Wealth Magic

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Wealth Magic

Post by Haqim »

And here we go, the Big Question: How to gain wealth with magic?

I've heard that many occultists experienced this - getting riches is very difficult (or even impossible) to achieve.

There are many theories about this (like attracts like, money is energy, etc), so I decided to start this topic: How to get money / become wealthy with magic?

Any experiences?

Also we can discuss anything Wealth Magic-related.

P.S.: I posted this in "Help!", because I really need money and / or a job.
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

I'm experiencing a lot of success, but before I threaten my own potential I want to pose a few questions to the thread.

What is wealth?

What is money?

What are the properties of extremely wealthy families?

What are the properties of money?

In my experience, the biggest difference between wealthy families and poor families is culture, education, and strong virtues.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

Side note: If you live in Colorado and need a job send me a pm.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by Haqim »

magari wrote:Side note: If you live in Colorado and need a job send me a pm.
First of all: Thank you, but unfortunately I live on the other side of the planet! :D
magari wrote:I'm experiencing a lot of success, but before I threaten my own potential I want to pose a few questions to the thread.
One of my teachers said once: "The first step in philosophy is: Define your concepts!"
magari wrote:What are the properties of extremely wealthy families?
I often wonder - what's the secret of these wealthy families?
Maybe there are occult answers for this, too (and not just luck and / or hard work).
magari wrote:In my experience, the biggest difference between wealthy families and poor families is culture, education, and strong virtues.
... and many times these are the virtues of the poor families, not the wealthy ones.
Actually, I know a lot of rich families full of dumbs and idiots.

I think most of the times it's all about the luck.
... which is good, because where there's probability, there's also chance. :)
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

It's not really a secret, but hard to define without sounding extremely controversial in my opinion.

There is definitely a lot of lucky individuals, but sustainable success has a common thread. Surround yourself with enough people and you'll find it. Often the hardest decision we have to make is in choosing our friends.

However there are always things you can do to get started. Money itself has its own properties that can be manipulated to promote growth.

Money "flows"

It's how we monetize value.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by Maya The Generator »

I hope maybe some of us will find Liber Cashflow. Guy with nick nnnm wrote it and it was very short but I had contact with a guy 5 years ago and do not have emails from that time. He wrote some interesting hints but I was distracted by more basic knowledge.

He too focused on the fact money needs to flow. I do not have more unfortunetly. [tongue]

If I will dig out smthing I will let you know. [cool]
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by Ušušur »

magari wrote:
What is wealth?

What is money?

What are the properties of extremely wealthy families?

What are the properties of money?
Let me try...

1. I believe wealthy means having no desire for more money/material possessions. Basically, a happy man with no money is wealthier than an unhappy man with lots of money.

2. Money is fiction all humans agreed to live with. Money doesn't exist outside of human consciousness. The only reason you can buy food for money is because both you and the seller believe in the value money has. Humans are the only species on the planet that are successfully using this concept.

3. There are different types of extremely wealthy families... some just inherited wealth, others built it from scratch. For those who built it from scratch, I'd say some of properties (not all listed) are lack of empathy, thinking outside of the box/progressive thinking, risk-takers, people who learn from their failures, extremely dedicated to the point of obsession, they work a lot, they don't spend time on internet writing hateful comments (lol), they usually don't buy stuff from emotional standpoint but practical/logical.

4. Hm... in order to make money, one should first spend money. This isn't just moving to bigger city, investing into education, looking for new opportunities etc. I mean, let's say you have a job where you need to travel to every day for 30 minutes. You need to spend money to get there and go back home. This sounds banal but when you think about this on a bigger scale, it's inevitable. The money, as I stated - is fictitious - but it has rules. Just because people invented it it doesn't mean it doesn't has any boundaries, I mean if it didn't it wouldn't work at all.

I mean, it's very similar to magic when you think about it... but few people think about money as something that exists only in their heads. Well, this is because money IS real, but it became real BECAUSE we believe in it. With this in mind, one important property of money is that one should take a different look at it (thinking outside of the box) than the one served to us by the media, banks and corporations. It basically means there are other ways to earn money then what society teaches us to.

30 years before, there wasn't internet, ads, social media etc., yet today it's a huge market, everyone wants their ads all over the place, SEO is developing insanely and this stuff keeps growing. So, in the next 30 years, there will be a whole bunch of jobs that don't even exist today. But wait! Who will invent those jobs? Who is directing the market, strategies, the evolution of money? It's us. What I want to say is, flow of money can change based on idea other people will believe into.

I would like to add...

Since its origin is FICTIONAL, you can manipulate it by the strength of your will. For example... when I was without a job, I simply started to act like I have a job. You know, get up early, do various stuff (no job =/= nothing to do), spend an active day and eventually, reality - what you're experiencing everyday - shifts. I truly believe - if you want to find a job I would recommend stop acting like you have no job. There's no room for anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. You should first clean a mess inside your own head and then start harmonizing thought and action. This way, you're not dependent upon luck but you're actually changing, or to be more precise - manipulating reality you live in.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

Money is a tool for measuring human value.

Like a clock is a tool for measuring time.

Time is subjective, so is human value, but we have to agree that it exists in order to use it properly and gain the benefits.

When you monetize human value you gain the ability to organize the work of hundreds of thousands of individuals towards a greater goal. If this isn't a step in the right direction, I don't know what is. I truly believe that the greatest thing humanity could ever accomplish will require the efforts of the entire race. We will need a way to compensate everyone's individual efforts.

Monetizing value also helps us become more efficient, lessen the amount of suffering necessary to get the job done, and ensure that every individual involved is properly compensated and provided for.


So we have our workers and they need to be paid. They provided us with some labor, and now we are in their debt. One guy worked 5 hours and another one worked 20. Combined they provided us with 25 hours of labor and built a good chunk of a pyramid. This is simple stuff, but we obviously owe a lot more to the guy who worked 20 hours when compared to the guy that worked 5 hours.

So at $5 an hour one guy will collect $100 while the other one will only get $25.

However, we are in charge of both of these workers and responsible not only for what they produce, but the quality and timeliness of their work. We get paid $15 an hour and supervised these workers for 25 hours, bringing home $375 dollars.

Thats over double the amount that a single worker would have made and from an outside perspective, we did nothing to earn that money.

But thats not how money works. Money "flows", just like water, from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration.

The human value being measured in the supervisors position has a lot to do with that person's ability to facilitate this "flow". Above him are large sums of money that need to be dispersed to the individuals who are actually doing the work. A supervisor's value can simply be that those who hold the "big pot" above him, trust that the money will "flow" properly through the supervisor to the individuals we are in debt to because of the labor they have provided us. Its silly to imagine that 1 man can organize and provide for a few hundred thousand individuals by themselves, each person collecting their check from the same man. Payday would have lasted years.

The details are much more complicated than that, but the important visual here is money flowing from large concentrations to smaller ones. Much like water, but money doesn't have all the implications that water comes with.

What we are really talking about is human value. Where there is lots of money, there is lots of human value.

If money is the measure of such value then it makes sense that those who are capable of providing for the most people tend to get the most money. These individuals also "handle" money in ways that promote the "flow", eliminate waste (unnecessary suffering) and ensuring the delivery of money to the less concentrated areas.

I'm about to speak in generalizations. If you get offended, you missed the point. Of course I recognize there are always exceptions and humanity is full of incredible individuals.

That being said, poor people tend to "waste" or "destroy" money. The flow of money from the largest concentrations to the smallest are generally incredibly efficient, until that money ends up in the hands of the poor who instead of allowing that money to continue to flow efficiently, allow it to sit and depreciate, loose their change in couches, make purchases that are unsustainable, participate in markets that prosper in human suffering instead of trying to minimize it, ect.

I should track down these statistics, but to me its obvious to most people who open their eyes. I think I read somewhere once that the average household below the poverty line in America owns 3.5 televisions, while the typical rich family averages 1 television. Either way, the purchasing habits of the rich vs the poor is only one example.

Never forget that money measures human value. When money is allowed to flow efficiently without waste, more shows up at the door.

Pick up your loose change.

Collect it in a container that also promotes a "flow". A clay piggy bank does not resonate with money as much as a water pitcher would. Make your loose change "happy" by organizing it in a vessel that will promote its "flow". Do your best to treat 5 cents like you would 5 dollars. Your own idea of whats valuable is unique to you and someone else could probably do amazing things with 5 cents, probably more than you could do with 5 dollars. That would be an incredibly rich person in my opinion.

Purchase "Value".

An $8 Chipotle burrito has far more value than a $5 meal from McDonalds. Instead of fueling your body and mind with food made out of plastic, probably worth its price of $5, you are eating guaranteed GMO-free food that was grown and raised by conscious farmers, healthy, and whole. The $8 you spend on that burrito might actually touch more individuals who are involved in the process of delivering that burrito to your hands. The $3 difference does stack up, however, a rich minded person understands that they will probably end up having to pay more in the long run when their health fails or the people farming consciously are out of a job and all we have left to eat is plastic. To a rich person, spending $3 dollars now forgoes possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars later. Plus, the food generally tastes better and is better for you. Money's value is tied to time. Lookup the time value of money. Basically a dollar now is worth more than a dollar in the future because it can be invested to provide a return. Also consider inflation, happening all the time, depreciating the money thats sitting in your bank account, collecting dust and losing value. Rich people put money to work, they don't let it sit. When Apple's cash account reached over 4 billion dollars, their shareholders demanded that they hand out some dividends, or put that money to work. Its not that the shareholders were greedy, and wanted some of that 4 billion dollars, but that they knew that the value of that 4 billion was depreciating and the value of their stocks with it. They were urging Apple to put their cash to work or hand it out so the shareholders could put it to work for them. These individuals desires had nothing to do with greed, but everything to do with creating more value for everyone.

Buy a 100 pair of sunglasses and be responsible for them. They will last you forever if you take care of them and you won't be spending 10-20 dollars every other month on a pair at the gas station. Do research on your big purchases. If you have no idea what a car is, or why you might need an oil change you should probably not take the dealer's advice. Like to drink? Cheap alcohol causes more hangovers and health issues than finer distilled alcohol. You'll taste a difference, get drunk quicker, and recover faster. There are endless examples where one should really spend a little extra, and most people don't. They end up paying more in the long run.

Understand your own "Value".

If you don't know what you're worth, you'll never get paid for it. Recognize where your value lies and where you can improve. The livelihood of someone's family depends on everyone showing up to work on time, getting the task done right, and cooperating as a team. Not a team player? Don't show up on time? Are you constantly being reminded to get back to work? You're a liability to everyone else, you're a liability to the livelihood of your co-workers and their families, provide little to no value, and will be replaced as soon as a solid individual is available to replace you. However, if you work hard, are dependable, and capable of learning and growing, then you will be given more and more responsibility, your value to the team will increase, so will your pay, and eventually you might be trusted with larger and larger streams of money. Realizing the role you play in your team can be leveraged to earn you a higher wage or an initial raise at the very least.


The "weirdness".....

Scarce resources tend to have more human value than abundant ones. New resources/technology/experiences have much more value than older ones.

Large pools of human value can spring up out of nowhere like striking oil or gold. Oddly enough this tends to happen only in places where there is little to no human value at all. Almost as if its the will of the universe to balance human value. (Maybe it is?)

In a system where the poor destroy value, the rich are constantly trying to create it.

We are gradually creating a world where poor people can't destroy value. This is leading to a global shift in the "large pools" of money. Money is moving from what political scientists call the "Global North" to the "Global South". Cryptocurrencies are facilitating this mostly in countries where corruption is rampant in the most fundamental of institutions, essentially eliminating an individuals need to rely on their own banks and lenders.

Interest..... Illegal and morally wrong for the longest time in human history, its now a necessity for continued growth and development, especially in the underdeveloped nations. Interest rates right now are manipulated manually in order to promote balance in FOREX.

The global economy holds priority over any single nation's economy. This was demonstrated during America's real estate crash in 2008 and again more recently when oil prices dropped thanks to OPEC.


This is an incredibly controversial topic. We won't learn anything if we focus on the outliers.

In my opinion, the differences between the rich and the poor in terms of character, perspective, education, and habits are obvious.

Money "flows" from high concentrations to low concentrations.

Money measures Human Value.

Not everyone can be of equal value or contribute the same amount.

The system is always in flux and definitions of human value and time itself changes.

You can always find a documentary supporting every possible opinion.


I'm not satisfied with this post, but being someone who has stood on both sides of the fence I'm reluctant to express myself freely.

What tends to happen is that people hate the system until they learn to navigate it, then they use the system to bring wealth into their family. Once the family is wealthy they become extremely protective of it in order to ensure the success of their future generations. Their future generations are able to grow and develop within an environment full of wealth and health and that ensures their successes. I can't blame them.

The underprivileged generally never learn how to navigate the system in the first place and see it as their enemy instead of a tool for promoting development and growth. They go to great lengths to separate themselves from the system and or individuals who support it. Essentially removing themselves from the economy as much as possible while still depending on it, only promoting their poverty.

To the poor, the rich are the enemy a source of oppression instead of inspiration and wealth.
To the rich, the poor are a bunch of grown-up children who can barely make their own decisions.

This is my experience.

I would tell all budding magicians to go get a proper education. The financial system and economics are complicated and for very good reason. However its also a human phenomenon and tends to have a mind of its own, making it predictable at times and unpredictable at others. People with little to no value can stumble upon greatness, and greatness can be destroyed in a few seconds via a rumor on the wire. Sustainable wealth comes with a sustainable perspective/lifestyle. No matter who you are, you make choices now to affect the future. Rich people tend to look further into the future than most.


now I'm rambling, forget it.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

For example... when I was without a job, I simply started to act like I have a job. You know, get up early, do various stuff (no job =/= nothing to do), spend an active day and eventually, reality - what you're experiencing everyday - shifts. I truly believe - if you want to find a job I would recommend stop acting like you have no job. There's no room for anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. You should first clean a mess inside your own head and then start harmonizing thought and action. This way, you're not dependent upon luck but you're actually changing, or to be more precise - manipulating reality you live in.
This definitely works, however most people fail after their first success.

A lot of people present themselves, carry themselves, dress themselves, ect with images of wealth. However, as soon as the money shows up, they go back to their old spending habits.

This was happening to me for a very long time. I walked/talked/looked the part, but was still feeling the pinch way too much even though at times my bank account was larger than it had ever been.

Getting the money to show up was the easy part, however it never really belonged to me and was out the door the very next day. This would bring in more money, but again, I couldn't spend it on what *I* wanted to spend it on. The reality was I simply didn't have anything worth spending it on. As soon as I began genuinely supporting people with my own money, putting them to work for it, I had more than I knew what to do with. I couldn't hire enough labor to spend it all.

Too much money is a problem a problem most people don't understand because they aren't familiar with its nature.

Money has to flow.
If you spend it on products/services that aren't worth the price in value then you are losing money.
If you spend it on products/services that are worth more than their price in value then you are making money.
Money is one way of measuring Human Value. Even if you don't have a job, a valuable person who wakes up every morning and "goes to work" will be provided for in some shape or form. Human Value is more than money.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by Haqim »

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

You wrote a LOT, and I don't really have anything to add, at the moment.
I need to meditate on your answers.
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by frackture »

Magari, every time you talk about money you shock me! I didn't read all of it, so I might be a little off in my interpretation of what you said. Anyway...

Altough I recon that in our society money translates as a quantification tool for human value and success.
We, occult students, should realize that this is a fallacy.

A lot (or all) of spiritual systems talk about the release of the material world. The contemporary society is way too attached to the material domain, and the wish for more (and more) money is the highest expression of that attachement.

Money flow represents the ideia of consumption, be it by consuming or by being consumed. You make money to consume, and to make money you are consumed.

To answer the topic, I'm way to new at the occult to give you any valid tips on Wealth Magic.
But I will say this, searching for money is not the best thing you can do. If you want/need something, you should focus to get that something. Not the money to get it. Do you know what I mean?

Money is never the final thing you want, money is the thing to get things. Money is empty by itself.
Focusing in having money just because you want money, in my opinion is a corrupt path.

Of course i'm not delusional, and I know that all of us have to generate some sort of income to pay for our lives. But if you focus to much on that aspect you are losing yourself in the process. You end up not living, but being lived.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

I want to be poor for the rest of my life said no one ever.

The super rich know it's not about the money, but about living happy, fulfilling, exciting lives.

The goal in this man's opinion is to honor the gift of life.

Money measures value, but value is independent from money and most of the value in our lives can't be quantified. However a lot of value does have a price. Those prices are always in flux though.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

Being rich and wealthy is definitely more about being happy and healthy.

In this man's experience the happiest, healthiest people definitely average a very high net worth.

Ghandi through off the curve lol
However Ghandi also didn't really live a "balanced" life.

But a balanced life won't get you all you desire. It's about priorities.

What's important to you.

Humanity should be balanced, individuals should be exactly that.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by frackture »

magari wrote:I want to be poor for the rest of my life said no one ever.

Just one that came to mind... there are a lot more for sure...

You don't need to have a lot of money to be happy and healthy. That's the fallacy! And by the way, what is happiness?
But one thing is for sure, if you value money above all else, you won't be happy without it.
That is part of the capitalist propaganda we all live in.
Money buys it all.
magari wrote:The super rich know it's not about the money, but about living happy, fulfilling, exciting lives.
My definition of being super-rich is very different than yours. I see those filthy rich business men as slaves of money. Working for something abstract, that does not accomplish anything except more money.
After you have millions dollars, why do you need to have billions? Do you see that as a healthy behavior?
Does your life quality improve constantly with more money?

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by Haqim »

Magari, I think frackture just thinks that your definition of money is basically: money = the symbol of wealth.
And he says that it's not the symbol you want - you want the thing that money represents.

But frackture, magari might be right.
Many magical rituals (if not all of them) needs a focus / foci.

Well, money can be the focus of wealth magic.
Thus you can control wealth by controlling / redirecting the flow of its symbol - money.
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by RoseRed »

I'm at a point in my life where nourishing myself is very important. I don't think I ever realized just how important before. Yes, my needs are met but what are the things that nourish your soul? For me, I love spending time with long distance friends. There are times when I just need to get away for a couple days from the zoo LOL. These things cost money. The world around us revolves around it. By putting your focus on the result and not micromanaging the magic can result in wondrous things.
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

You can help a lot of people with money, the biggest contributions to charity come from the super rich.

The super rich are far from slaves. They love what they do. They are smiling and thankful from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep.

But I'm talking about sustainable wealth. A lot of poor people who became super rich lose their wealth quickly to greed and protectionism. Most old money demonstrate very little greed. They understand their role in society and do their best to provide for the most.

Parasites exist too, but are not the common denomination.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by RoseRed »

How do you know so much about what the entire class of 'the super rich' do or don't do?
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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

Don't take my word.

There are plenty of books and documentaries about it.

But like I said above,

Every opinion has its own documentary.

Your own perspective is a choice.

When you look up the social ladder you can see your enemy or you can be inspired to greatness.

In my experience, most people are incapable of learning how to make real money. They just refuse to learn and think that they know everything.

You don't know what you don't know.

So know that you don't know

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by magari »

Also, remember there are always exceptions.

I speak in generalizations.

We learn by finding the common thread. The outliers got lucky or are superhuman.

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Re: Wealth Magic

Post by asterik »

Yes, wealth magic.....be able to see future or create this as just do lotto.....

If anyone needs a bank account for this, i will fill out lotto and give you 65% back return.

With the spiritual side, all you gain is yours if you depart from the whole.

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