Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

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Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

I have 2 hours to write this, don't think I'll finish, but here goes.

I feel the need to write this for a few reasons,

First of all this tends to be a polarizing issue for me on these forums. The majority of my aggression stems from my opinions surrounding this topic. This aggression is due to my experiences fighting in Afghanistan (first as a grenadier and RTO, then as a sniper section leader), studying conspiracy theories for years before then, speaking with world leaders, and studying international relations and political science.

This aggression tends to come out when an idea is proposed that, in my opinion, goes against the nature of humanity, a species I love more than anything else. This aggression tends to read as targeted towards particular members, but in reality there isn't a member on these forums I dislike. Lets call it "tough love". While a mother might bundle her child up in 20 layers of clothing before the child goes and plays in the snow I would rather supervise the suffering of my son so that he may learn a lesson on his own, allowing him to experience pain and suffering that I know will not destroy him or prohibit his development in any way, stepping in before anything like that occurs, and then when he realizes he is uncomfortable I will inspire him to consider how he can better his situation. This is how I was taught, this is how I teach. I realize its not exactly "nice" and probably not necessary for everyone, and most of the individuals I encounter in society never received this kind of "tough love". When they encounter a person like myself they resort to taking offense and passing me off as mean and cryptic instead of stopping to think about "why" I am saying what I'm saying or acting how I'm acting. Gotta catch em young.

The other reason I'm writing this is because I'm beginning to realize this will always be a polarizing issue for me. As I continue to develop into a major contributor to society I realize how I must look to those who entertain these uneducated ideas. While I truly don't believe what I'm doing is "evil" or "Supremacist", "greedy" or "materialistic" I will never forget the way I looked at the world when I entertained these ideas. Simply putting on a suit and tie makes me the enemy to a vast majority of individuals who will never understand why or how I do what I do. As I progress I will embody the authority figure these individuals have targeted more and more and will create enemies for myself as I continue to experience material success and spiritual maturity. I will slowly begin to walk, talk, and dress like the "enemy" in many people's eyes, especially those who embrace the occult through conspiracy. I've already have my title of "occultist" officially removed by a moderator here. [rofl]

I have an incredible sense of where my life is leading me and where I've directed my focus and attention, my goals, and the future. Believing that I'm a slave to an elite group of individuals who have ultimate power over whether I survive or thrive is useless to me; and I imagine everyone.

Anyways, I've decided simply to not participate in any more discussions regarding conspiracy theories that lean on the ultimate one; "The Illuminati". I will use this thread as evidence when asked and if anyone genuinely wants to discuss this matter with me can do so here, or read this first.


Conspiracy is real;

Conspiracy theories have their place. Not all of them are the wild imaginations of a few individuals, but actual findings gleaned together by people with analytical minds who can connect the dots. That being said, its very difficult, if not impossible to prove these ideas either way and generally speaking not worth the time. It is something we should consider, but not base our live's off of.

The Illuminati exists;

There is a secret society known as the Illuminati, however I refuse to believe they are lizard people, aliens, our global leaders bent on suppressing the ability of the human race to grow, or a combination thereof. Its an old order of gentlemen (and perhaps some ladies) who share common interests and goals either in business, spirituality, or life. Its members collectively have a lot of power in modern society, but the goal is progress, not the suppression of human ability.

The System;

The system is the method by which humanity organizes itself. Its something that has evolved over time from our most primitive beginnings to current state. As humanity has grown in size and ability to communicate the methods by which we interact with each other have become more and more complex.


The idea I'm attempting to defeat here is the conspiracy that there is a single organization of powerful individuals who rule the entire world with the goals of suppressing human development. Some versions of this theory have aliens or lizard people at the helm, which helps explain why any human would consider enabling the suffering of millions of people for the promise of power, wealth, immortality, or any crazy technology the lizard/aliens possess.

The whole idea depends on the idea that this organization was established at the dawn of time, when humanity was young and the powerful easily corrupted. Throughout time human development is allowed by these individuals because otherwise we would revolt.

This is all really silly. I will try not to rewrite the first chapter of my book which is in my signature, but the history of humanity, in fact the history of everything that develops and grows in this universe (aka the principles that moderate growth and movement in nature and the universe) don't allow for this kind of nonsense.


If you're developed enough to understand the principals of magick as defined by many paradigms and capable of experiencing them then this next part will make a lot more sense to you.

As above, so below;

Humanity is a single organism

Humanity is many organisms

Humanity is a single organism through unification by communication

In the beginning a human struggled to survive the wilderness of nature.

Then came the tribe.

Then came communication, which allowed the tribe to create a tribe-mind which it developed through the generations of learned knowledge passed down from shaman to apprentice, from parent to child.

Humanity began to not only survive the wilderness, but thrive.

As time progressed, multiple tribes began communicating with each other.

In attempt to satisfy many, compromises had to be made.

Some tribal leaders were more powerful than other tribal leaders, either by intelligence, or resources, or knowledge.

Different cultures meet, some spread, some die, just like ideas.

The unification of people and culture brings innovation.

Innovation occurs randomly and causes upsets in power and stability as humanity shifts to embrace the innovation which allows for further growth and development.

Innovation generally improves the lives of many over the few as it spreads where there is unification and communication amongst humans. Hence why the industrial revolution empowered some nations and not others.

Individuals closer to the core of development and innovation experience the benefits first. Those removed from communication with the core do not continue to develop at the same rate.

Innovation can come from anywhere at any time and generally has immediate effects on those around it, allowing for progress never before seen.

By political science standards this is how hegemony is created. However, throughout history hegemony has an obvious lifespan and it's life and death are characterized by human innovation.

Hegemony while it exists holds power and dominance over the rest of the human body, but also fosters and develops the innovation for its widespread use, enabling even the furthest from the core to experience the benefits, eventually allowing for another piece of humanity to create new innovation which in turn moves the hegemony from one core to another.

Suffering is a constant, progress is a measured resistance to suffering.

Humanity is a single organism, like a plant, constantly suffering the eb and flow of night and day, rain and dry. Constantly seeking the sun with its leaves and flowers, and the moisture with the tips of its roots.

Thats where our leaders lie, on the highest leaf on the highest branch, dictating to the rest of the body where the sunshine is.
Or on the tips of the roots constantly dictating to the rest of the body where the moisture is.

Some leaders fail and entire branches die when there is no more sunshine or water for the roots.

Some leaders succeed and our lives are changed forever.


Based on what I understand of history humanity has been thriving. As a single organism we have united the majority of our species so that future innovation benefits more than ever before. We have grown in size and ability. As a single organism we have developed a keen sense of ourselves and our future, the planet we live on, the universe we float in. Our sensory ability has stretched deep into outer space and while before we barely understood the activities of the herd, we now predict weather on other planets.

Suffering is a constant, however we have made enormous strides to combat it.
200 countries in 200 years - incredible growth in health and wealth of "everyone", not just the lizard/alien lords.

The ability to organize, unite, and focus the work of millions of individuals is no simple task. While primitive methods were used in the beginning, as the numbers increased and diversity with it, we required more complex forms of governance. Law itself is so complex that it takes years of intense, dedicated study in order to be able to use it at the levels required to maintain order.

An order that allows for the development of innovation.

This is not easy to understand, and after traveling the world and speaking to leaders of various backgrounds I still don't fully understand it, no one really does. The "System" is almost its own creature, studied by political scientists who develop theories to try to understand how it works. They use these theories to explain the past and the future to help our leaders make wise decisions. Its a fledgling science, psychology of nations if you will.

Then there is the economy, which all nations now bend to the will of.

Hegemony, currently, is the goal. With hegemony nations can improve the lives of their subjects tenfold over the rest of the human race. Their culture and social ideals spread like wildfire and their ability to conduct charity increases as well.

This hegemony depends on innovation, innovation depends on diversity, diversity depends on education and maturity.

It is not in the best interest of nations to maintain a population of uneducated, weak individuals. However, in the absence of education individuals are liabilities to the nation who hosts them and will be treated as such.

Education itself has a history and has evolved since primitive times. Government was never the source of powerful education and never will be, however it recognizes the need for modern humans to be able to conduct themselves in a complex environment if they are to be productive and not a liability to the rest of us. So modern governments provide basic education, or subsidize organizations who will do this for them.

Education is what allows an individual to grow from a grub, to a caterpillar, to a butterfly. Its not a right, as many individuals choose to remain at particular levels even when higher education is offered to them for free. However, grubs have no business telling a butterfly how to live their life, but a butterfly probably has a good idea regarding the perspective of the grub. Great butterflies make more grubs and in turn help them become butterflies, improving the overall maturity of the race.

Its true we still need grubs and caterpillars, not everyone has the opportunity to become butterflies, and if everyone was a butterfly nothing would get done, but this is something that has been gradually shifting in favor of the butterfly since the dawn of time. As innovation and technology removes humanities need for simple labor, more individuals will be forced to become butterflies. Also, more individuals will have the time and resources to become butterflies. Its another trend of progress.

Change is hard, its not easy, but fighting change is going against the nature of the universe itself. Nature is incredibly impartial and entropy is very real. Refuse to change and you gravitate towards non-existence.

The real state of global affairs is incredibly complicated, hard to understand without a basic background in all disciplines of human knowledge, a decent vocabulary, and some understanding of history from multiple perspectives.

Due to the complexities of the situation and the fact that suffering is a constant, conspiracy theories that explain the state of affairs simply which make the individual a victim of powers beyond their control are very popular. The reality is far more complex than the conspiracy theorist is willing to admit. Its much easier to blame unknown powers for your suffering than it is to get up and do something about it.

If you're really curious as to whats happening at the highest levels of global leadership you must study international relations and political science. It requires re-learning history a bit if all you have is a government provided education, but it will empower you more than you know.

The link below is a 3 hour long video presentation on the findings of a team of political scientists working for our world's leaders. This briefing was given at the pentagon, but you can see there are many foreign leaders in the crowd as well. Again, collaboration, unification, communication, and education is what brings growth and prosperity, not oppression. ... esentation


Why the Occult?

Conspiracy theories are very attractive to the occult. Documentaries like Zeitgeist, and The Esoteric Agenda, introduce people to the occult on a daily basis. The Occult provides great excuses for outrages claims by conspiracy theorists.

The connections the conspiracy theories make develop an occultist in their ability to identify symbols and their meanings, the powers behind them, the histories and the paradigms they represent.

When I first started out in the occult conspiracy theories were an inspiration for a lot of my work, they shined a light in places I would have never looked otherwise. They introduced me to history I never bothered to consider, and gave me inspiration for my own research.

I learned so much from studying conspiracy theories that its hard not to recommend it to others, however there came a point when my progress came to a screeching halt.

The only way I can explain this is that my entire perspective at the time had no faith in the system, or the way things were, reality, if you will.

Thats no way to live, and no way to continue to progress. The reality is things are the way they are for a very good reason. Not because lizard/alien lords are ruling over our species, using us simply as their slaves for their own demise, but that humanity itself has been on a path of development and growth since the dawn of time and while things aren't perfect, they never will be, there is no such thing, suffering is a constant and everything we've done up to this point has been to mitigate that suffering as much as possible.

When I finally decided the System was my enemy I looked for a way out. What I realized is that I couldn't survive outside of the system, I didn't have the confidence or training necessary.

So instead I vowed to submit fully to it. I figured, if I was a slave anyways, I might as well embrace it. My plan was to wear the colors like a blind idiot, benefit from everything the system had to offer, then when the time was right and I had taken all I could from it, I would bail.

I joined the best organization I could imagine which would prepare me for life outside the system, the military. I would submit fully, have it mold me into a badass capable of surviving outside of the system on my own accord and then when my time was up thats what I would do. Abandon it, abandon society, civilization, the entire human race.

Boy was I stupid [rofl]


2 hours, not bad.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

The biggest reason I fail to believe or even consider most conspiracy theories these days is the way the message is delivered.

Most of the time they never consider the "whole" picture.

The language used is generally not meant to inspire or educate, its the kind of language used to instill fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Its a formula for propaganda, and therefore, in this man's opinion, not a credible source of news or knowledge.

If these atrocities laid out simply by conspiracy theorists as if they are plain as day are real, our leaders would have done something about it already. At the highest levels of leadership in the modern system there are far too many cooks in the kitchen for this information to go unnoticed.

Cases where the conspiracy theories are fairly accurate, there is usually something preventing change that the conspiracy theory has left out. Our leaders are not stupid, but they are at the whims of a system that most consumers of conspiracy can barely understand.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by EternalReturn »

I agree with you. While reading about conspiracy theories I also came to the similar conclusion.And I love to freak out people by telling them that I fully support Illuminati in their work [grin]

And well, I do. If they really are extremely powerful people, that means that their experience changes them ten fold than any other human. And that they have been preparing all their life for such task, and it's no easy one. So you have ubermensch thinking and plotting the course of the human society - why is there so much hate towards these people? [greensmile]

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by RoseRed »

I love the whole butterfly thing.

Very nice. :)
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by Cybernetic_Jazz »

I tend to also see hints of foreign espionage in a lot of this stuff, a lot of it having the same kind of "It's fiction....right?" flavor of the Anastasia and Ringing Cedars of Russia. The more someone goes on about the US government being a big coven of Illuminati witches where they claim that the true seat of evil in the (very soon coming!!!!) tribulation - sometimes it might be that, sometimes it's not.

Anyway that's my conspiracy!

That and the good ol' astral light seems to make people believe anything and everything they would have believed anyway so visions of any nature are highly dubious.
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

Cybernetic_Jazz wrote:I tend to also see hints of foreign espionage in a lot of this stuff, a lot of it having the same kind of "It's fiction....right?" flavor of the Anastasia and Ringing Cedars of Russia. The more someone goes on about the US government being a big coven of Illuminati witches where they claim that the true seat of evil in the (very soon coming!!!!) tribulation - sometimes it might be that, sometimes it's not.

Anyway that's my conspiracy!

That and the good ol' astral light seems to make people believe anything and everything they would have believed anyway so visions of any nature are highly dubious.
lol a conspiracy that conspiracy theories are really anti-american propoganda promoted by its enemies?

I like it.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by Horny Goat »

According to what you believe Magari, then the Illuminati must be a completely different group to the greedy bastards who are happy to kill vast numbers of people in pursuit of further riches for themselves. All conspiracy theories do is show that there is a group of very rich and very greedy people, psychopathic in character, who are prepared to cause any amount of suffering in order to make themselves richer.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by Maya The Generator »

Woah, interesting perspective magarii. I always dodged conspiracy theories but right now I might even dig in them. I like how you write long posts :)
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by the_spiral »

Hey, thanks for explaining yourself. I've been skipping most of your posts of late because the cryptic/snarky posturing was getting tiresome, but this was an interesting read [thumbup]
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

Horny Goat wrote:According to what you believe Magari, then the Illuminati must be a completely different group to the greedy bastards who are happy to kill vast numbers of people in pursuit of further riches for themselves. All conspiracy theories do is show that there is a group of very rich and very greedy people, psychopathic in character, who are prepared to cause any amount of suffering in order to make themselves richer.
Nail on the head.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

the_spiral wrote:Hey, thanks for explaining yourself. I've been skipping most of your posts of late because the cryptic/snarky posturing was getting tiresome, but this was an interesting read [thumbup]

I dont blame you. Im a cryptic, cocky son of a bitch.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by RoseRed »

That's why we love ya, dude.
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

Thanks Rose.

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by Nahemah »

Staff don't care why you are aggressive, merely that you are.

We don't do aggressive here and this is why you've experienced problems.

You have some strange ideas about the industrial revolution, but you are entitled to your opinions, much the same as any other member is.

These opinions only become problematic when you insist that your opinion is fact and that you are correct in all you assume.

I have no idea why you posted this, but it is no more authoratative than anything else, so please be aware this does not justify or excuse any poor behaviour on your part.

Nice ego exposition. That is all this topic is.

However, do carry on.
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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by magari »

I explained why I posted this.

Or at least I thought I did.

Perhaps I was being cryptic again?

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Re: Magari vs Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

Post by Nahemah »

Yes, you did, indeed, your ego is offended by postings made here on this forum regarding topic subject matters that you don't like.

You can try to play on with this or you could stop while you are still within boundaries of acceptability.

The choice is yours on that, but the choice is not yours to decide or dictate what gets posted here or who posts it, or for that matter to state that you feel justified in your hostility because in your own eyes, it is not hostile.

Weak argument is weak and baiting post is weaker.

The staff here beg to differ with you and as it is our judgements that actually matter in this, so be it.

This is not the only forum on the internet. You are welcome to go elsewhere, if you continue to choose not to abide by our rules.
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