Greetings from the GWB

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Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

The Ancients had a beautiful understanding of life and God. They understood that there was a Divine Presence, and they realized that this Presence must be the source of everything. All the good and bad, the death and life; pain, strength and love. They called this source Chaos, for in this All was the opportunity for Man to declare what is Good and Evil. Chaos created love, and time, and wisdom. As a son of Chaos, I have proclaimed the flaws of Order, and called upon Him to aid me as I sought to sort out what I saw to be a lack of Love. He gave me over to His Serpent of Wisdom; the source of Knowledge, so that I could form my views. He sent me to the Lords of Language to examine their design, and to understand that, though I was greatly skeptical of their absolute reality, they were the very stones on which those of us in reality walk. We have wrongfully been taught that this world is pain, or suffering, or War, or Hate, or Love, or deception, or pain... the truth is that this world is effort. Within our needs to keep our family going, we have to accomplish many tasks, and as we do this we find that sometimes war is necessary, and that we will encounter pain, and that this pain will strengthen us as we meet these challenges. We have to define Good and Evil because the things that we see which prevent this success must be managed, and in some cases, declared wrong- even though some of what we declare wrong is actually part of the Divine Plan. In all of this we find one Great Truth that keeps us above all of the difficulty better than the rest of the ideas. That idea is Love. It is the Herald of Peace, and it is the Goddess of Mercy. It is the source of friendship and diplomacy, and it is the gentle touch of our lover, and the eyes of our children. We are all children of Chaos, and it is when we stare into His face with that innocent love of thanks and adoration that God sees that what He made is a wonderful thing. I believe it is this smile on the face of babes that God wants us to bring into this world, and it is the Love of this adoration and innocence that God wants to govern us as we make our way through fighting the elements of Nature as we construct the world. There will be contest; there will be pain, but in all of this, should we lose that smile of Love and thanks, we will be lost.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Hail once again from the Serpent Masters of Venus!

Do What Thou Wilt

When you travel within the Word of Thoth and the Son of God, the Logos- you will know the value of the letter, and the meaning of Truth. Begin with the Oath, and examine Qaballah (I recommend the Hermetic)

A strong survey of religion is necessary for this age, and within those halls lies great treasure, unless yours is the call of the Left, in which case, you can deny all wisdom (at quite a cost).

All Mythology possess the keys, and all religion carry Truth, but the most complete is the Indian, and the most commonly recognized on this side of the planet is the Jew. Still, carry on, for they all intertwine.

Philosophy holds keys that cannot be ignored, and though they are of little comfort in the trial (for really, there is no comfort in the Abyss), one must carry the lesson of the great Greek thinkers in order to find a House in which to dwell. The Great Beast is the current Hierophant, and it is recommended that you examine the ceremonies and ideas presented by the Master Therion.

Tarot is a great source for learning how to read your story, and until you have written one, the gods may not beckon or answer. Take the path of the Neophyte seriously and find your Word. When it is time, it will be revealed to you.

Remember that there are a small selection of disciplines, and decide which is best, but know this: only one crosses all paths.

As you meditate learn to contemplate, and when you eat of your plate, do not hesitate, unless you think it akin to the act of masturbate, which is a sterile lesson, though necessary.

Love is the Law, Love under Will!

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Natures Law is Do What Thou Wilt
Mans Law is not
Chaos is the condition, and within it is Order
Man must find their Strength, and Man must employ Mercy when using it
When Man decides their liberty, then Man decides their restraints, and when Man understands the condition, Man declares Good and Evil

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Life begins from an act of Desire, and actual life begins with desiring. We learn our wants and how to get them as we learn from those that grant them to us. As we grow, the logical thoughts develop, and part of that process is the wisdom to alleviate my own suffering of want. Eventually I overcome this need so that I am satisfied, and as I find satisfaction, I realize the condition of my fellows. Yes, this is a subjective experience- until this moment, where we adopt the objective mind. As we adopt the objective mind, and should we truly believe in the word "Love", we realize that a greater truth over my own want is to help my fellows with theirs. This is what begins the natural and obvious process of seeing that we need to work together to exist against Nature. It also starts the process of bringing two of the opposite sex together to create another living being. As a Man who has overcome the desires and has matured in wisdom of seeing this truth, then we realize what needs to be done, and how. We have experienced pain and know what it does to our spirit and bodies. We decide not to inflict this. We also decide that we must contribute our best to one another so that we can overcome this pain that we all experience. We need to overcome this for peace: for our public health and wealth. The bottom line is that if you are Good, then be Good- and do not compromise the Good because someone else is still stranded at the mercy of their wants and needs. Do not give in to this lack of Good- do not contribute to the work of Evil. Be Good, have integrity. Your word is the only thing standing in the way of Chaos and deceit. This is how we fight Satan.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

This is a sensual World, and all of Man must name their Good. The Good is defined by senses; our eyes that see, and our flesh that feels. These are the first senses that help us to know what we like. Why do we like something? Because it satisfies us. As babes, we find our first wants to be hunger, and so, they that provide us with satisfying this need become our first object of Desire. We learn to rely upon that individual; their appearance becomes something that we associate with Good, and this is the birth of our adult wants. The Philosophers stone is the stomach. Those things that cause us hunger provoke us into investigation of our thoughts and methods to bring satisfaction to our selves. That is why the first advance of Reason is personal selfish desiring. In this sense, we begin and mature as purely selfish creatures. The typical thought process of a Man in this stage is "I want what I want, because I want to survive".

As we begin to rely upon the first provider for our wants, we develop the sense of trust. We start to see a pattern of our needs being met by those that give us care. That is the foundation of trust: I can expect you to do a thing for me. These beings that provide for us comfort us with gentle touch, and so we learn to believe that those that provide for us should be gentle, and that those that are gentle we can trust. As they begin to use language, we associate our minds with the words that they use to define what they do for us, and one of those words is Love. Should all things go as planned, the child will learn to associate the word Love with the beings that nurtured it and provided for it, and the manner in which they did this. The problems that arise as the child matures is that its definition of Love no longer meets the expectation of soft, gentle, and providing actions. This failure is a crucial point in which the child begins to adapt to the language and methods employed by their surroundings, and from this perspective they will begin to accept or deny those that are beginning to demand behavior from them.

Because the child has learned that it wants, it will develop a reasoning that will bring it what it wants. If a child learns that it needs to appear vulnerable to gain the attention of its caregivers, it will employ the appearance of weakness to secure its desire. This will encourage the child to believe that the appearance of weakness is Good, even though it is using its strength to bring the desired result of satisfaction. This is one of the first acts of deception that Man learns to employ; drawing on sympathy. The child will utilize this method, and it will learn others. When we coddle a child and praise them for being charming, they will learn that flirtatious and innocent behavior brings them the attention and praise of our elders, and so they will master the act of charm, which is also a deceptive tactic, for this is no act of innocence, and when we lie to others that we are innocent, we lie also to ourselves, and delude ourselves that our actions are just.

As adults, we should be aware that what is required in life is a frank expression of truth, and charm is a tool that can disguise the truth. Should we want to reduce the effect of physical appearances from influencing our observation of Truth, we need to stop praising a child for being "cute". We also need to stop approving a child for displaying weakness or frailty, because in life, where Man must fight against natural forces and take on the events of tragedy and struggle, Man must be strong. Instead of tending to a child's demand that it is weak, we aught to be training the child to find its strength, and praising the ability to be strong. This is the first defense against the diseases that cause Man to falter in the pursuit of the success of working the land, and the ability to learn and process knowledge, and find the Will to defend property.

There will be times when weakness is legitimate, and in those times we need to be masters of how to manage the cause of the weakness with the understanding of the strength needed to combat it. We want strong children. We want strong citizens. We want people to be able to provide for themselves so as not to be a burden to others. We need our people to be able to be responsible for their share, for we are all part of the same structure of society.

One of the greatest lessons a parent can teach in the transition of being the gentle caregiver to the stern trainer is that a child will be expected to earn their way in life. Teaching strength in the face of the difficult physical and intellectual challenges of mastery over our environment is critical. This should be a constant and daily effort on the part of the teacher and parent, more important even than the actual information we are handing to our children. We must encourage a fortitude with which the child will employ our knowledge. We must also teach to do this with grace; for all children should be accustomed to the gentle provider and view one another with the eyes of Love. Without preserving the gentle touch, Man will fall victim to aggressive and deceptive tactics which will promote excessive and abusive behavior to acquire an unhealthy amount of want over the actual level of need. This is the path to the Chaos of misunderstanding and violence. When Man employs violence for any reason, they teach the victim of the violence and anger that this is a legitimate method of acquiring what one desires, and should Man truly be wanting to rid the world of these things, they must find a way to teach and to acquire without employing such tactics. Man is a malleable being, and though we begin with the same origin, conditioning creates the outcome of the observation and behavior. Man will agree with the morality that forms around the devices employed, and should we not all agree on the same Good, then Man will find that there will be no absolute morality, and when there is no moral truth, there will be no righteousness, and when righteousness falls, there will be no justice, and when there is no justice, then Chaos prevails and we return to the days when the strong will dominate the weak, and all the human rights that we desire will fall to the Will of those with the power to secure the wealth.

As self motivated creatures living in a subjective reality, we begin to learn what it takes to be satisfied. All Man need to learn how to manage this for themselves, for this is the cornerstone of existence. Man needs to feel satisfied; the philosophers stone demands it. Until Man can find contentment, Man will hunger and seek, and know no peace, and when a Man is not at peace, Man will provoke the peaceful with disruption so as to secure the wants of the Man. This is the first advance of Reason. When a Man has found satisfaction; when the established system of society has secured their position of comfort, then Man will be able to appraise their surroundings and realize that they have benefited from the structure. Teaching that the structure that a Man has benefited from was provided by co-operation is crucial to get Man to recognize the second advance of Reason, which is; now that the Man has been satisfied, Man can see that other Man also need to be satisfied. This is when the transition from self driven desire moves onto the altruistic belief in contributing to the efforts of the structure. Man must be able to recognize that without the aid of other Man, they would not survive. From this knowledge we develop the methods of teaching one another how to interact and contribute, and it is this awareness that becomes another priority for instructing our children on what it takes to earn. When a Man is able to provide for themselves, and

recognize that co-operation is necessary to become satisfied, then Man will be able to contribute. This is the ideal from which we should be developing our governmental policies and laws. This is the result of Reason, and it is our best method of employing logic in language, and our ability to be free thinking beings that are aware of more than our immediate needs. It is the best choice of what to do with Free Will. Compromising this will only result in the degradation of Truth and Good, and to expect justice from a system that is unable to provide stable Reason and Logic is naive. This should be the call of every Man that desires Peace, and Love, and Truth, and Order.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

The sexual whore and the intellectual whore are the enlightened masters of life. They both realize that with each new partner/idea comes another opportunity to find the Good and admit the flaw. Man is a verb, we are dancers. In order to live to the fullest we have to enjoy the music, feel each beat with every atom, move along with the other dancers in grace, and lose yourself in the motion. Man is a verb, Love is a hope, pain is a truth, strength is a necessity.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Generosity is the only Love. It is an act of kindness and Mercy, and it is the only weapon against fear, resentment and hatred.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by Cerber »

neofight wrote:Generosity is the only Love. It is an act of kindness and Mercy, and it is the only weapon against fear, resentment and hatred.
I have a very close friend, her name is Samara, she is a master of fear and you just made her laugh by implying you could defeat someone like her with any of those things you named.
She says Hi
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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Magick is the meaning of words. Knowing what they mean and how they work in unison to create reality in perception and experience. Further in, it is the idea that we can manufacture this reality with objects and concoctions, and in a way, this is true- for every story and action creates reality. This world is fire and air, followed by water and earth. The primary element at its source is active, destructive and illuminating. As we become solids, we enter the emotional realm of the senses as influenced by the Magick of perception which creates our sense of Order or Chaos. The Order that we seek comes from the effort involved at sustaining life and acquiring needs and desires. In this effort we strive for fairness for our labor and establish a system of effort and reward.There is another measure for fairness and it is emotional, but this is not the measure of the material world. At its center is generosity but without earning, there will be no charity, and so, in Love, we must sacrifice the pure Good of the heart for the real Truth of the body and the rest of its needs. In this act we establish more rules of fairness, but these rules are difficult because the True nature of the Good is an absolute, and in Love, there will be no perfect trade. The same can be said about labor.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Do What Thou Wilt is the Law of Fire, and as Fire is the first and most important element, it is the Law of the Universe. Love is the Law is the Water, emotional, lunar side of life, and its center is Generosity. The Earth is filled with its own Laws based on the method of exchanging our actions and words as we pursue our needs and desires, and those laws are malleable depending on resources and locations.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

It is her choice to be defeated, and it is my choice to feel threatened. Depending on what she is attempting, I doubt she will be as fearsome as she imagines. The reason these things are weapons is because if we all employed them, people like her wouldnt need to become what she is.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

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That which is Good supports and that which is Evil opposes.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

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Good is that which supports and Evil is that which hinders. When you can identify the intention of the Man in front of you, you can examine if their methods and desired outcome are just.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Let it be known that when the Ledger of Human action has been opened, and the Souls of Man are measured, that the affairs of Man should be judged without prejudice for the resulting harm, because fundamentally I am at the Mercy of ignorant teachers.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

I see a lot of immorality in the World. It is immoral to say you have Truth when you are denying or withholding elements of it. It is immoral to claim an absolute when you have not even bothered to consider alternatives. It is immoral to sell a person the right to do nothing when you know that doing the things that are Good provide you for a life that is satisfactory. This is especially immoral because to sit and do nothing when you are capable of contributing is unjust to the ones that are forced to do what you could do as well. It is immoral because we have lost the definition of Good on a personal level when they themselves would say it is not Good, and it is immoral because we know that this is unfair. It is immoral to proclaim yourself or present yourself as a Master when you are only a student of one portion of the Truth. You are not unlike the rest of us- none of us are- and to pose as someone of authority- especially of the Divine nature, is immoral.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

The rich say "Oh those poor, they dont know what they have" and the poor say "Oh those rich, why do they not share?" no one is content and no one can admit that this might be the only life we will ever "know", though I suspect it is not the only one we experience. The truth of this idea should be a command "Man, if you only get one life, can you make it Good?"

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

The Witches Rule is the key to invention, but invention does not come from simply doing thy will, that is the act of random action with random result and without understanding, it is pure Chaos. The key leads to the door of Chaos, and within it lies the potential of all things. What you bring back from the Abyss depends on what you went in there for, and what you know of what it is you sought- for it is never complete. You have to own a vision to earn the use of the key.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

It is impossible to create a place without want unless you satisfy every potential desire. The meaning of Life is to secure your Power.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

The key to success is fair reward for effort

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Man is meant to live in a state of uncertainty so that Man can learn to appreciate the gifts of Life, and the differences that make us all Human. This leads to gratitude, and willingness to listen, and a seeker of Truth. The uncertain mind is Gods design.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Only when everyone recognizes that we all have the right to speak will any of us begin to truly listen.

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Re: Greetings from the GWB

Post by neofight »

Only when you realize the power of the collective will you earn any power of the self.

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