escape from your daily life.
To dream that you are flying an airplane suggests that you are in complete control of your destination in life. You are confident and self-assured in your decisions and accomplishments.

This other interpretation confuses me because i assume the plane was destroyed after i jumped out but im not sure if it counts since i seemed to want to use the plane to destroy the skyscraper. To dream that a plane crashes suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.

To see a skyscraper in your dream represents your high ideals, creativity, accomplishments and imagination. You always aim high at whatever you do. The skyscraper is seen as a metaphor for the foresights and achievements of man.

To dream that you are wearing a suit indicates that you want to be acknowledged and recognized for your abilities and skills. You do not want your power to go unnoticed.

What do you think it all means based on any dreams you have interpreted?

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by OCoAA »

Hi! I will give a shot at this and hope it helps. First of all I don’t think external explanations of dreams have any value. Dreams are so Unique as is your lifes path that the links your unconscious makes couldn’t possibly be generalized. Another thing I would like to point out is that, though you might not remember, you do dream, every night. The moment When you assured yourself the fall would be ok you, in a way, actively engaged the dream which could mean you could be a succesful lucid dreamer given some practice. As for the work situation, never do anything that makes you unhappy! Please don’t.

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by Cerber »

Not sure if you noticed but that post is more than 2 years old, and that person was not seen here for about as long. Doubtful he will see it again, or if he will that will be still relevant to them.
But yes, interpreting dreams of others is difficult, even interpreting your own is hard. I start keeping dream journal, diary years ago, and keeping "logs" of all my activities, so I could review everything after some to see connections and correlations and possible causalities etc. And still I'm feel fairly confident with reading symbolism of those only about half the time. And other people's mind is unknown territory, unless it's someone you know very well.
Hopefully Bobertt got it figured out and doing well.

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by OCoAA »

Yes, I saw after posting. Guess I put the thought of being ‘active’ here before actually engaging :) that’s How it works I guess. I have met few people who persisted with dream journals, it asks commitment. Are you a lucid dreamer?

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by Cerber »

Many things, if not all, asks for commitment. Occult/spiritual practises maybe even more so. I personally think and feel, especially now in hindsight, looking back at my own path, that keeping daily dream journal, and later expanding that to include everything dreams, meditation visions and experiences, and even waking life activities, rituals etc and so on - was fundamental for "growing my awareness", for the lack of better wording.
I am lucid dreamer, on occasion. That was more common in my childhood, not as much now. But when it was regular and effortless occurrence I had no clue what to do with it, what could it be used for. And now when I have fairly good grasp of it, and able to use it - it does not occur anywhere nearly as often..

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by OCoAA »

I think it to be a valid question ‘what could it be used for?’ I honestly believe that no one knows. Would it be healthy for us to have purpose combined with the ability of control over such a matter. How long would it take to be commoditized and sold I wonder. People are alteady selling lucid dreaming. I guess what I get from it is a reminder of what possibility we have access to. And a dance with the soul, which has become a privilege nowadays. The journals do provide an unmistaken source of information to conscider, maybe sometimes to significant for some? I don’t know. Wording often fails, if not always, to convey messages about things concerning the participation of self(s) outside of every day social norms. I wonder why.

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Re: Help interpreting a weird dream i had when asking for advice

Post by Cerber »

Well, I think it depends on individual, so the question should be "What I can use this or that for?", or "What this or that specific person can use this or that practice or experience for". I think it all can be very different for everyone, what any specific person would call "useful" for him/her self. So while we might struggle finding one answer that fits all shapes and sizes of people, we can get somewhere more specific with such question if we apply it to someone specific, perhaps.
If we take that same specific subject "lucid dreaming", there are a lot of people teaching others how to do it, and they are marketing it for many different "useful things", like it can help to deal with certain emotional and or psychological issues in that safe space of "lucid dream", or it can be as some simulation to try different things and so on. But for me personally none of those things were very appealing, not something I would call useful, for me specifically.
So in a sense I had no use for it, until one day, virtually accidentally, I discovered I can go out in to full "astral projection"/OBE from any lucid dream. That was the very first time I thought to my self "Wow lucid dreaming can actually be useful for something I'm actually interested in" . Up until that point my AP/OBE was only through deep meditations, but that path would require significant effort and work, every single time. While lucid dream can just happen randomly with on effort required, and once there, it does not take a lot of effort to "de-couple" from that my "internal astral plane" and "synchronize" with some other planes and places.
But these days LD rarely happens to me, so I'm still mostly stuck with meditation, which has it's own merits, but at least now I able to appreciate it properly on those rare occasions when LD does happens, to appreciate it in a kind of practical way.
I think similarly every other practice, how "useful" something is and in what way, very much depends on needs and interests of specific individuals.
What do you use it for?

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