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Childhood Nightmare Come True.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:29 pm
by karmabloodykarma
I remember when I was about five or so, I’d have these reoccuring dreams where I was in a huge building and each room would lead to another dimension of that same exact place or just something odd. There was also a basement in this dream which was probably what, as a child, scared me the most. A little while ago, I was searching for a cart to put my groceries in so I decided to search around the place. A stranger directed me to the stairway to the basement. Unknowingly, I just walked into the same exact basement. Same doors, elevator, everything. Not sure if this is good or bad yet I feel thrilled eitherway. ( Sorry for any grammatical errors )

Re: Childhood Nightmare Come True.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 10:14 am
by CCoburn
It reminds me of similar Dreams where every road leads back to where I started, and I can't escape this odd/eerie little Town/Place because I keep going in circles. Although your Dream where Events come to Pass is also an example of Clairvoyance !

I did have the Clairvoyant type also as a Child, and I think we are more susceptible to this type of Phenomenon when we are Children.

It's hard to say if it's good or bad, hopefully the former. Maybe in Time more will be revealed to you !
