Ask A Succubus Thread

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Re: Ask A Succubus Thread

Post by exera »

To start off, I must come clean and admit that it is very hard for me to write this message and be honest here, but I refuse to allow my pride to taint others due to my foolishness by spreading propaganda and blasphemy. Thus I give an update to this thread that I wanted to remain buried here on these forums. How I cringed when a saw that a 1000 have read it.

Went down the rabbit hole very deeply. Found out some things about myself that um aren't easy to admit, until I became forced too. I get that there is no such thing as evil, that in the game of chess, to black white is evil, and to white black is evil, no truth being prominent. Yet when it matters, through trials, you see what you are made of – to find out what you truly believe.

First, I apologize to any that I have misguided with my thread. I was a fool. Please forgive me for misguiding any of you. My intentions was in the right; I simply allowed my ego to blind me to the truth - until eventually the concept of a game, and something that I thought of as fun and playing around, became an objective truth that beforehand, I thought nothing more than a fictional fairy tale of holly wood. Although the signs and connection were there, I always thought it was simply the concept of possible on set of schizophrenia and me becoming possibly crazy or my ego at play believing that I had made contact with another species through what fictional writers call telepathy. The possibilities were endless in my mind and how excited I became to finally undergo a real paranormal experience.

For what it’s worth, I don’t take back what my experience has taught me, as I have grown a lot because of it; I simply wish I hadn’t done so in the first place, and would gladly take it back if possible. When you read a lot of paranormal threads and see how much craziness exists in this world, it's very easy to become skeptical and write most of it off as foolishness. No matter how many stories, teachings, and parables you explain to a blind man who has never seen colors, I understand that it is impossible to truly grasp the concept without experiencing it firsthand to understand what it all really means. To live on faith alone is really hard, I get that, but sometimes belief alone can become an extremely powerful force – both for good, and also for evil. There's a lot that I still don't understand about how it all works. However, what I have come to realize is that succubus are not your friend. Do not deceive yourself into believing so.

Finally, based upon what I believe, regardless of what religion/philosophy/practice you follow, remember words such as Hindu’s Karma to Christianity’s God to Lucifer hold no meaning in the end, these are just words and ultimately symbols of creation, it is the power that you give to these symbols that define everything. Much like in the drug community, succubus the sin of lust is a gateway drug. Yes, sex is a wonderful thing, almost no one would dispute this, but sex isn’t love. Love is something far more precious.


(P.S: If anyone feels that they are in a deep contact with such beings and need an alternate private opinion from someone, reach out to me through a PM. I will try my best to explain some things and to put things into perspective.)

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Re: Ask A Succubus Thread

Post by ghawke2 »

What happened? So your thread was a fabrication or have you now actually "encountered" something?

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Re: Ask A Succubus Thread

Post by Count Zero »

Ego is a very powerful drug, especially when you feel yourself to be 'enlightened'. Truth be told, you don't need to be anything special to do outstanding things through magick. Claims of contact with things such as succubi need to be backed up - nothing that was said in this thread sounds like something a succubus would say, nor any other spirit, for the most part it sounded more like human ego.

Don't let your ego overcome you - the more you posture and attempt to make yourself out to be special the further you drift from the goal; true destruction of the self and acceptance of the shadows. To know, to understand and then to remain silent - thats the key, not to draw attention to yourself and then live the rest of your life both running and having to prove things to others.

Nothing is ever real, but everything remains permissible, such is the nature of the occult - you set out to find answers and only find yet more and more questions.

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