A Science Scroll

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A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Bardly in this method
See night as day in a way to be creative. There are opposites in nature to bring balance to consciousness and the mind is the same reality as the body. For example blue water zone is white and blue sky zone is black; seek and manifest perception and synchronization momentum. Eclipses are rare for the sky but are also black as well like the earth, as there is still light in the day at that time.

Threes is what things may be easily understood to be made out of as life is complex and we should help the animals integrate into the natural mathematical language in consciousness by their bodies and environments/tools(food nests etc) and we are three cubits high to the heart which makes 81 in sync to an important timing we call seconds and we check that we could say, with the fourth cubit high. So a great thing could be dance competitions with 3 first places plainly and with the long understanding to be safe that we are thinking about choice intelligently and maybe a lot about reason more along with of course logic a lot, we could say what ever group the dance style that was being judged came from would be fourth place as they were what the dance also might be checked by as they are always counted as only fourth place.

The sun is the size of big like the moon at black night plus the stars in the black sky; the white moon and white stars ant night are small like the white sun within the black earth. The big sun is white and the small moon is white and the clouds we know are small and we still know are big are white and the small white are really that we know there are big and other colors and the black earth has other colors that are overpowered with no sun by the black of the earth and the black of the universe because we know light can shine farther than the object and we know the blue sky is closer to the bottom of the rainbow but still can be seen as in the other direction like the blue water which was white even though the blue water was on the black earth and the black earth was below the red of the rainbow even though magma is red at the surface and we could meditate to evaluate the completions of the light matter and learn to understand which things can be easily different working with reflector tools objects that when looked at working with the tool as we beings can also use tools to see it the color is or can be easily coordinated to to see different colors in what is the same place

Druidly in this method
Beginning at ends
living in harmony with nature. Being calm for infinite orienting initiations and all receptive or timing or creative patience. Learning from past in lively meditation. Skillful and skillfully creative perseverance. Always experiencing super consciousness experience in super experience. Being rich in wisdom and rich in its structure order timing chaos alignments and synchronicities. Young body mature mind. Anyone who wants gets there

Here are some things one could add to school or a spell book
One would be very good to count as a base, coordinate to structures/limits self or other, be rich in wisdom about intelligence (structures/limits)
For counting
Big things would be greatly analyzed by separating it into smaller and smaller 1,2,3 places and 4,5,6 places and 7,8,9 places.
Medium things are code-able by 9 root digits.
Small things are measurable by 3d relativity

For Algebra
I notice 1,2,3 can all be composites by the calculatory method of adding variations of groups with the types of amounts of sides within groups of polygons to the original polygon (representing the number being reviewed) these lists of numbers that come from them will of course all be composites and not primes. And by the logic of thinking about numbers from the future, while the past was the lesser numbers derived from adding different variations of types of groups with different potential amounts of segments(factors) to the number being checked, I notice that the polygon multiplied by two would also be more necessary but not more than two because you’d get that from how many come from the polygon multiplied by 2 though two would be added anyways by the composites which are added to create numbers for the future list.

For Geometry
Picture for geometry is at end of comment

We commonly count in 9 root digit but counting be 3 root digits is very basic while nine is like a code within conceptually linear or maybe more specifically with triangular pyramids with three ‘actual points’ and one ‘checking/overall point’ and that would look like 1,2,3,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,30 for the first three maybe geometric triangular pyramids which in physics we know 60 60 60 base triangles are the most balanced, besides being conceptually balanced in raw math as well with the balance kept preserving that the specific triangle given is kept a given or the specific triangle synchronization goal is kept aligned, which can be used for maintaining logic for example. When counting, it is like the picture at the end of the comment

Instead of going to 100 after 33 we get a special linear combo code of 3 and 9 root digits which reveals a good reason for why there are 360 degrees in a plain 9 root digit analysis/setup of this counting method which turns 144 numbers into 360. There are 16 groups of nine and that makes 3x 3 more actual nines plus 1 checking nine (one might use 3,6,9 method), so that means one of those 3 groups plus 1 group are themself a checking 36 while there are 3 more actual and less overall points.

For 4th degree and Quintic (trigonometry)
Picture of 4th and quintic at end of comment

No 90 degree all equal angle four sided shape will work as a constant law for any four tips of a quintic that could be anywhere on the graph. That is what I’m noticing.
An aligned triangle is able to show tracing of any three actual points on a graph by the same type of cognition that threes are the most calculating all of the time in general consciousness within both space and time.
Artistic fact the conceptual aligner triangle that moves to prove alignment as a constantly measurable nature being a triangle especially when the given is 60 which is the type I would choose could be on the second 2d plane and can prove that all example problems could be a sixty degree triangle with the given information of 3 points in the first place.

For Calculus
Picture for calculus at end of comment

The 81 scales are great for measuring calculus as square sensor/scales are contradictory by common chance after proper position in proper chaos as can be a helpful perception portrayed in this calculus method. There has more medium less which is a whole representation of reality. 2 also always represents but not as much for the environment as a matter energy plane being measured very conceptually may not be portrayed by the scale sensors if it has perpendicular displacement. Four and above would be considered skillful level tools as three can nigh always measure but more may only show the most specific possible half polygon side measuring alignment displacements, though more within the realm of physics one may still count speed resistance and displacement changing patterns/relativity as rhythmically significant in more of a basic way like some examples in core math classes for this explanation on sciences.

So anyways, furthermore I think raw math method intelligence (like the synchronicities that can show how 9 root and 3 root both are interesting and can be beneficial together) is mostly significant for measuring space in calculus which is what calculus seems to become expert for when within raw math besides physics maybe time segments, law synchronicity and their equations, space/time alignments and more complex phenomenon constructs and their laws/constants and chemistry maybe phase timings, signs, determinants, phenomenon construct conditions with their logical and reasonable change which is relative.

There are 100 and 10000 and 121 whole point system values of 81 instead of 108 or 144.

For 100 there are 81 actual things then there are 9 more things that come from checking that each nine is a nine of balance within getting one to 90 points. Then the last ten points come from these previous nine points being in balance together with nine counting those nine throughout measuring and one that is symbolic of a whole system forged/created.

For 10000 there are 100 things on each of the 81 scales. Those 100 things can be like entire 81 scales with the worth of 1 thing on each scale. So once 1 scales of 100 is counted by 1 point for each 10 or maybe the significance of the final ten (most general scales/sensors) are counted again, then there are 10 points from 1 of the 81 scales. Next there are 9 groups of 9 10 checking points so far in the proper structure this way by the limit of 9 furthermore. Each of the 9 10s equals 90 so as each 9 groups of nine has 90, within 90 there are ten additional points from each of the nine 10s in balance of course in the way where 9 10s means 9 things so nine come from that and then the tenth comes from that those are functioning at that level. Next since there are 9 groups of 100 each checking themselves internally there is one more level of 1000 added to the 900 so imagine how the 100s of 900 working together as a team signify more general balance and the 100s come from numbers checked within themselves. So now the general balance portraying 1000 is only from one group coming from checking points of the most overall 9, then this last step adds each 100 again and counts that those are in balance giving us 10 from each. And there are another 10 from all of the 100s 10 new points being in balance together. So oddly significance is not only found in that each part works as a whole in balance but that each level worked on its own which can be another note since 900 are more specific in almost a way meant for a cycle/time checking phase/segment that prevents 1st level problems more finer when not about what the 81 scales are a part of overall which is more for the 1000 points in this method.

121 scales is good for coordinating to the 81 scales as those 81 and the 40 more overall are very literally recognized.

For Consciousness
Limits: energy frequency vibration
Follows: structures and limits that are conceptual and basic or complex

Universal chosen math languages help with intelligence. After adding some math and physics/chemistry nature together we can have a mind body alchemy composition for basic awareness or adding more complexity to or from it in whatever level. # See night as day like a bard and live by your Druid brush composition nature.

3 and 9 root digits (frequencies) are some good basic structures and limits which when thinking about basic physics for it it can be helpful being aware of triangular pyramids and the accumulation that that thinking develops for experience foraging for wholesome more constant basicness within this example method consciousness. 81 can be derived by this thinking. Three is the most. So really going in so much the same direction for a task conceptually and physically, we notice three is a limit for measuring the most like calculus sectioning and such tends to illuminate. So that limit naturally (and maybe one may notice at this point has seedness out of ‘ripeness of three’ which could be a great study), if seen as a consciousness carrier which would be helpful can then have three more smaller triangles attached to the tips of the big triangle which is demonstrated by this particular example (and furthermore in expert time analysis derivatives maybe one summons more wisdom for triangles connected by the same sizes wether conceptually or physically or at the same time as the others or not, while one may want them to be relatively subject to the four main forces in physics and the environmental constructs of structure and limits that cycle alignments further by energy vibration frequency), and so that layer of three triangles and 9 tips there is the first complex structure with its own limit in this example; while the three above it is still interconnected and gives one a very most overall naturally. There is always the key to practice much core philosophy in your situation throughout tasks. So, after there is nine we know and understand that nine itself is a limit which one can put a more specialized, still, sure it’s an alchemy, not just conceptual development together of two conceptual, continuing on in the a task, levels of triangles and nine smaller levels of two within the second levels of two, so smacking the big nine construct to the nine smaller nine constructs together gives us 81. Notably a heaven through the eye of a needle type of thing with some effort can really illuminate one’s mindbody consciousness experiences. That gathering of wisdom can be by the literal scientific analysis of the terms largest of the largest of the largest of the largest level descriptions in concept so the energy/matter substance of the scales development and their mechanical function as well as the isotopic relativity between them and the environment really show us how it works in physics. Synchronizations of energy vibration frequency, and fusions of structures and limits and their changes notably throughout time built things.

For Sorcery
The 81 scales on a sorcerer staff can be used for whatever while core philosophy is the source of power as issues are cleansed purified/tuned assisted/tuned which means they are omshamtiblessed. A great mantra along with that one is uchatana patsa siddhi and one for experiencing throughout time could be om mani padme hum. Of course Imagination from a saturated/aligned consciousness really can make the miracles happen of course when using the basic universal math language of course following qualities of an active being in life which as can be found for example on Merlin of Manitou’s how to become a wizard videos which may be formulated as being so extra rich with wisdom and perceptive/magically synchronizing and also practicing magic.

For Physics
Some great alignments in physics to these say consciousness model accumulation/accumulations can be found in quantum physics where one may notice experiencing the teachings that there are 81 parts per trillion for the fine structure constant which is like if you look as the environment and say all is one and found a number besides one in this example then 81 and 137 seem to be the most common ratio for quantum physics and such being studied. In the emerald tablets which talks about some alchemy they do mention the significance of synchronicities one might notice that interestingly may be very much so constants in the universe which is the case with the energy condition dependent value of 137 ish in the fine structure constant. If one looks at the 144 by 9 root digits of the 360 by 3 root digits somewhat perimetered by 9 root digits even within those then anyways it is 7 digits away from 137. There are three groups of three groups of nine that are the most actual while only really reserving the most often frequency for actual and checking points while the ones we notice are the 4 groups of 36 which counts actual and checking nines linear groups of nine and most overall the three actual groups of nine and the checking group of nine at the end in this example. So, when one used the built in plain 3 root digit code one can set up be perceptive utilize the organization of 3 and 9 root digit base complexity structure. Notably one for a balance starter is great as called a simple chaos and 81 is great as called the most complex version of simplicity so, its that 81 is like 1. Furthermore the alignment of plain 3 root digits throughout the 360 numbers 🔥 reveals a model for for example the fine structure constant and we can recognize the condition of a morph in conceptual form of one of the most actual sets of nine where 9 is only representing the two checking numbers which should be specifically within it basically, which by its alignment with one of the nine actual nines shows us that something happened to the 7 possible most actual when within the code for example which could be for example done by two points that tended to cause it in a dominant way though why not recognize they were all that lasted either I say yes. Also when two scales are there conceptually signifying 7 are missing or are both there, or when two are missing and or tempered then there are 79 scales and each scale has 1 throughout all scales or 100 on each scale so when there are 8100 things in total then for a group that had only 25 scales instead of 27 one noticed that to maintain 2700 within a third then within the 25 scales 108 things must be on each scale. And as 81 actual plus 63 checking gives us 144 overall also 100, 108, 121 can all be noticed as overall portrayals. So 108 is a considerably significant thing and sort of still has all checking points but in a different way where the checking points linearly explained are by having 1 point for each 3 totaling to 27 checking points and it shows a certain harmony with placing essential worth to the scales within the group of 25 in this consciousness model for example which can mean 81 scales/sensors in potential to be found or chosen for tuning/construction into 81 scales/sensors. Also the sun and moon and earth have a special correlation with the number 108 and also does each interior number of a pentagon; while a decagon has 144 degree interior angles and when added together gives 1440 which is how many minutes are about in a day so what should the timing of each of the 10 sets of 144 be called?

For chemistry
In core philosophy structure then order then chaos then chaos is like prana mana chi chi for samyama teaching; look up ashtakanma siddhi by Nithyananda. Hard body, aura, personal environment, outside of personal environment.
Always practice core philosophy and be intelligent in science as for example by being logical and reasonable. In core philosophy there is a method that goes like structure order chaos chaos. Then the next form that is complex for a task guide is structure timing quick alignment chaos. Then the more complex form is structure timing slow alignment chaos. Then the most overall simple for a task or also conceptual while being still somewhat lucidly integrated to a happening reality is structure timing chaos alignment.

(Other than om mani padme hum, om shanti bless, uchatana patse siddhi). (Om ah ra pat sa na dhi: base structure(form of radiance(prana) and circulation(chi)) during using language)
(Om ah hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum: the story telling rhythm from the actual substance/synchronicities/energy of the story which may be more like from a singing bowl or impersonation than from a present moment synchronicity. Also great as the simple tuning of generally all objects in reality by simpler connecting the dots and coordinating to synchronizations of the mantra design structure which can be tuned into by space between you and an object or by more integrating an attunement tuning which makes it radiate the mantra intelligence that way)
(Good health peace happiness longevity.)
(inhale: xin=heart ping=even exhale: qi=energy he=harmonious)
. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Energy mass constant
Energy vibration frequency
Mass vibrates because of energy and is vibrates frequently)
(Sampa Lhundrup(བསམ་པ་ལྷུན་གྲུབ།)Guru Rinpoche Prayer For Wish Fulfillment(Prosperity)Padmasambhava)

Core philosophy guideline rules
half distance personal boundaries between people # the way the truth the life. Mandala structure and limit barriers. There’s the structure and limits in mandala design and in the specific zone of foreign body interference

Golden ratio and 81 scales and platonic blocks
One of the shapes the golden ratio can be found in is the pentagons derived pentagram and 144 is the 12th number in the sequence. And the dodecahedron commonly associated with aether has 12 pentagons on the outside so like star alignments there are alignments with each side of the dodecahedron one of the twelve numbers that come from the golden ratio. Twelve points can be found throughout three or four pyramids in a simple way counting all including checking point in each or just the base three in each. A pentagons inner angles have 108 degrees on the corners; 108 has special meaning such as how 27 checking points checks 3 points for each of 81 points. 12 golden ratio sequence numbers on the dodecahedron at 144 is like how 12 sides represents 9 actual nines and 3 checking nines which is a way both 108 and 144 check 81 scales in symbolic logic like an intelligence dodecahedron map. Like that having 108 on a corner of a pentagon surface we can imagine the value of 108 is spread upon the surface contained bonded synchronized to it; 81 scales and the 27 intersections are working as a basic sequence energy with setting and set properties of course then within the dodecahedron is the level of 9 scales/intersections and further in the level of three and even further in the level of 12. And sitting inside it seems like there is the icosahedron for all of the most overall/innerall points of the 12 81 scales from the dodecahedron which make the 12 corners of the icosahedron which the ‘five sided’ pyramids it’s made of are like five different fortitudes that a side stemming from it being aligned to the pentagon of the dodecahedron has as the different harmonies the synchronizations of the dodecahedron 12 sides may be in effect by and be illuminable in consciousness considerably significantly as. Then in this method for superconsciousness mantra like mindfulness the icosahedron next fits into the octahedron creating a meditational opportunity by alignment with the fusion of the icosahedron and the dodecahedron by being between the two with symbolic logic by the middle of the octahedron edges being on the icosahedron corners (vertices), and the octahedron mid edge point is on the verge of two sides which leads us to choices and those are like two intellectualmagnetic pole notes that seem to be for, other than for the previous meditation checking/reviewing, the understanding a hexahedron linearly outside as an option and a triangular pyramid linearly outside of the octahedron as an option. The hexahedron is itself the smallest sided shape that can be formed by exact opposite poles so by a certain linearity in this method one might want to connect hexahedron during the timely choice. The octahedron corners align as they can touch the center of the hexahedron sides. The tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) outside of the octahedron is touching the octahedrons corners by the pyramid sides. The tetrahedron is giving signs of what direction within tetrahedron perception the octahedron will alternate onto, either one or the other for directions towards the touching triangular pyramid sides.
Fourth degree and trigonometry
Fourth degree and trigonometry
Geometry picture
Geometry picture
81 scales pendant
81 scales pendant

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Yin for tuning intelligence and then yin for self and nature tuning into energy
2 part mantra: (design self and nature) I radiate and circulate intelligence!!! (Use self and nature enriching them) Shakti power!!!
Last edited by JMPtD on Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Manipulative manifesting and radioactive summoning manifesting.
yin yang yin yang yin yang

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

In this method Shiva and Shakti are conceptual to one’s common experience, 2 part yin method is conservative, yang is like range starting at liberally conservative becoming less conservative until time for base change or until one omshantiblesses setting set and setting for rejuvenation phase segment.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Here is a thing about 81 sort of like a magic square or building blocks but it might be called a magic triangle. There is the most actual 81 them the middle actual/general accountance 81 is attributed to then the last 81 is made of the checking points of the last two 81s (27 then 63) which give 90 and then the last 10 to get to 100 might be desired which could come from three from each 81 for example.

81 (gives 27 by its checking/about all points)
81 (gives 63 similarly)
27+63=90, maybe plus another 10 accumulated from each 3 81s or the last one to reach 100 method, and the previous nine (82-90) may have been done in timing while the last ten towards 100 is maybe more alignment.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Making a 60 60 60 triangle in a common way might be an example of when one may take the 19 from the 100 point triangle side and store it as a spell/template of manifestation used by enriching/tuning it or as a tuned supplement for the 19 sections in the sorcerer aura for example.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

A method for tuning (creates magic while wisdom of a task can be very established) or navigating 81 scale idea:

Scaling the 81 rates can be understood for reading or aligning by having overall points as simple as 27 of them which helps one focus very much on the task chi while some basic and even just conceptual laws may be what is determined by the portrayal of the 27 symbol illuminations.
While 19 may be the most basic in that it doesn’t even bother doing any extra filling of the layer of 27, it may be a most simple overall 81 scale construction for something completely new and less known or it may be like that because it is keeping the most basic points of a system which still has 63 working along with it in a different perception/rate for alignment with 19 while 27 is the temporary fulfillments of the very conditional 63 template that still uses synchronicity abilities with the base 81 samyamas. One can also see the 27 as 1 third of 81 plus 63 while it is also an overall 27, but when it is one third then 54 can be imagined and 36 plus 54 is 90 so on the other side of 54 you are sent to 36 which aligns well with a most overall 36 out of 63 as that energy is a synchronicity.
The understanding of a 19 side within the magic triangle can be used for transitioning coordination which counts to 100 while being involved in the most specific of a task while that counting of those things during the manifestation, of 100 form imagination summoning, is something that can supplement or direct on to focus on core samyamas function of 19 which has conditions that must be followed to proceed for more core philosophy/metaphysics and that has favorable approaches to still the furthering of the task by frequencies or sequence momentum that helps one perceive richer or to develop building material quicker by the force and still alignment of the deeper 100 structure gear.
As explained that 19 focus may be more simple and undeveloped than 27, there may be the deeperness quality of the 19 but it may really not be however involved in the most essential of philosophical patterns/sequences as it can be worked on by sub analytical super consciousnesses or as a tool programmed to work even alone without a person handling it.
Having 100 style being illuminated at the most specific level while using the logic in this method one might count a 100 frequency of ten times which counts 19 ten times which gives a 100 and a 90 so the 90 gets ten from another “dimension” of a magic triangle and the 90 from 10 frequency units can form a structure to coordinate to the magic triangle to change attention and the 10 repeated 10 times in 100 can be used as more base info for the 100 that is deeper than the magic triangle which easily moves past since there is a time to count the 100s 10 which is in the magic triangle.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

The 90 (100) side in the magic triangle is made in a way of an 81 with 27 as the most specific and 54 from 63 as the other two 27s, which in a way are binded with the 54 that leads one to the 36 logic of 144 and the last 9 of 63 are what is in focus maybe being the most overall nine of 144

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

So as a path in this method one can imagine the abstracted focus of 27, which is also in a way of course the overall 27, as the more or less 27 around the middle or actually whatever is the most illuminated in significance consideration and the most anchoring focus (example: maybe middle) 27 plus the three probably most similar most overall 27 coming from 144 are the two other 27s of 81 while the 90s 82-90 again come from the most overall 9 of the most general 36 for example, which overall make the constructed 100 side very very very basic.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Some mantras sadhguru said for supernatural powers. Buddham Saranam Guchami. Dharmam Saranam Guchami. Sangam Saranam Guchami. It means the mission of perfection seeks dharma which comes from the form of the Buddha. This mantra is good for the resolution of a kriya workout surge or divination type analysis of divination of a task, like of a kundalini; buddham can be the illumination/experience of perfect conditions of body and space, dharmam can be the analysis and explanation for how that intelligence is wise and how the wisdom stays intelligent, sangam can be the measurement naming of a phases structures of longer lasting or lesser lasting conditions for the present or a mix of the present and the alignment or the favored form. The substance being and state being, the process and mechanics explanation, the conditions, for the radiating counting, the circulating coordination, (wisdom of) the random conditions of the intelligence structure being a stage of the process or a complexion of the mechanics. Knowledge is a thing, a structure or in other words intelligence, understanding is the process and mechanics, wisdom is what the knowledge is being used for being at least within the meaning of useful coherence while maybe understanding of it and additionally wisdom is why the processes and mechanics are relative to a trajectory of the self perhaps, otherwise wisdom is how someone is able to use knowledge and understanding which is the same as that riches are able to be used or how riches are able to be used.
Last edited by JMPtD on Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:57 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

When communicating with others we should speak to their heavenly form.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by Vesperium »

JMPtD wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:45 pm When communicating with others we should speak to their heavenly form.
It's true indeed, since the heavenly form is also the most clean one.

As for the Golden ratio, I think it can be strengthen with the help of Sun 🌞 energies too
JMPtD wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:00 pm Bardly in this method
See night as day in a way to be creative. There are opposites in nature to bring balance to consciousness and the mind is the same reality as the body. For example blue water zone is white and blue sky zone is black; seek and manifest perception and synchronization momentum. Eclipses are rare for the sky but are also black as well like the earth, as there is still light in the day at that time.

Threes is what things may be easily understood to be made out of as life is complex and we should help the animals integrate into the natural mathematical language in consciousness by their bodies and environments/tools(food nests etc) and we are three cubits high to the heart which makes 81 in sync to an important timing we call seconds and we check that we could say, with the fourth cubit high. So a great thing could be dance competitions with 3 first places plainly and with the long understanding to be safe that we are thinking about choice intelligently and maybe a lot about reason more along with of course logic a lot, we could say what ever group the dance style that was being judged came from would be fourth place as they were what the dance also might be checked by as they are always counted as only fourth place.

The sun is the size of big like the moon at black night plus the stars in the black sky; the white moon and white stars ant night are small like the white sun within the black earth. The big sun is white and the small moon is white and the clouds we know are small and we still know are big are white and the small white are really that we know there are big and other colors and the black earth has other colors that are overpowered with no sun by the black of the earth and the black of the universe because we know light can shine farther than the object and we know the blue sky is closer to the bottom of the rainbow but still can be seen as in the other direction like the blue water which was white even though the blue water was on the black earth and the black earth was below the red of the rainbow even though magma is red at the surface and we could meditate to evaluate the completions of the light matter and learn to understand which things can be easily different working with reflector tools objects that when looked at working with the tool as we beings can also use tools to see it the color is or can be easily coordinated to to see different colors in what is the same place

Druidly in this method
Beginning at ends
living in harmony with nature. Being calm for infinite orienting initiations and all receptive or timing or creative patience. Learning from past in lively meditation. Skillful and skillfully creative perseverance. Always experiencing super consciousness experience in super experience. Being rich in wisdom and rich in its structure order timing chaos alignments and synchronicities. Young body mature mind. Anyone who wants gets there

Here are some things one could add to school or a spell book
One would be very good to count as a base, coordinate to structures/limits self or other, be rich in wisdom about intelligence (structures/limits)
For counting
Big things would be greatly analyzed by separating it into smaller and smaller 1,2,3 places and 4,5,6 places and 7,8,9 places.
Medium things are code-able by 9 root digits.
Small things are measurable by 3d relativity

For Algebra
I notice 1,2,3 can all be composites by the calculatory method of adding variations of groups with the types of amounts of sides within groups of polygons to the original polygon (representing the number being reviewed) these lists of numbers that come from them will of course all be composites and not primes. And by the logic of thinking about numbers from the future, while the past was the lesser numbers derived from adding different variations of types of groups with different potential amounts of segments(factors) to the number being checked, I notice that the polygon multiplied by two would also be more necessary but not more than two because you’d get that from how many come from the polygon multiplied by 2 though two would be added anyways by the composites which are added to create numbers for the future list.

For Geometry
Picture for geometry is at end of comment

We commonly count in 9 root digit but counting be 3 root digits is very basic while nine is like a code within conceptually linear or maybe more specifically with triangular pyramids with three ‘actual points’ and one ‘checking/overall point’ and that would look like 1,2,3,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,30 for the first three maybe geometric triangular pyramids which in physics we know 60 60 60 base triangles are the most balanced, besides being conceptually balanced in raw math as well with the balance kept preserving that the specific triangle given is kept a given or the specific triangle synchronization goal is kept aligned, which can be used for maintaining logic for example. When counting, it is like the picture at the end of the comment

Instead of going to 100 after 33 we get a special linear combo code of 3 and 9 root digits which reveals a good reason for why there are 360 degrees in a plain 9 root digit analysis/setup of this counting method which turns 144 numbers into 360. There are 16 groups of nine and that makes 3x 3 more actual nines plus 1 checking nine (one might use 3,6,9 method), so that means one of those 3 groups plus 1 group are themself a checking 36 while there are 3 more actual and less overall points.

For 4th degree and Quintic (trigonometry)
Picture of 4th and quintic at end of comment

No 90 degree all equal angle four sided shape will work as a constant law for any four tips of a quintic that could be anywhere on the graph. That is what I’m noticing.
An aligned triangle is able to show tracing of any three actual points on a graph by the same type of cognition that threes are the most calculating all of the time in general consciousness within both space and time.
Artistic fact the conceptual aligner triangle that moves to prove alignment as a constantly measurable nature being a triangle especially when the given is 60 which is the type I would choose could be on the second 2d plane and can prove that all example problems could be a sixty degree triangle with the given information of 3 points in the first place.

For Calculus
Picture for calculus at end of comment

The 81 scales are great for measuring calculus as square sensor/scales are contradictory by common chance after proper position in proper chaos as can be a helpful perception portrayed in this calculus method. There has more medium less which is a whole representation of reality. 2 also always represents but not as much for the environment as a matter energy plane being measured very conceptually may not be portrayed by the scale sensors if it has perpendicular displacement. Four and above would be considered skillful level tools as three can nigh always measure but more may only show the most specific possible half polygon side measuring alignment displacements, though more within the realm of physics one may still count speed resistance and displacement changing patterns/relativity as rhythmically significant in more of a basic way like some examples in core math classes for this explanation on sciences.

So anyways, furthermore I think raw math method intelligence (like the synchronicities that can show how 9 root and 3 root both are interesting and can be beneficial together) is mostly significant for measuring space in calculus which is what calculus seems to become expert for when within raw math besides physics maybe time segments, law synchronicity and their equations, space/time alignments and more complex phenomenon constructs and their laws/constants and chemistry maybe phase timings, signs, determinants, phenomenon construct conditions with their logical and reasonable change which is relative.

There are 100 and 10000 and 121 whole point system values of 81 instead of 108 or 144.

For 100 there are 81 actual things then there are 9 more things that come from checking that each nine is a nine of balance within getting one to 90 points. Then the last ten points come from these previous nine points being in balance together with nine counting those nine throughout measuring and one that is symbolic of a whole system forged/created.

For 10000 there are 100 things on each of the 81 scales. Those 100 things can be like entire 81 scales with the worth of 1 thing on each scale. So once 1 scales of 100 is counted by 1 point for each 10 or maybe the significance of the final ten (most general scales/sensors) are counted again, then there are 10 points from 1 of the 81 scales. Next there are 9 groups of 9 10 checking points so far in the proper structure this way by the limit of 9 furthermore. Each of the 9 10s equals 90 so as each 9 groups of nine has 90, within 90 there are ten additional points from each of the nine 10s in balance of course in the way where 9 10s means 9 things so nine come from that and then the tenth comes from that those are functioning at that level. Next since there are 9 groups of 100 each checking themselves internally there is one more level of 1000 added to the 900 so imagine how the 100s of 900 working together as a team signify more general balance and the 100s come from numbers checked within themselves. So now the general balance portraying 1000 is only from one group coming from checking points of the most overall 9, then this last step adds each 100 again and counts that those are in balance giving us 10 from each. And there are another 10 from all of the 100s 10 new points being in balance together. So oddly significance is not only found in that each part works as a whole in balance but that each level worked on its own which can be another note since 900 are more specific in almost a way meant for a cycle/time checking phase/segment that prevents 1st level problems more finer when not about what the 81 scales are a part of overall which is more for the 1000 points in this method.

121 scales is good for coordinating to the 81 scales as those 81 and the 40 more overall are very literally recognized.

For Consciousness
Limits: energy frequency vibration
Follows: structures and limits that are conceptual and basic or complex

Universal chosen math languages help with intelligence. After adding some math and physics/chemistry nature together we can have a mind body alchemy composition for basic awareness or adding more complexity to or from it in whatever level. # See night as day like a bard and live by your Druid brush composition nature.

3 and 9 root digits (frequencies) are some good basic structures and limits which when thinking about basic physics for it it can be helpful being aware of triangular pyramids and the accumulation that that thinking develops for experience foraging for wholesome more constant basicness within this example method consciousness. 81 can be derived by this thinking. Three is the most. So really going in so much the same direction for a task conceptually and physically, we notice three is a limit for measuring the most like calculus sectioning and such tends to illuminate. So that limit naturally (and maybe one may notice at this point has seedness out of ‘ripeness of three’ which could be a great study), if seen as a consciousness carrier which would be helpful can then have three more smaller triangles attached to the tips of the big triangle which is demonstrated by this particular example (and furthermore in expert time analysis derivatives maybe one summons more wisdom for triangles connected by the same sizes wether conceptually or physically or at the same time as the others or not, while one may want them to be relatively subject to the four main forces in physics and the environmental constructs of structure and limits that cycle alignments further by energy vibration frequency), and so that layer of three triangles and 9 tips there is the first complex structure with its own limit in this example; while the three above it is still interconnected and gives one a very most overall naturally. There is always the key to practice much core philosophy in your situation throughout tasks. So, after there is nine we know and understand that nine itself is a limit which one can put a more specialized, still, sure it’s an alchemy, not just conceptual development together of two conceptual, continuing on in the a task, levels of triangles and nine smaller levels of two within the second levels of two, so smacking the big nine construct to the nine smaller nine constructs together gives us 81. Notably a heaven through the eye of a needle type of thing with some effort can really illuminate one’s mindbody consciousness experiences. That gathering of wisdom can be by the literal scientific analysis of the terms largest of the largest of the largest of the largest level descriptions in concept so the energy/matter substance of the scales development and their mechanical function as well as the isotopic relativity between them and the environment really show us how it works in physics. Synchronizations of energy vibration frequency, and fusions of structures and limits and their changes notably throughout time built things.

For Sorcery
The 81 scales on a sorcerer staff can be used for whatever while core philosophy is the source of power as issues are cleansed purified/tuned assisted/tuned which means they are omshamtiblessed. A great mantra along with that one is uchatana patsa siddhi and one for experiencing throughout time could be om mani padme hum. Of course Imagination from a saturated/aligned consciousness really can make the miracles happen of course when using the basic universal math language of course following qualities of an active being in life which as can be found for example on Merlin of Manitou’s how to become a wizard videos which may be formulated as being so extra rich with wisdom and perceptive/magically synchronizing and also practicing magic.

For Physics
Some great alignments in physics to these say consciousness model accumulation/accumulations can be found in quantum physics where one may notice experiencing the teachings that there are 81 parts per trillion for the fine structure constant which is like if you look as the environment and say all is one and found a number besides one in this example then 81 and 137 seem to be the most common ratio for quantum physics and such being studied. In the emerald tablets which talks about some alchemy they do mention the significance of synchronicities one might notice that interestingly may be very much so constants in the universe which is the case with the energy condition dependent value of 137 ish in the fine structure constant. If one looks at the 144 by 9 root digits of the 360 by 3 root digits somewhat perimetered by 9 root digits even within those then anyways it is 7 digits away from 137. There are three groups of three groups of nine that are the most actual while only really reserving the most often frequency for actual and checking points while the ones we notice are the 4 groups of 36 which counts actual and checking nines linear groups of nine and most overall the three actual groups of nine and the checking group of nine at the end in this example. So, when one used the built in plain 3 root digit code one can set up be perceptive utilize the organization of 3 and 9 root digit base complexity structure. Notably one for a balance starter is great as called a simple chaos and 81 is great as called the most complex version of simplicity so, its that 81 is like 1. Furthermore the alignment of plain 3 root digits throughout the 360 numbers 🔥 reveals a model for for example the fine structure constant and we can recognize the condition of a morph in conceptual form of one of the most actual sets of nine where 9 is only representing the two checking numbers which should be specifically within it basically, which by its alignment with one of the nine actual nines shows us that something happened to the 7 possible most actual when within the code for example which could be for example done by two points that tended to cause it in a dominant way though why not recognize they were all that lasted either I say yes. Also when two scales are there conceptually signifying 7 are missing or are both there, or when two are missing and or tempered then there are 79 scales and each scale has 1 throughout all scales or 100 on each scale so when there are 8100 things in total then for a group that had only 25 scales instead of 27 one noticed that to maintain 2700 within a third then within the 25 scales 108 things must be on each scale. And as 81 actual plus 63 checking gives us 144 overall also 100, 108, 121 can all be noticed as overall portrayals. So 108 is a considerably significant thing and sort of still has all checking points but in a different way where the checking points linearly explained are by having 1 point for each 3 totaling to 27 checking points and it shows a certain harmony with placing essential worth to the scales within the group of 25 in this consciousness model for example which can mean 81 scales/sensors in potential to be found or chosen for tuning/construction into 81 scales/sensors. Also the sun and moon and earth have a special correlation with the number 108 and also does each interior number of a pentagon; while a decagon has 144 degree interior angles and when added together gives 1440 which is how many minutes are about in a day so what should the timing of each of the 10 sets of 144 be called?

For chemistry
In core philosophy structure then order then chaos then chaos is like prana mana chi chi for samyama teaching; look up ashtakanma siddhi by Nithyananda. Hard body, aura, personal environment, outside of personal environment.
Always practice core philosophy and be intelligent in science as for example by being logical and reasonable. In core philosophy there is a method that goes like structure order chaos chaos. Then the next form that is complex for a task guide is structure timing quick alignment chaos. Then the more complex form is structure timing slow alignment chaos. Then the most overall simple for a task or also conceptual while being still somewhat lucidly integrated to a happening reality is structure timing chaos alignment.

(Other than om mani padme hum, om shanti bless, uchatana patse siddhi). (Om ah ra pat sa na dhi: base structure(form of radiance(prana) and circulation(chi)) during using language)
(Om ah hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum: the story telling rhythm from the actual substance/synchronicities/energy of the story which may be more like from a singing bowl or impersonation than from a present moment synchronicity. Also great as the simple tuning of generally all objects in reality by simpler connecting the dots and coordinating to synchronizations of the mantra design structure which can be tuned into by space between you and an object or by more integrating an attunement tuning which makes it radiate the mantra intelligence that way)
(Good health peace happiness longevity.)
(inhale: xin=heart ping=even exhale: qi=energy he=harmonious)
. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Energy mass constant
Energy vibration frequency
Mass vibrates because of energy and is vibrates frequently)
(Sampa Lhundrup(བསམ་པ་ལྷུན་གྲུབ།)Guru Rinpoche Prayer For Wish Fulfillment(Prosperity)Padmasambhava)

Core philosophy guideline rules
half distance personal boundaries between people # the way the truth the life. Mandala structure and limit barriers. There’s the structure and limits in mandala design and in the specific zone of foreign body interference

Golden ratio and 81 scales and platonic blocks
One of the shapes the golden ratio can be found in is the pentagons derived pentagram and 144 is the 12th number in the sequence. And the dodecahedron commonly associated with aether has 12 pentagons on the outside so like star alignments there are alignments with each side of the dodecahedron one of the twelve numbers that come from the golden ratio. Twelve points can be found throughout three or four pyramids in a simple way counting all including checking point in each or just the base three in each. A pentagons inner angles have 108 degrees on the corners; 108 has special meaning such as how 27 checking points checks 3 points for each of 81 points. 12 golden ratio sequence numbers on the dodecahedron at 144 is like how 12 sides represents 9 actual nines and 3 checking nines which is a way both 108 and 144 check 81 scales in symbolic logic like an intelligence dodecahedron map. Like that having 108 on a corner of a pentagon surface we can imagine the value of 108 is spread upon the surface contained bonded synchronized to it; 81 scales and the 27 intersections are working as a basic sequence energy with setting and set properties of course then within the dodecahedron is the level of 9 scales/intersections and further in the level of three and even further in the level of 12. And sitting inside it seems like there is the icosahedron for all of the most overall/innerall points of the 12 81 scales from the dodecahedron which make the 12 corners of the icosahedron which the ‘five sided’ pyramids it’s made of are like five different fortitudes that a side stemming from it being aligned to the pentagon of the dodecahedron has as the different harmonies the synchronizations of the dodecahedron 12 sides may be in effect by and be illuminable in consciousness considerably significantly as. Then in this method for superconsciousness mantra like mindfulness the icosahedron next fits into the octahedron creating a meditational opportunity by alignment with the fusion of the icosahedron and the dodecahedron by being between the two with symbolic logic by the middle of the octahedron edges being on the icosahedron corners (vertices), and the octahedron mid edge point is on the verge of two sides which leads us to choices and those are like two intellectualmagnetic pole notes that seem to be for, other than for the previous meditation checking/reviewing, the understanding a hexahedron linearly outside as an option and a triangular pyramid linearly outside of the octahedron as an option. The hexahedron is itself the smallest sided shape that can be formed by exact opposite poles so by a certain linearity in this method one might want to connect hexahedron during the timely choice. The octahedron corners align as they can touch the center of the hexahedron sides. The tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) outside of the octahedron is touching the octahedrons corners by the pyramid sides. The tetrahedron is giving signs of what direction within tetrahedron perception the octahedron will alternate onto, either one or the other for directions towards the touching triangular pyramid sides.
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

One day some very smart people will figure things like that out.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by Vesperium »

JMPtD wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:26 am One day some very smart people will figure things like that out.
I have a feeling it will apply for others too in the near future 😀
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

5 144s w 89 is 445. 5 144s with 55 is 275. (275+445=720min)/2 is 137.5+222.5=360

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Re: A Science Scroll

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144-55=89. 144-89=55

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Re: A Science Scroll

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I bet the nerds read about the 81 scale magic system and wend bonky donky for all my bonky donkers out their = yin yangers

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Re: A Science Scroll

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Be strong for psycic work, grow art for psionic work, mix thing around for magic work

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by Amor »

JMPtD wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:00 pm.... And the dodecahedron commonly associated with aether has 12 pentagons on the outside so like star alignments there are alignments with each side of the dodecahedron one of the twelve numbers that come from the golden ratio. ...
On two separate solstices, staring at the sun as it set after 9pm, I saw that the sun is shaped as a duodecahedron.

What causes that?

What are the operational implications for the energy worker?

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Re: A Science Scroll

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I don’t know but I can try to think about it. I’m working in sacred science archeology legends now. Here check this out and I might come out with an answer but I can’t say for now as I don’t know it but have faith and hope and love and love.

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Re: A Science Scroll

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Re: A Science Scroll

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

I think a dodecahedron means a four day process for being by the sun because the four sets of 144 minutes in 576 method are giving 4 a day and after 3 days there is an overall 81 scales that can be created for the fourth day of course. Or the three sets of 144 minutes make an overall for each days fourth but three 144s x 4 days is 12 for a sorcerer who works by the minute more than a wizard by the day.
Last edited by JMPtD on Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by JMPtD »

810000/576= 23.4375 This number gives the ability to change directions of many things within a minute. And this is in the time realm with 81 10000s. So it can mean level of 8100 or even 656100 per level by 81 10000s.

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Re: A Science Scroll

Post by Amor »

JMPtD wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:29 pm I’m working in sacred science archeology legends now.
I find experiments useful for testing theories and legends

For example: visualize our sun as a duodecahedron and examine inflows to the pentagons. Where do the inflows originate?

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