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Let's have fun!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:25 pm
by Muloc7253
Isn't that why a lot of us got into magick? I fell in love with the idea of chaos when I found it - but it seems like ever since the late eighties [edit: I haven't been around for that long, just an observation) its gotten more and more to the point where its purely results-based. It went from this enticing, limitless other world to a kind of dull, manipulative magical substance that could be played with if we temporarily trick our heads a bit. Most people I know in person that practice folky/personal/chaos magick seems to be strictly results-based sigil catchers. The romance, heck, the "magic" of it all seems to have been toned down a lot, and I think that in shedding the dogma and strict rules of ancient magick that many have thrown out the baby with the bath water and getting rid of all that witchy tomfoolery - honing down the act of magic to a simple cut and paste act - which is great in its own right, but not why I got into magic. A lot of these people seem to "grow out" of magick a bit later as their sigil results get weaker, servitors become less responsive and their spontaneous insights into the other dimensions a life only crop up occasionally in dreams and drugs. When the imagination isn't a light the magick loses its nutrition.

I have a lot of little adventures all the time in chaos, I cast that way deliberately, and since being into magick things have gotten more colourful, I'm meeting way more interesting people, encountering more animals, having unusual lucid dreams, lots of random adventures which wind up with me running through the woods or some other sponeneous, unforced event - the world has, essentially, become the place I dreamed it could be when I was 7. My favourite movie as a kid was Jumanji, and inscribed within that game were the words "a game for those who seek to find, a way to leave their world behind". And I always dreamed about playing that dice - rolling the dice and accepting the deadly consequences, playing with dangerous forces that invite you in - all in the name of adventure. This is what magick does for me - getting things I need on time is great, I've thrown enough sigils around, but when you approach magick with the possibility of fun and adventure, the universe goes from being something like a painting you can study in an art gallery to something that plays with you. And like your partner in crime it seems to have your back, and during those most colourful and magical times then results-based magick seems to come about stronger, more naturally and often without you even having to perform any spell or ritual.

So, maybe we could have a discussion thread about different adventures you've had/recommend. Maybe you've created some kind of excciting new magick or there's a particular old Goetic demon that many have a lot of unbelievable cooperation with, or whatever, I'm not going to limit this. Lets talk about having fun about magick - or lets say, magick that isn't meant for gain or self-improvent. Magick for magicks sake.

Re: Let's have fun!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:29 pm
by Muloc7253
And any reading material you could recommend in this vein would be cool too - Phil Hine's Modern Shamanism series is a good one.

Re: Let's have fun!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:10 am
by Occultess
I'm kind of the same way about magick. I mean, about having fun. When I started hearing people say that magick was all serious and that you should be serious and it wasn't for fun, I was like...."Well, then what's the point?" I must admit I probably don't practice it that way particularly, but that's atleast partially because magickaly I'm all alone and I'm not all skilled and confident and some types of spells still make me nervous and I don't do them even when I need to and, etc., etc., etc.

*sigh* maybe I should try to me more spontaneous once in a while...

If nothing else maybe one of the future posters of this thread will say something I'll try.

Re: Let's have fun!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:58 pm
by beero
Have you seen the blog runesoup, this reminds me of a post on there about choosing about five things that don't really matter but would be fun if they happened and enchanting for them