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Is Thelema a religion?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:30 am
by Jastiv
When I first got interested in Thelema, I thought of it as a religion. I was hoping to replace Christianity with it. Now that I am doing my true will, I don't care. I still use some rituals from Thelema from time to time and I still apply some of the philosophy, but I don't really care about it anymore the same way I once did. I have found better methods for my practice than some old rituals Crowley wrote up. I've also channeled a better tarot deck.

Re: Is Thelema a religion?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 11:58 pm
by Ferus Animi
I consider Thelema to be a new model of the world. It contains religion for those that are drawn to religion, but in a different form than the dualistic devotional systems that most of us are familiar with.
A better de3ck than the Thoth? I'd love to see it.

Re: Is Thelema a religion?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 4:24 pm
by Rumpelstilzchen
Crowley calls Thelema “the mark of the mind untrained to take its own processes as valid for all men, and its own judgement for absolute truth”.