An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

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An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

Post by ArchangelIdiotis »

I've been reading a primer on Gilles Deleuze,
and this reintroduced many popular modern ideas to me: that morals and ethics are irrational (in the eyes of at least one of my favorite writers, the source of most of the suffering of humanity), that every decision is a 50/50 gamble, and that instead of proving things, if I read the text correctly, instead of utilizing even probability, it is worthwhile to engage in spontaneity living and inventing new perspectives in philosophy that are seen not leaned on.

I'm at the very beginning of the primer, so could be misreading things. If I am correct, this way of processing reality could work for some occultists, disorient others, dehumanize others. I'm not yet sold.

I will say that spontaneous, unfiltered living may be an effective method of transcending fear, achieving heightened states of meditation, and tapping boundless creativity. Yet I myself can be spontaneous and, despite an infinity of data left unexplored, emotional bias, and countless examples of philosophers "getting it wrong," lean on things, assess probability of truth.

My method of assessing probability is to simultaneously perceive available relevant data, and extract first the probability the data promotes that the unavailable relevant data will change apparent truth. This helps me to insert a probability for apparent truth's accuracy.

I am not an amoralist. I can accept most organized religion is superstition. I suspect morals and ethics evolved from an instinctive vague love of society and social niche inducing a history of recorded ponderings into the right way to behave because of said attachment. This attachment, by the way, lasts even if one decides to be spontaneous and surrender (all?) the belief systems that constitute morals. Yet it is ethic to use logic to find out what to do about the attachment.

My best guess is fairness. From a pragmatic selfish standpoint, all sentient life could potentially be unified to defend each individual selfish and sometimes selfless being. From a selfless standpoint, there is a common proximity to the concept of fairness (a vision of fairness distorted to the side with delusion) in popular religion and philosophy of ethics. I suspect love apart from conditioning alternative emotions is simply unconditional, and wants fairness subconsciously. Also, societies and social niches gain as much from fairness, in most instances, as individual selfish beings.

The implications thus far for the occult mainly concern its suitable aims: maybe fairness should be one of them.
-Archangel Idiotis, leader of an ostrich cult.

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Re: An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

Post by WildWolf »

It's been awhile since i dabbled in philosophy. Ironically....the deeper i've gone into the occult...the more things tend to go silent. Life can just become raw awareness. That being said, when it comes to "creativity" and making decisions....the mind comes into play.

As someone who dabbles in divination and looking at fate patterns....i'm unconvinced of universal moral authority....but when we engage with Intent and allow our Will to splash into the cosmic matrix.....there can be beautiful and deathly consequences.....still trying to wrangle that one out.

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Re: An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

Post by ArchangelIdiotis »

I don't think there is such thing as a universal moral authority. Individuality amongst sentient beings promotes near infinite diversity, if time lasts long enough - infinite diversity. That means they all want something different.

Also, fairness might carry the weight of "the numbers" if aimed at unifying an army, because everyone's best interest really is served by going along with it... Unless of course some exception comes up, like a Social Niche of ancient origin that already has the biggest piece of the pie. This niche may have disregarded fairness and may feel threatened by its existence.

The fair directed military can't deter a substantially more powerful force from behaving unfairly, and the more powerful niche may not want fairness to become powerful enough for that to change. I would guess the tactical response would be to let the Social Niche "get away with it" once an irrefutable fact (or just very high probability) that the fair ones can't win.
-Archangel Idiotis, leader of an ostrich cult.

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Re: An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

Post by WildWolf »

Yeah....fairness...its an interesting notion....not sure how deeply it can be applied to structural reality....but it does seem there are some universal rules. Still trying to figure out the rules. Lines of Intent, seems to be a determining "rule".

The lines you tread brew do all the lines around you...being projected from every dimension of reality. Learning to control one's own Intent/Line is of premier import on governing fate.

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Re: An occult philosophy rant inspired by beginner's impressions on Deleuze

Post by ArchangelIdiotis »

a prophet, 100% accurate scrying the exact future, could scry the real quantities of fairness, which i consider:

free will contributed minus free will stolen
pleasure contributed minus pleasure stolen
suffering contributed minus suffering stolen
as per the culpable psyche.

To avoid cruel and unusual punishment, in "punishing" or direct exchanging the karma of a torture artist, a long duration to make amends wherein the suffering is burned off very gradually (more like extreme boredom)

the whole of the fair military guarantees the free will of those to have only contributed (even if very slightly) free will, pleasure to those to have contributed pleasure and to those who have absolved much suffering
-Archangel Idiotis, leader of an ostrich cult.

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