Body prana magic (here white magic)
Body prana magic (here white magic)
Prana (structure. Perspective of the body magick) magick (hard body and mana of the aura magick). White magic
Wherever you go your karma pattern of the spiritual development and of time is waiting so rejoice about it, as is important, to check as great development progress is so amazing and helpful through however spontaneous the though just yet favorability is. Life is sacred the body is sacred and the present is definitely a gift so keep omshamtiblessing/cleansing purifying/tuning assisting/tuning.
Understanding the body:
Healthy relativity in the mind:
Things are made of prana (structure (intelligence)) mana (present condition/momentum) chi (chaos sometimes undefinable even maybe within consciousness carriers and even maybe the base conceptual ones if, speaking of the self…, one is in a frenzy inspired superposition or general super intense samadhi as shalld be natural, chaos, though still maybe chaos and of its complexities, which of course especially if in philosophy and even more if in relativity are intelligent intelligence for a being, of the drifting into the subconscious being unsure or still just very optimistic Bhakti analytical consciousness being filled with awen and still not necessarily choosing or maybe not relatively proving or not decharming elemental/component stability the experience has keeps awareness of, then the experience is still natural.
Helpful defining of the more inner body (hard body):
Bones are prana, muscles are manaprana, arteries are pranamana doing chimana, veins are chimana doing pranamana, sweat is chichimana, overall ojas and core jatharagni are a type of pranamanachi, food is pranachi, drink is manachi, breath is chichi. Heart is the synchronizingthing/tuner. Brain is the gauging plot/strategy interacter force. Touching the skin, maybe in abdominal, can be prana pushing in is mana, pushing in farther is chi, pushing in farther etc is deeper chi.
Healthy relativity of the outer body basic aura:
The body is prana, ratiod radiation or even other frequencies based off of conceptual distance or distance of a distance method or distance of a samyama is mana like 3 to 4 inches from the body, chaotic aura from the mana limit away from the body (accumulation complex limit) to far as one can reach including breath or certain types and definitely sure or intended electro magnetic if can be fitted for core philosophy as wholesome and proportionate, then symmetric of left and right then every other direction then harmony and some synchronization of balance of twos, then emotional then in harmony and synchronization of balance of threes, then it can be the chi portion of the aura. The strengthening of the aura develops supreme intelligence by the bodys natural vibration and frequencies and destroys suffering painfulness and its possibilities. The body radiation and circulation creates matter and its active energies.
Insights on E = mc² - Intensity is Continuity - › watch
Cosmic Principles of the 3 Dimensions - › watch
The Secret and Truth Revealed About Ashtakanma Siddhi | 29 ...YouTube · KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda34 minutes, 16 secondsJul 12, 2017
Kundalini (prana and here mana) vs samadhi (chi):
Kundalini: location of focus and dwelling, chakra/form displacement in awakening orientation or chakra/form (prana) pathway/journey (here mana and chi) in activity
Now listen,
Entanglement with structure (intelligence) constant surge not kundalini initial surge or ending coordination of blastoff intelligence for an after kundalini.
Kundalini Kriya structures and radiance and workouts, and Bhakti lifestyle of rich samyamas from the inclusive wavelength of continuityvibrations of attributes of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment and time phase segment phases.
Focus: Bio memory, meditation: muscle memory, absorption bio energy
Deintegrate disengaging to find the inner more conservative still favorable and mystical still path that radiates counting and circulates sequences of counting to synchronize to coordinate to the happenings structures (intelligences) of energy and matter in its forms of energy vibration frequency. The counting radiates wholesomely and proportionately in natural spontaneous existence, the coordinating circulates and is the process of your harder and softer and liquid organs is coordinated to as the sources radiance and as the present mana conditions which are also, sure, subject the external which is where still is more that the body which makes the idea of complexity being greater within the external chaos key (the external things are prana with mana themselves within the chi). Muscles are wise coordinators in this example throughout aligning and non revolving or revolving reorientation which is where one may say spiritual magick comes from in its processes (their detachment freeing for mystical growth of om vajara guru padme siddhi huming is when enriched in core philosophy just simple hopefully as explaining that they themselves are specifically not integrated to humans but to the great new moment of later heaven concept which is natural done constantly without being a problem which makes them sift “trigrams” sift for beautiful scenes happenings riding emotional waves of divine mysticism being Mr or Mrs strong woman or man who is attracted to further coordination still complexity if experiences scientifically or whatnot throughout time in the spiritual process still radiating om ah ra pa tsa na dhih livelihood and always being extra being liberal some what for natural growth of the easy omshantiblessings helping one which creates experiences and the practitioner om mani padme hums with any intended or more random uchatanapatsasiddhis which do build experience and overall one is absorbing maybe more spontaneous thing in consciousness as possibly) and the attraction to trained mindsets manifesting enrichments which may be more expected and natural sequences, being attracted to beauty natural or human made art are the easy painless absorptions of one’s proper samadhi and those beautiful thing’s intensities and continuities attributes and synchronized attitude attributed meanings somewhat, which are examples of the frequencies (some cycles some radiation here) of om ah hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum, are the objects of samadhi.
Whispering strong; rraaahr! You wanna live long you gunna stay little. Rraaahr! Hahahahahaha
Empower your Self-Remembrance ( Prana Samyama ) › watch
Now one is fully prepared…
In life anthem:
Don’t believe in evil. Om shanti bless. Develop the heavenly body. Be a heavenly filter. Don’t sacrifice more than you can afford. Be mystical and survive living anyway sure easily in a rich environment.
Samyama | Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110 | Nithyananda › watch
For example one is ommanipadmehumming like a glowing hummingbird on a mission to the jewel in the lotus manifesting and always summoning to meet the jewel in the lotus, or one is ommanipadmehumming there already, while time can really be a chosen factor, manifesting the experience of the jewel in the lotus om shanti blessing and all types of energy producing humming for sake of summoning it again, sure it is still or can be differently spontaneous because the space and time of Bhakti is rich until phasing to very different place or time for sure since they are a place and time of further difference in description at this point, sure. Always growing manifesting and -timing- and aligned enriching summoning by the mindset of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment. Now that one is on a mission in life’s space time, there are these interesting techniques and quick preparing/developing, it is the uchatanapatsasiddhi of super living (yoga/philosophy) ; Technology of Extraordinary Powers Samyama - › watch.
Lolololololbeyoungandthinkingthebodyisplatopuddylololololol. Remember: young body mature mind shiningly vibrant from your pendulum for example. The answer can always be basic and enriching like a rainbow body for example a wide range of emotions and what is essential from essential samyamas/resources which are a part of core philosophy which includes templates and lists and descriptions. The lotus sutra is fun and very very very literal so don’t forget to understand it scientifically I think it says if you hurts the Buddha it will really hurt you way more in nature of functioning centered consciousness by its concept and it’s entities; also interestingly I’ve seen the future before… so tune and offer up to your leading manifestation of any space or time of course. Anyways if one is in space or time then try getting into the other and understanding maybe something long lasting like cosmos wizardry of environmental chi magic is understood by a thought (synchronicity of logic and reason) that comes from the short body prana magic wizardry/sorcery in understanding summary together which is wise for core philosophy and cooks up in the jatharagni and expands signs and forces to the ojas likewise which is like clapping twelve times to evolve on the clapping surf board of the Bhakti uchatanapatsasiddhi wave; wizardry seems to be helpful as it may be called liberal (extra) which gives the chaos attribute expanded to the self consciousness by the adding and integrating it as an extension for a duality reasoning while the core philosophy bank conceptual forms/ideas which are simpler to grasp may be paired with the body as that is what it is even for though the synchronicities of its science is found in natures richness; after this wholesome philosophy view of the proportions of so much reality the scientific duality is prepared and able to be timed and aligned for outward integration works/inward integration gatherings of mana (for sorcery here) while the positive and negatives can be the prana or the chi for a core philosopher self interest (like a Druid maybe doing white or black magic or for a bard doing scientific exploring/learning). The general topic, basic examples, specific problems are generally how one is integrated and one should be able to know (by remembering) or able to understand (connect the dots) and the connecting the dots is how the self side may not have the self interests the conceptual/also basic(somewhat thirdly) plus the specific things but instead the specific things go to the cosmos as things that are primed for relative scope of focus but are what the synchronizations are chosen as and relative to in the super large cosmos. The mana split into positive and negative in scientific nature can be to separate the main environment and the temporary environment while those terms may still change for certain mindsets while main as the cosmos focus is definitely mystical, sure, and from splitting that one can attribute that times self to cosmos or cosmos to self cross to developments of manifestation journey of presence in more mind or physical hard time, which is the complex stringly development of mana wisdom through yin and yang progression while the yins and yangs may be well known as the mana part or measured by threes as the mana part which are just a more amount of middle in a way making it more a middle range. Source of the matter and energy is consciousness and can work on the 81 scales being developed. Otherwise something to keep in mind about this synchronization range from a main thing sub thing cross is that is that it also can be done from a symmetric or mathematical supersymmetric wheel on just the main side with logic and reason maybe keeping in mind coordination of the energy supply vibration chaos and frequency complexity or whatnot while it may be one of those symmetric illuminations and consciousness (structure) lead carrying/learning from the temporary environment which one would be very good to be cautious about not confusing less sustainable complexity order or wasting energy structure (material) within some order and it’s wild weather which one may do better to sometimes wait out the storm and the other thing about the temporary environment/wisdom is that it’s helpful to understand temporary environment goes well with the group of terms: chi, 3, temporary bank stash, one like by largeness/environmentness.
Let me ask you this are humans tuggin down the taint hair or the taint air. Don’t forget simple easy development of simple can create chit. Understand? But sure, maybe like superman or superwomans come on millimeter aura. Shakti powaaaaaah #kmc did anyone think it was shallow? How about a 15 30 foot beam of vegan sustainability! Heaven is easy like planets and you which are forced into the center of evading consciousness. Wisp what is seriously your real conditions of life. Accept strongly enough to be smart about the door stoppers. #Crouching wizard with wiggling fingers or supersaturated sorcerer with integrity authenticity responsibility enriching and super samyama eyes.
Core philosophy by @veganstringbean/@danglinplumshaker
Wiggy abilities:
In prana magick wizardry the main components for the mind in this method are the hard body and the mana in the aura for the sake of the mental aether bank/more entire aura of mana and chi. The big frenzy feeling should come from how this prana or mana magick is not about the cosmos but is still enriched with bottled or spraying consciousness ooops seepies, though there is a level of the cosmos involved with the energies and there might be a spike that your really don’t even need to pay attention to. The vibration frequency of the continuity is more than the vibration frequency of the intensity you call them as matter. When some synchronicity structure is very intense and leaking into absorption it is energy. # in this tiabllle. Lolololol this tiaYble. Jk. Also form equals function for the energy which is following a metaphysical alignedfull path throughouuuttt tiiiiiyymmmeee.
There is entanglement, and then mechanics which is basically there to be called something that was known by aligning sectioning and understood by timing phases into threes.
Still is prana magick destruction is actually organization into components by quantum centering focus/mostly mental distancing.
Some physical chi richness building, for the body and general development with the consciousness developing itself by energy and matter throughout manifestation and by enriching it through fine tuning summoning which can evolve/constant radiance and circulation throughout alignment steps like how 9 root digits can round out 3 root digits or materialize/tune development, can be found from yoga moves on yogaforums. A key: Emotion develops intelligence (structure) also the intellect tool made of intelligence is sensitive to structures and that interaction interaction interaction is the consciousness which starts manifesting itself and one can really summon the intelligence product in wholesome and proportionate ways of the manifestation work process. One is so intelligent that really an om shanti bless set setting is enough for the simple self to produce all forms of magic with perfect intention (imagination). The hard body jatharagni can be used like a sponge that when it grows into ojas it uses material to evaporate into its auraness space and to absorb more energy into certain parts which expands it just there; and this very pixel/mosaic complex structure can be ojas environment that grows all kinds of food tools and this is different than using the ratios of space and momentum and randomness and chaos and time of the complexity of the ojas and resource/weather of the jatharagni giving new yin to the yang like banana potato coconut potato<— which but instead of making food it actually calculates ratios of timing and alignments of certain structures and sequences. The hard body in prana magick is what ratios are specifically linked to abilities of goals and is what is the dominion and realm of the gateway into initiations to be started is or was because the tuning of alignments for future coordination of magic for magick was subject to the determining case that stored complexity, and energy x alignment coordinations in its mindsetting. A supple enriched body is great for mana usage as it is in the form of toolly malleability for any shape that can enter its field or be engulfed by it when sent from body and the body then must work with it to basically keep producing/gathering more mana energy to enrich the wizardry material throughout stages of development and with the mana as a body layer intensability which is more malleable energy and more ratios to be haded which isn’t necessarily a super fixed structure radiation of aligning rays since the mana is for the present. Also since the mana is more exact and for the present in these ideal methods, it is very much a toolkit so any subtler things of energymatter, that are seemingly randomly manifested and summoned along with its timing order and alignment structure information ratios, can be grown like food of intelligence within the general even whole body mana range as it is maybe isotopic between wither the body or the wizardry malleable material is the main or temporary environment and which one carries the intelligence that is synced to by the other in the mana from the other side of the mana. Imagining triangles as receptor balance on the limits of mana levels. The mana is help when the whole body or wizardry malleable material is wholesomely and proportionately scanned for the occasion by threes and simply reviewed or otherwise seeked for deeper bank of attributes and subtler tendencies. Intelligence is art, the athletic body is the philosophical body, art describes the truth.
One may use the amount of sides or whatever of the Platonic solids as the levels of the 81 scales (1,3,9,27,81) by general relativity of less to more from the center of specifically the material (in prana magick rather than mana magick) outwards in this method.
Wherever you go your karma pattern of the spiritual development and of time is waiting so rejoice about it, as is important, to check as great development progress is so amazing and helpful through however spontaneous the though just yet favorability is. Life is sacred the body is sacred and the present is definitely a gift so keep omshamtiblessing/cleansing purifying/tuning assisting/tuning.
Understanding the body:
Healthy relativity in the mind:
Things are made of prana (structure (intelligence)) mana (present condition/momentum) chi (chaos sometimes undefinable even maybe within consciousness carriers and even maybe the base conceptual ones if, speaking of the self…, one is in a frenzy inspired superposition or general super intense samadhi as shalld be natural, chaos, though still maybe chaos and of its complexities, which of course especially if in philosophy and even more if in relativity are intelligent intelligence for a being, of the drifting into the subconscious being unsure or still just very optimistic Bhakti analytical consciousness being filled with awen and still not necessarily choosing or maybe not relatively proving or not decharming elemental/component stability the experience has keeps awareness of, then the experience is still natural.
Helpful defining of the more inner body (hard body):
Bones are prana, muscles are manaprana, arteries are pranamana doing chimana, veins are chimana doing pranamana, sweat is chichimana, overall ojas and core jatharagni are a type of pranamanachi, food is pranachi, drink is manachi, breath is chichi. Heart is the synchronizingthing/tuner. Brain is the gauging plot/strategy interacter force. Touching the skin, maybe in abdominal, can be prana pushing in is mana, pushing in farther is chi, pushing in farther etc is deeper chi.
Healthy relativity of the outer body basic aura:
The body is prana, ratiod radiation or even other frequencies based off of conceptual distance or distance of a distance method or distance of a samyama is mana like 3 to 4 inches from the body, chaotic aura from the mana limit away from the body (accumulation complex limit) to far as one can reach including breath or certain types and definitely sure or intended electro magnetic if can be fitted for core philosophy as wholesome and proportionate, then symmetric of left and right then every other direction then harmony and some synchronization of balance of twos, then emotional then in harmony and synchronization of balance of threes, then it can be the chi portion of the aura. The strengthening of the aura develops supreme intelligence by the bodys natural vibration and frequencies and destroys suffering painfulness and its possibilities. The body radiation and circulation creates matter and its active energies.
Insights on E = mc² - Intensity is Continuity - › watch
Cosmic Principles of the 3 Dimensions - › watch
The Secret and Truth Revealed About Ashtakanma Siddhi | 29 ...YouTube · KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda34 minutes, 16 secondsJul 12, 2017
Kundalini (prana and here mana) vs samadhi (chi):
Kundalini: location of focus and dwelling, chakra/form displacement in awakening orientation or chakra/form (prana) pathway/journey (here mana and chi) in activity
Now listen,
Entanglement with structure (intelligence) constant surge not kundalini initial surge or ending coordination of blastoff intelligence for an after kundalini.
Kundalini Kriya structures and radiance and workouts, and Bhakti lifestyle of rich samyamas from the inclusive wavelength of continuityvibrations of attributes of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment and time phase segment phases.
Focus: Bio memory, meditation: muscle memory, absorption bio energy
Deintegrate disengaging to find the inner more conservative still favorable and mystical still path that radiates counting and circulates sequences of counting to synchronize to coordinate to the happenings structures (intelligences) of energy and matter in its forms of energy vibration frequency. The counting radiates wholesomely and proportionately in natural spontaneous existence, the coordinating circulates and is the process of your harder and softer and liquid organs is coordinated to as the sources radiance and as the present mana conditions which are also, sure, subject the external which is where still is more that the body which makes the idea of complexity being greater within the external chaos key (the external things are prana with mana themselves within the chi). Muscles are wise coordinators in this example throughout aligning and non revolving or revolving reorientation which is where one may say spiritual magick comes from in its processes (their detachment freeing for mystical growth of om vajara guru padme siddhi huming is when enriched in core philosophy just simple hopefully as explaining that they themselves are specifically not integrated to humans but to the great new moment of later heaven concept which is natural done constantly without being a problem which makes them sift “trigrams” sift for beautiful scenes happenings riding emotional waves of divine mysticism being Mr or Mrs strong woman or man who is attracted to further coordination still complexity if experiences scientifically or whatnot throughout time in the spiritual process still radiating om ah ra pa tsa na dhih livelihood and always being extra being liberal some what for natural growth of the easy omshantiblessings helping one which creates experiences and the practitioner om mani padme hums with any intended or more random uchatanapatsasiddhis which do build experience and overall one is absorbing maybe more spontaneous thing in consciousness as possibly) and the attraction to trained mindsets manifesting enrichments which may be more expected and natural sequences, being attracted to beauty natural or human made art are the easy painless absorptions of one’s proper samadhi and those beautiful thing’s intensities and continuities attributes and synchronized attitude attributed meanings somewhat, which are examples of the frequencies (some cycles some radiation here) of om ah hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum, are the objects of samadhi.
Whispering strong; rraaahr! You wanna live long you gunna stay little. Rraaahr! Hahahahahaha
Empower your Self-Remembrance ( Prana Samyama ) › watch
Now one is fully prepared…
In life anthem:
Don’t believe in evil. Om shanti bless. Develop the heavenly body. Be a heavenly filter. Don’t sacrifice more than you can afford. Be mystical and survive living anyway sure easily in a rich environment.
Samyama | Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110 | Nithyananda › watch
For example one is ommanipadmehumming like a glowing hummingbird on a mission to the jewel in the lotus manifesting and always summoning to meet the jewel in the lotus, or one is ommanipadmehumming there already, while time can really be a chosen factor, manifesting the experience of the jewel in the lotus om shanti blessing and all types of energy producing humming for sake of summoning it again, sure it is still or can be differently spontaneous because the space and time of Bhakti is rich until phasing to very different place or time for sure since they are a place and time of further difference in description at this point, sure. Always growing manifesting and -timing- and aligned enriching summoning by the mindset of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment. Now that one is on a mission in life’s space time, there are these interesting techniques and quick preparing/developing, it is the uchatanapatsasiddhi of super living (yoga/philosophy) ; Technology of Extraordinary Powers Samyama - › watch.
Lolololololbeyoungandthinkingthebodyisplatopuddylololololol. Remember: young body mature mind shiningly vibrant from your pendulum for example. The answer can always be basic and enriching like a rainbow body for example a wide range of emotions and what is essential from essential samyamas/resources which are a part of core philosophy which includes templates and lists and descriptions. The lotus sutra is fun and very very very literal so don’t forget to understand it scientifically I think it says if you hurts the Buddha it will really hurt you way more in nature of functioning centered consciousness by its concept and it’s entities; also interestingly I’ve seen the future before… so tune and offer up to your leading manifestation of any space or time of course. Anyways if one is in space or time then try getting into the other and understanding maybe something long lasting like cosmos wizardry of environmental chi magic is understood by a thought (synchronicity of logic and reason) that comes from the short body prana magic wizardry/sorcery in understanding summary together which is wise for core philosophy and cooks up in the jatharagni and expands signs and forces to the ojas likewise which is like clapping twelve times to evolve on the clapping surf board of the Bhakti uchatanapatsasiddhi wave; wizardry seems to be helpful as it may be called liberal (extra) which gives the chaos attribute expanded to the self consciousness by the adding and integrating it as an extension for a duality reasoning while the core philosophy bank conceptual forms/ideas which are simpler to grasp may be paired with the body as that is what it is even for though the synchronicities of its science is found in natures richness; after this wholesome philosophy view of the proportions of so much reality the scientific duality is prepared and able to be timed and aligned for outward integration works/inward integration gatherings of mana (for sorcery here) while the positive and negatives can be the prana or the chi for a core philosopher self interest (like a Druid maybe doing white or black magic or for a bard doing scientific exploring/learning). The general topic, basic examples, specific problems are generally how one is integrated and one should be able to know (by remembering) or able to understand (connect the dots) and the connecting the dots is how the self side may not have the self interests the conceptual/also basic(somewhat thirdly) plus the specific things but instead the specific things go to the cosmos as things that are primed for relative scope of focus but are what the synchronizations are chosen as and relative to in the super large cosmos. The mana split into positive and negative in scientific nature can be to separate the main environment and the temporary environment while those terms may still change for certain mindsets while main as the cosmos focus is definitely mystical, sure, and from splitting that one can attribute that times self to cosmos or cosmos to self cross to developments of manifestation journey of presence in more mind or physical hard time, which is the complex stringly development of mana wisdom through yin and yang progression while the yins and yangs may be well known as the mana part or measured by threes as the mana part which are just a more amount of middle in a way making it more a middle range. Source of the matter and energy is consciousness and can work on the 81 scales being developed. Otherwise something to keep in mind about this synchronization range from a main thing sub thing cross is that is that it also can be done from a symmetric or mathematical supersymmetric wheel on just the main side with logic and reason maybe keeping in mind coordination of the energy supply vibration chaos and frequency complexity or whatnot while it may be one of those symmetric illuminations and consciousness (structure) lead carrying/learning from the temporary environment which one would be very good to be cautious about not confusing less sustainable complexity order or wasting energy structure (material) within some order and it’s wild weather which one may do better to sometimes wait out the storm and the other thing about the temporary environment/wisdom is that it’s helpful to understand temporary environment goes well with the group of terms: chi, 3, temporary bank stash, one like by largeness/environmentness.
Let me ask you this are humans tuggin down the taint hair or the taint air. Don’t forget simple easy development of simple can create chit. Understand? But sure, maybe like superman or superwomans come on millimeter aura. Shakti powaaaaaah #kmc did anyone think it was shallow? How about a 15 30 foot beam of vegan sustainability! Heaven is easy like planets and you which are forced into the center of evading consciousness. Wisp what is seriously your real conditions of life. Accept strongly enough to be smart about the door stoppers. #Crouching wizard with wiggling fingers or supersaturated sorcerer with integrity authenticity responsibility enriching and super samyama eyes.
Core philosophy by @veganstringbean/@danglinplumshaker
Wiggy abilities:
In prana magick wizardry the main components for the mind in this method are the hard body and the mana in the aura for the sake of the mental aether bank/more entire aura of mana and chi. The big frenzy feeling should come from how this prana or mana magick is not about the cosmos but is still enriched with bottled or spraying consciousness ooops seepies, though there is a level of the cosmos involved with the energies and there might be a spike that your really don’t even need to pay attention to. The vibration frequency of the continuity is more than the vibration frequency of the intensity you call them as matter. When some synchronicity structure is very intense and leaking into absorption it is energy. # in this tiabllle. Lolololol this tiaYble. Jk. Also form equals function for the energy which is following a metaphysical alignedfull path throughouuuttt tiiiiiyymmmeee.
There is entanglement, and then mechanics which is basically there to be called something that was known by aligning sectioning and understood by timing phases into threes.
Still is prana magick destruction is actually organization into components by quantum centering focus/mostly mental distancing.
Some physical chi richness building, for the body and general development with the consciousness developing itself by energy and matter throughout manifestation and by enriching it through fine tuning summoning which can evolve/constant radiance and circulation throughout alignment steps like how 9 root digits can round out 3 root digits or materialize/tune development, can be found from yoga moves on yogaforums. A key: Emotion develops intelligence (structure) also the intellect tool made of intelligence is sensitive to structures and that interaction interaction interaction is the consciousness which starts manifesting itself and one can really summon the intelligence product in wholesome and proportionate ways of the manifestation work process. One is so intelligent that really an om shanti bless set setting is enough for the simple self to produce all forms of magic with perfect intention (imagination). The hard body jatharagni can be used like a sponge that when it grows into ojas it uses material to evaporate into its auraness space and to absorb more energy into certain parts which expands it just there; and this very pixel/mosaic complex structure can be ojas environment that grows all kinds of food tools and this is different than using the ratios of space and momentum and randomness and chaos and time of the complexity of the ojas and resource/weather of the jatharagni giving new yin to the yang like banana potato coconut potato<— which but instead of making food it actually calculates ratios of timing and alignments of certain structures and sequences. The hard body in prana magick is what ratios are specifically linked to abilities of goals and is what is the dominion and realm of the gateway into initiations to be started is or was because the tuning of alignments for future coordination of magic for magick was subject to the determining case that stored complexity, and energy x alignment coordinations in its mindsetting. A supple enriched body is great for mana usage as it is in the form of toolly malleability for any shape that can enter its field or be engulfed by it when sent from body and the body then must work with it to basically keep producing/gathering more mana energy to enrich the wizardry material throughout stages of development and with the mana as a body layer intensability which is more malleable energy and more ratios to be haded which isn’t necessarily a super fixed structure radiation of aligning rays since the mana is for the present. Also since the mana is more exact and for the present in these ideal methods, it is very much a toolkit so any subtler things of energymatter, that are seemingly randomly manifested and summoned along with its timing order and alignment structure information ratios, can be grown like food of intelligence within the general even whole body mana range as it is maybe isotopic between wither the body or the wizardry malleable material is the main or temporary environment and which one carries the intelligence that is synced to by the other in the mana from the other side of the mana. Imagining triangles as receptor balance on the limits of mana levels. The mana is help when the whole body or wizardry malleable material is wholesomely and proportionately scanned for the occasion by threes and simply reviewed or otherwise seeked for deeper bank of attributes and subtler tendencies. Intelligence is art, the athletic body is the philosophical body, art describes the truth.
One may use the amount of sides or whatever of the Platonic solids as the levels of the 81 scales (1,3,9,27,81) by general relativity of less to more from the center of specifically the material (in prana magick rather than mana magick) outwards in this method.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Bard experience about super magic of super magick. The use of the word super is fitting for the bard to use as it is concepts and actualities of magic is great by that it is manifested and summoned but also that it is actually unique.
The styles of the wizard and the sorcerer is the body and both, some of the common hard body and soft aura body. Many dimension shades are channeled into for sorcery within the body and the environment. The common complexions of the present and more base essential survival structures by usage of storage and choice of organization of the source even going through toolish phases that are still structure while the aura magic may have complexions of the hard body taking fitted form as a tool at the most likely most while the aura mostly the tool and the hard body a rawer tone of intensity and rawer rate of expenditure rather than a very complex readable om mani padme hum meditation object spinning cylinder which can be made to reflect certain types of wizards inner intelligence and complex resource and mana resource and chi resource banks. The wizards and the sorcerers both in a method are enjoying a certain highlighting of the shape of the simple body which illuminates certain physiology experiences. Those experiences get wisped out and integrated to structures for the sorcerer and accessed like a super powerful sandblaster cabinet with extra fine choice flexibility which the attributes are one in the samyamas for both the sorcerer and the wizard. There are light reflections and shadow reflections of the body that are still further complexified in use or in gathering towards its samyama coordination with angles of physiologies or vibrant shining glows in both the light or shadow or combo which are illuminated while at times one creates mystical artistic energy and matter complex fractals or kaleidoscopes and many shaped chakra mandalas like dragons that do many skills for the magician attracted consciously or to consciousness’ body areas of concentration which get highlighted in a realm only the magician can see or not particularly. The body surface highlights accelerate the six senses and whatnot being a complexifying calculus complexion highlight still vibrating moving asana realm which are created in experiences where the absorb or create developing the triangulateable furthermore mindset manifestation for its summoning within the body as a great resource tool full of samyamas and encoded outside synchronicities. The wizard’s complex abilities which are done by using the inner body abilities are used with more agility and mobility when the highlight skills are excelled by the power of the light and shade agni. The sorcerer used the light and shade agni highlighted agni skills many times to excel the durability and production intensity of the base structures in the aura as they enrich the complex dimension shades that add mobility and agility to the spells experience of the present factors
The styles of the wizard and the sorcerer is the body and both, some of the common hard body and soft aura body. Many dimension shades are channeled into for sorcery within the body and the environment. The common complexions of the present and more base essential survival structures by usage of storage and choice of organization of the source even going through toolish phases that are still structure while the aura magic may have complexions of the hard body taking fitted form as a tool at the most likely most while the aura mostly the tool and the hard body a rawer tone of intensity and rawer rate of expenditure rather than a very complex readable om mani padme hum meditation object spinning cylinder which can be made to reflect certain types of wizards inner intelligence and complex resource and mana resource and chi resource banks. The wizards and the sorcerers both in a method are enjoying a certain highlighting of the shape of the simple body which illuminates certain physiology experiences. Those experiences get wisped out and integrated to structures for the sorcerer and accessed like a super powerful sandblaster cabinet with extra fine choice flexibility which the attributes are one in the samyamas for both the sorcerer and the wizard. There are light reflections and shadow reflections of the body that are still further complexified in use or in gathering towards its samyama coordination with angles of physiologies or vibrant shining glows in both the light or shadow or combo which are illuminated while at times one creates mystical artistic energy and matter complex fractals or kaleidoscopes and many shaped chakra mandalas like dragons that do many skills for the magician attracted consciously or to consciousness’ body areas of concentration which get highlighted in a realm only the magician can see or not particularly. The body surface highlights accelerate the six senses and whatnot being a complexifying calculus complexion highlight still vibrating moving asana realm which are created in experiences where the absorb or create developing the triangulateable furthermore mindset manifestation for its summoning within the body as a great resource tool full of samyamas and encoded outside synchronicities. The wizard’s complex abilities which are done by using the inner body abilities are used with more agility and mobility when the highlight skills are excelled by the power of the light and shade agni. The sorcerer used the light and shade agni highlighted agni skills many times to excel the durability and production intensity of the base structures in the aura as they enrich the complex dimension shades that add mobility and agility to the spells experience of the present factors
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
A method for magick distinction:
The wizard leans so they can use many spells
The magical consciousness carrier hard body knowledge is filled with many spells that are familiar and simple by level of trained condition; the spells are understood so the wizard knows what types of spells are likely next while the environment can be aligned for less considerable significance of the succeeding spells.
Sorcerery uses a machine that does many complex things and uses environmental tuning to tend the spell development
The wizard familiarized themself with the large long term knowledge of the environmental cosmos and the hard body magickal consciousness carrier knowledge so they can have more entirety of filled casting.
The wizard leans so they can use many spells
The magical consciousness carrier hard body knowledge is filled with many spells that are familiar and simple by level of trained condition; the spells are understood so the wizard knows what types of spells are likely next while the environment can be aligned for less considerable significance of the succeeding spells.
Sorcerery uses a machine that does many complex things and uses environmental tuning to tend the spell development
The wizard familiarized themself with the large long term knowledge of the environmental cosmos and the hard body magickal consciousness carrier knowledge so they can have more entirety of filled casting.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Strengthening intelligence:
Fasting to re-supply the base structures, and that can be signed for need to do it by emotion for living things as well as the basic things for any structure. That develops intelligence set. Having energized posture practice for sustaining throughout time, which allows structure process stages to be timed. Fasting makes room for recognizing whole entirety through emptiness and energy teaches through ability to note stages through more entirely wholesome cycle experience.
Body wisdom of cubits is great (4 up/down and 4 left/right). The body moving physically or the subtle energies moved mentally by the mind or the intensity leveled flexing/pressuring, can move, for example triangle, alignable symbol points for the measurement of physics while close can be what is relative to what is emotional intelligence focus and while fas can be what is more relative to what is intelligence structure of the malleable sorcery design template or material. The movement of triangle “scales/tuners” tips are able to be further coordinated to by symbolic hand signs. The source of what is base (like emotional intelligence fitting (emotion develops intelligence) vs furthered as complexity in a basic conceptual understanding can be what is known as what is closer or further to the malleable wizardry design template energy or packed matter material as being more basic or complex depending on wether the self wisdom or the wizardry material is more the focus. The thumb index middle touching can represent the more intelligent force coherence point of the triangle closer to the structure being fitted to or shaped for while the swimming leg like pinky and ring can represent which direction it is still exactly going while maybe staying on that side and the pinky flexed/in illumination position up or down can be the more base direction. The thumb middle ring touching can represent the movement of the middle point of the triangle while the up or down of index determines meaning of the direction it moves or transforms for example, as the intelligent/complex/process furthering progression and the pinky can be the emotional/basic progression/intensity. The thumb ring pinky touching works the same way while the index and middle works the same too. Alignments of the triangles can attribute stages to a specific triangle/tetrahedron for the 81 scale method creating spells that can produce magical samyamas ability of the 81 scales in action while these scales are built with the aligned charming of the body and body training and tool intelligence ratio integration can be stored as a function in the body which can be for example a playing work of a samyamas body technique which is manifested and enriched within the body as well as after a cast of an outer type of spell by the for example contemplated body technique.
Om shanti bless.
The base layer of the 81 scales for the sorcerer with typically the triangular prism close and the square scales far is the special complexity beyond the strength of the positioning of the complex layer; this may be a certain synchronicity synonym to the wizards whole body alignment/function plus fingers complexity. The 19 overall layers for the sorcerer can also be similar to the manifestation and summoning enrichment within the body or in present conditional after cast tuning.
Fasting to re-supply the base structures, and that can be signed for need to do it by emotion for living things as well as the basic things for any structure. That develops intelligence set. Having energized posture practice for sustaining throughout time, which allows structure process stages to be timed. Fasting makes room for recognizing whole entirety through emptiness and energy teaches through ability to note stages through more entirely wholesome cycle experience.
Body wisdom of cubits is great (4 up/down and 4 left/right). The body moving physically or the subtle energies moved mentally by the mind or the intensity leveled flexing/pressuring, can move, for example triangle, alignable symbol points for the measurement of physics while close can be what is relative to what is emotional intelligence focus and while fas can be what is more relative to what is intelligence structure of the malleable sorcery design template or material. The movement of triangle “scales/tuners” tips are able to be further coordinated to by symbolic hand signs. The source of what is base (like emotional intelligence fitting (emotion develops intelligence) vs furthered as complexity in a basic conceptual understanding can be what is known as what is closer or further to the malleable wizardry design template energy or packed matter material as being more basic or complex depending on wether the self wisdom or the wizardry material is more the focus. The thumb index middle touching can represent the more intelligent force coherence point of the triangle closer to the structure being fitted to or shaped for while the swimming leg like pinky and ring can represent which direction it is still exactly going while maybe staying on that side and the pinky flexed/in illumination position up or down can be the more base direction. The thumb middle ring touching can represent the movement of the middle point of the triangle while the up or down of index determines meaning of the direction it moves or transforms for example, as the intelligent/complex/process furthering progression and the pinky can be the emotional/basic progression/intensity. The thumb ring pinky touching works the same way while the index and middle works the same too. Alignments of the triangles can attribute stages to a specific triangle/tetrahedron for the 81 scale method creating spells that can produce magical samyamas ability of the 81 scales in action while these scales are built with the aligned charming of the body and body training and tool intelligence ratio integration can be stored as a function in the body which can be for example a playing work of a samyamas body technique which is manifested and enriched within the body as well as after a cast of an outer type of spell by the for example contemplated body technique.
Om shanti bless.
The base layer of the 81 scales for the sorcerer with typically the triangular prism close and the square scales far is the special complexity beyond the strength of the positioning of the complex layer; this may be a certain synchronicity synonym to the wizards whole body alignment/function plus fingers complexity. The 19 overall layers for the sorcerer can also be similar to the manifestation and summoning enrichment within the body or in present conditional after cast tuning.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Bardlike topic:
Science or occult makes the waves and science or occult rides the waves. Science or occult is the wave and science or occult is what is made by the wave.
Druidlike topic:
How does what makes the magic work, how does making the magic work, what is the magic working like/as.
Science or occult makes the waves and science or occult rides the waves. Science or occult is the wave and science or occult is what is made by the wave.
Druidlike topic:
How does what makes the magic work, how does making the magic work, what is the magic working like/as.
- Vesperium
- Forum Member
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:47 pm
- Location: Den of Darkness / Universe
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Very interesting topics. I am glad to see that you are activeJMPtD wrote: ↑Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:55 pm Prana (structure. Perspective of the body magick) magick (hard body and mana of the aura magick). White magic
Wherever you go your karma pattern of the spiritual development and of time is waiting so rejoice about it, as is important, to check as great development progress is so amazing and helpful through however spontaneous the though just yet favorability is. Life is sacred the body is sacred and the present is definitely a gift so keep omshamtiblessing/cleansing purifying/tuning assisting/tuning.
Understanding the body:
Healthy relativity in the mind:
Things are made of prana (structure (intelligence)) mana (present condition/momentum) chi (chaos sometimes undefinable even maybe within consciousness carriers and even maybe the base conceptual ones if, speaking of the self…, one is in a frenzy inspired superposition or general super intense samadhi as shalld be natural, chaos, though still maybe chaos and of its complexities, which of course especially if in philosophy and even more if in relativity are intelligent intelligence for a being, of the drifting into the subconscious being unsure or still just very optimistic Bhakti analytical consciousness being filled with awen and still not necessarily choosing or maybe not relatively proving or not decharming elemental/component stability the experience has keeps awareness of, then the experience is still natural.
Helpful defining of the more inner body (hard body):
Bones are prana, muscles are manaprana, arteries are pranamana doing chimana, veins are chimana doing pranamana, sweat is chichimana, overall ojas and core jatharagni are a type of pranamanachi, food is pranachi, drink is manachi, breath is chichi. Heart is the synchronizingthing/tuner. Brain is the gauging plot/strategy interacter force. Touching the skin, maybe in abdominal, can be prana pushing in is mana, pushing in farther is chi, pushing in farther etc is deeper chi.
Healthy relativity of the outer body basic aura:
The body is prana, ratiod radiation or even other frequencies based off of conceptual distance or distance of a distance method or distance of a samyama is mana like 3 to 4 inches from the body, chaotic aura from the mana limit away from the body (accumulation complex limit) to far as one can reach including breath or certain types and definitely sure or intended electro magnetic if can be fitted for core philosophy as wholesome and proportionate, then symmetric of left and right then every other direction then harmony and some synchronization of balance of twos, then emotional then in harmony and synchronization of balance of threes, then it can be the chi portion of the aura. The strengthening of the aura develops supreme intelligence by the bodys natural vibration and frequencies and destroys suffering painfulness and its possibilities. The body radiation and circulation creates matter and its active energies.
Insights on E = mc² - Intensity is Continuity - › watch
Cosmic Principles of the 3 Dimensions - › watch
The Secret and Truth Revealed About Ashtakanma Siddhi | 29 ...YouTube · KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda34 minutes, 16 secondsJul 12, 2017
Kundalini (prana and here mana) vs samadhi (chi):
Kundalini: location of focus and dwelling, chakra/form displacement in awakening orientation or chakra/form (prana) pathway/journey (here mana and chi) in activity
Now listen,
Entanglement with structure (intelligence) constant surge not kundalini initial surge or ending coordination of blastoff intelligence for an after kundalini.
Kundalini Kriya structures and radiance and workouts, and Bhakti lifestyle of rich samyamas from the inclusive wavelength of continuityvibrations of attributes of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment and time phase segment phases.
Focus: Bio memory, meditation: muscle memory, absorption bio energy
Deintegrate disengaging to find the inner more conservative still favorable and mystical still path that radiates counting and circulates sequences of counting to synchronize to coordinate to the happenings structures (intelligences) of energy and matter in its forms of energy vibration frequency. The counting radiates wholesomely and proportionately in natural spontaneous existence, the coordinating circulates and is the process of your harder and softer and liquid organs is coordinated to as the sources radiance and as the present mana conditions which are also, sure, subject the external which is where still is more that the body which makes the idea of complexity being greater within the external chaos key (the external things are prana with mana themselves within the chi). Muscles are wise coordinators in this example throughout aligning and non revolving or revolving reorientation which is where one may say spiritual magick comes from in its processes (their detachment freeing for mystical growth of om vajara guru padme siddhi huming is when enriched in core philosophy just simple hopefully as explaining that they themselves are specifically not integrated to humans but to the great new moment of later heaven concept which is natural done constantly without being a problem which makes them sift “trigrams” sift for beautiful scenes happenings riding emotional waves of divine mysticism being Mr or Mrs strong woman or man who is attracted to further coordination still complexity if experiences scientifically or whatnot throughout time in the spiritual process still radiating om ah ra pa tsa na dhih livelihood and always being extra being liberal some what for natural growth of the easy omshantiblessings helping one which creates experiences and the practitioner om mani padme hums with any intended or more random uchatanapatsasiddhis which do build experience and overall one is absorbing maybe more spontaneous thing in consciousness as possibly) and the attraction to trained mindsets manifesting enrichments which may be more expected and natural sequences, being attracted to beauty natural or human made art are the easy painless absorptions of one’s proper samadhi and those beautiful thing’s intensities and continuities attributes and synchronized attitude attributed meanings somewhat, which are examples of the frequencies (some cycles some radiation here) of om ah hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum, are the objects of samadhi.
Whispering strong; rraaahr! You wanna live long you gunna stay little. Rraaahr! Hahahahahaha
Empower your Self-Remembrance ( Prana Samyama ) › watch
Now one is fully prepared…
In life anthem:
Don’t believe in evil. Om shanti bless. Develop the heavenly body. Be a heavenly filter. Don’t sacrifice more than you can afford. Be mystical and survive living anyway sure easily in a rich environment.
Samyama | Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110 | Nithyananda › watch
For example one is ommanipadmehumming like a glowing hummingbird on a mission to the jewel in the lotus manifesting and always summoning to meet the jewel in the lotus, or one is ommanipadmehumming there already, while time can really be a chosen factor, manifesting the experience of the jewel in the lotus om shanti blessing and all types of energy producing humming for sake of summoning it again, sure it is still or can be differently spontaneous because the space and time of Bhakti is rich until phasing to very different place or time for sure since they are a place and time of further difference in description at this point, sure. Always growing manifesting and -timing- and aligned enriching summoning by the mindset of integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment. Now that one is on a mission in life’s space time, there are these interesting techniques and quick preparing/developing, it is the uchatanapatsasiddhi of super living (yoga/philosophy) ; Technology of Extraordinary Powers Samyama - › watch.
Lolololololbeyoungandthinkingthebodyisplatopuddylololololol. Remember: young body mature mind shiningly vibrant from your pendulum for example. The answer can always be basic and enriching like a rainbow body for example a wide range of emotions and what is essential from essential samyamas/resources which are a part of core philosophy which includes templates and lists and descriptions. The lotus sutra is fun and very very very literal so don’t forget to understand it scientifically I think it says if you hurts the Buddha it will really hurt you way more in nature of functioning centered consciousness by its concept and it’s entities; also interestingly I’ve seen the future before… so tune and offer up to your leading manifestation of any space or time of course. Anyways if one is in space or time then try getting into the other and understanding maybe something long lasting like cosmos wizardry of environmental chi magic is understood by a thought (synchronicity of logic and reason) that comes from the short body prana magic wizardry/sorcery in understanding summary together which is wise for core philosophy and cooks up in the jatharagni and expands signs and forces to the ojas likewise which is like clapping twelve times to evolve on the clapping surf board of the Bhakti uchatanapatsasiddhi wave; wizardry seems to be helpful as it may be called liberal (extra) which gives the chaos attribute expanded to the self consciousness by the adding and integrating it as an extension for a duality reasoning while the core philosophy bank conceptual forms/ideas which are simpler to grasp may be paired with the body as that is what it is even for though the synchronicities of its science is found in natures richness; after this wholesome philosophy view of the proportions of so much reality the scientific duality is prepared and able to be timed and aligned for outward integration works/inward integration gatherings of mana (for sorcery here) while the positive and negatives can be the prana or the chi for a core philosopher self interest (like a Druid maybe doing white or black magic or for a bard doing scientific exploring/learning). The general topic, basic examples, specific problems are generally how one is integrated and one should be able to know (by remembering) or able to understand (connect the dots) and the connecting the dots is how the self side may not have the self interests the conceptual/also basic(somewhat thirdly) plus the specific things but instead the specific things go to the cosmos as things that are primed for relative scope of focus but are what the synchronizations are chosen as and relative to in the super large cosmos. The mana split into positive and negative in scientific nature can be to separate the main environment and the temporary environment while those terms may still change for certain mindsets while main as the cosmos focus is definitely mystical, sure, and from splitting that one can attribute that times self to cosmos or cosmos to self cross to developments of manifestation journey of presence in more mind or physical hard time, which is the complex stringly development of mana wisdom through yin and yang progression while the yins and yangs may be well known as the mana part or measured by threes as the mana part which are just a more amount of middle in a way making it more a middle range. Source of the matter and energy is consciousness and can work on the 81 scales being developed. Otherwise something to keep in mind about this synchronization range from a main thing sub thing cross is that is that it also can be done from a symmetric or mathematical supersymmetric wheel on just the main side with logic and reason maybe keeping in mind coordination of the energy supply vibration chaos and frequency complexity or whatnot while it may be one of those symmetric illuminations and consciousness (structure) lead carrying/learning from the temporary environment which one would be very good to be cautious about not confusing less sustainable complexity order or wasting energy structure (material) within some order and it’s wild weather which one may do better to sometimes wait out the storm and the other thing about the temporary environment/wisdom is that it’s helpful to understand temporary environment goes well with the group of terms: chi, 3, temporary bank stash, one like by largeness/environmentness.
Let me ask you this are humans tuggin down the taint hair or the taint air. Don’t forget simple easy development of simple can create chit. Understand? But sure, maybe like superman or superwomans come on millimeter aura. Shakti powaaaaaah #kmc did anyone think it was shallow? How about a 15 30 foot beam of vegan sustainability! Heaven is easy like planets and you which are forced into the center of evading consciousness. Wisp what is seriously your real conditions of life. Accept strongly enough to be smart about the door stoppers. #Crouching wizard with wiggling fingers or supersaturated sorcerer with integrity authenticity responsibility enriching and super samyama eyes.
Core philosophy by @veganstringbean/@danglinplumshaker
Wiggy abilities:
In prana magick wizardry the main components for the mind in this method are the hard body and the mana in the aura for the sake of the mental aether bank/more entire aura of mana and chi. The big frenzy feeling should come from how this prana or mana magick is not about the cosmos but is still enriched with bottled or spraying consciousness ooops seepies, though there is a level of the cosmos involved with the energies and there might be a spike that your really don’t even need to pay attention to. The vibration frequency of the continuity is more than the vibration frequency of the intensity you call them as matter. When some synchronicity structure is very intense and leaking into absorption it is energy. # in this tiabllle. Lolololol this tiaYble. Jk. Also form equals function for the energy which is following a metaphysical alignedfull path throughouuuttt tiiiiiyymmmeee.
There is entanglement, and then mechanics which is basically there to be called something that was known by aligning sectioning and understood by timing phases into threes.
Still is prana magick destruction is actually organization into components by quantum centering focus/mostly mental distancing.
Some physical chi richness building, for the body and general development with the consciousness developing itself by energy and matter throughout manifestation and by enriching it through fine tuning summoning which can evolve/constant radiance and circulation throughout alignment steps like how 9 root digits can round out 3 root digits or materialize/tune development, can be found from yoga moves on yogaforums. A key: Emotion develops intelligence (structure) also the intellect tool made of intelligence is sensitive to structures and that interaction interaction interaction is the consciousness which starts manifesting itself and one can really summon the intelligence product in wholesome and proportionate ways of the manifestation work process. One is so intelligent that really an om shanti bless set setting is enough for the simple self to produce all forms of magic with perfect intention (imagination). The hard body jatharagni can be used like a sponge that when it grows into ojas it uses material to evaporate into its auraness space and to absorb more energy into certain parts which expands it just there; and this very pixel/mosaic complex structure can be ojas environment that grows all kinds of food tools and this is different than using the ratios of space and momentum and randomness and chaos and time of the complexity of the ojas and resource/weather of the jatharagni giving new yin to the yang like banana potato coconut potato<— which but instead of making food it actually calculates ratios of timing and alignments of certain structures and sequences. The hard body in prana magick is what ratios are specifically linked to abilities of goals and is what is the dominion and realm of the gateway into initiations to be started is or was because the tuning of alignments for future coordination of magic for magick was subject to the determining case that stored complexity, and energy x alignment coordinations in its mindsetting. A supple enriched body is great for mana usage as it is in the form of toolly malleability for any shape that can enter its field or be engulfed by it when sent from body and the body then must work with it to basically keep producing/gathering more mana energy to enrich the wizardry material throughout stages of development and with the mana as a body layer intensability which is more malleable energy and more ratios to be haded which isn’t necessarily a super fixed structure radiation of aligning rays since the mana is for the present. Also since the mana is more exact and for the present in these ideal methods, it is very much a toolkit so any subtler things of energymatter, that are seemingly randomly manifested and summoned along with its timing order and alignment structure information ratios, can be grown like food of intelligence within the general even whole body mana range as it is maybe isotopic between wither the body or the wizardry malleable material is the main or temporary environment and which one carries the intelligence that is synced to by the other in the mana from the other side of the mana. Imagining triangles as receptor balance on the limits of mana levels. The mana is help when the whole body or wizardry malleable material is wholesomely and proportionately scanned for the occasion by threes and simply reviewed or otherwise seeked for deeper bank of attributes and subtler tendencies. Intelligence is art, the athletic body is the philosophical body, art describes the truth.
One may use the amount of sides or whatever of the Platonic solids as the levels of the 81 scales (1,3,9,27,81) by general relativity of less to more from the center of specifically the material (in prana magick rather than mana magick) outwards in this method.
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Hey thanks a lot you too dude.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The environmental chi chaos magician might be helpfully practicing divination while the environmental chi sorcerer might be helpfully practicing necromancy. Necromancy can be used like a nice clarity bringing realm that uses fixed energies to assist with divination and or reading signs. The chaos magician here might be collecting random pieces for a random 81 scales by enriched nature with the number alignments and an enriched plain 81 scale logic body that can evoke development and they would develop the environment and other mana energies using divination. The sorcerer here might do necromancy to manifest ratios that calculusly align to reality by the tuned raw material of the regular dimension that fulfills a specific form complexion. In the same way as the environmental chi wizard the hard body wizard works by and checks what self energies are within the aura and environment and then uses those outer coherences to the hard body as extensions of the self and can use the aura also as raw energy ready to feed the task handling consciousness malleable wizard material while maybe controlling the energies in a reverse to the environmental chi wizard in a way since the outer might not be controlling the inner for the hard body wizard. The hard body wizard might do necromancy by 144 energy on of regular points and 216 points of necromancy shades which are 144 made of 108 chaos and 36 control matters, 216 of 1 108 of order and 1 108 of structure. And the hard body wizard might also do divination reordering by conjuring energy matter back and forth from the body to through and around the environment to develop evocation and doing smaller conjurings and evocations to transmute and abjure for undisturbed and progressive spells.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The body witches and sorceresses have a certain general intelligence which might use the self intelligence made of the 6:3 ratios where 6 is the self and 3 may be the self but three is anyways used as the channeled intelligence template/info from the selfs general intelligence while they might also use 12 year spell layers for example like the environmental chi sorcerer but they don’t have it packed like the environmental chi wizard since the body mages have perhaps the 1440 minute 81 scale method along with the Silios dimensional method. The body mages are strong in their body energy force effect with 324 beats per 4 minutes while there are 324 complexions readable and assistable and the fourth point assistable fluctuation buildup/fulfillment which are four points which come from physical/symbolic logic points of the 144 worth 81 spikes/surges per heartbeat.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
To absorb prana from your environment by 100th of a nautical mile directly, have 100 hand length rings with all 100 rings having 10 total making 100 in 10, and then the body creates 10 hand lengths making an 81 scales as well as them keeping the other 90 body lengths sending bits of info by an 81 scales to each of the 81 scales at the center of the magic circle. The 81 scales could be propped up on the ground behind you connected to a tail that absorbs the intelligence into your body, or maybe if a sorcerer directly into the aura. These can work by meaning one minute with 81 81s per minute, and the sign for four minutes and the four signs within can float around your aura
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The distances for 100 th of a mile go from 10 th of hands as smallest to 1 hand for 10th of mile to 1 body height for 1 mile and then to 100th of a mile for the 10 mile distance. The ten mile distance can be throughout 144 signs of 576 minutes while each sign is based upon a compilation mixation of the four minutes of 81s within.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
A body wizard might start counting the local body length circle for the first of 4 minutes, then the 1st of each of the 10 hands for the outer 90 during the second of 4 minutes, then the 81 10ths of hands for the third minute, while the fourth minute is integrated to the time signs likewise but does it by balancing the complexion of the previous 3 minutes while intelligence from larger time scales can be added to the happenings of the spell. The body sorcerer does the first three minutes in the opposite order while the last minute is the same.
- Vesperium
- Forum Member
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:47 pm
- Location: Den of Darkness / Universe
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Wow . Got it noted.
Also, may Pluto in Aquarius boost your occult abilities:)
Also, may Pluto in Aquarius boost your occult abilities:)
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
And let the Saturn super moon which passed recently still have great effect. And good luck.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The body wizard might make very complex plots/plans,strategies between the principles and trends of long lasting body, automatic bodily functions, particular voluntary bodily actions. As the body sorcerer might make fascinations living by a 7 from a body 144 and an environmental 144, the body wizard might make the fascinations living by a time/body structure 144 worth three, a time/body order 144 worth three, and a time/space body 7 worth 3 which is chaos in this example.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
For both a body wizard and sorcerer the 144 might be a half an inch value while it actually grows to one inch per unit when it shrinks to a 7 but only a body wizard might understand, it might be more symbolic logic than the rest of reality anyway…
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
One thing to play with could be from the similar ratio to the 12 year method while more mystically using the ratios rather than seen in the sky like for all the environmental chi mages; one 7 could be worth a structure or order or chaos and after three sevens combined we have a 21 which could be for 1440 ”days” while there are three 1440s plus 63 in the ratio. There could be 9 7s giving us 9 dimensions to work in with this grasp of intelligence. The environmental chi wizard might be thinking more about things like the 36 or 144 day method for example while the body wizard/sorcerer and mostly wizard when it’s most complex might be thinking about the different accumulations as in dimensions more than 12 years or 36 or 144 days drishti. These ratios can be decoded and mastered by reading the wrinkles of the wrist.
Last edited by JMPtD on Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
People could make places near by into different dimensions and we will be transcended which makes a certain essential sense by threes which ancient aliens explained. Watch it if it’s relevant.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
When thinking about archangels, thinking about the “arch”etypes ahhhh? Aaaah? Can enable us to the path of an angels understanding. Love is intelligence. Om shanti bless.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
There are some distances between the temple walls. Aaaah? Ahhhhh? Lolol. An analogy for transcendence is staying on one wall in a common maze is enough to get to the end.
And again these lights that are here will help:
Feb 26 2024 (
I sense that one carrying a heavy weight facing the load being pulled is the same as facing away as they pull but this type of picky thinking is great for revealing a technical distinction. We should do what we need to but not be arrogant/ignorant, and then the extreme shifts to gather perception for regular life will be born of a time when people were all wise the hour before.
We can develop more innumerable paths for fulfillment.
Om shanti bless.
And again these lights that are here will help:
Feb 26 2024 (
I sense that one carrying a heavy weight facing the load being pulled is the same as facing away as they pull but this type of picky thinking is great for revealing a technical distinction. We should do what we need to but not be arrogant/ignorant, and then the extreme shifts to gather perception for regular life will be born of a time when people were all wise the hour before.
We can develop more innumerable paths for fulfillment.
Om shanti bless.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The 7 unit 7 might even by a 14 unit seven by 14 inches by that 24 years is two segments of 12 years which can have a 24 correlate to a day, not like 12 years with two sevens in it by the same opposite value as negatives and positives.
- Vesperium
- Forum Member
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:47 pm
- Location: Den of Darkness / Universe
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Om Shanti bless. Your tips are very productive and I am sure will have a lot of effectiveness.
Also, I agree with the fact that Love is intelligence. I noted it on my journal
Also, I agree with the fact that Love is intelligence. I noted it on my journal
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
Thanks a lot Vesperium you too. Hey man keep chimin on and dance to till end. You being alive is also that intelligence when I say it.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
The psychic can collect intelligence which is subtle energy of 81 different shades objects can emit and the triangulations can be made to create the level of 1 which can be worked with by the Saturn value system ( ... post-34045) of 410 so that for each group of nine plus the tenth/overall group, the understanding of 41 being the middle of the categories because the different illuminations or even signs are kept distinguished; 410 can mean one scale in each group of nine is the middle 41 by one vibration with an inner frequency of 9 (or 10…) and additionally a frequency of 9 410s can be scanned giving each scale the middle centering into focus pinning it for creating a conditioned time of a certain type of focus, and each 410 has 100 points in a way where more conceptually nine counted might not keep 1 of them as a 41st but instead is a shade that cognized that the overall point for the nine is accounted for so then the ten nines of the 410 regardless synchronized and aligned to it can give 100 point counting method, and so if the 9 41s during a time that is more thorough and could be in coherence with reflections inflections complexions compositions of 81 on each of the 81 scale as a constant throughout the 81 41s, then each group of nine are counted then the conceptual value would be 900 and a second phase can be of how the ten from each of the nine groups of nine were all counted similarly but more overall and then the overall group of nine was counted again giving an additional 1000 points simply by that the 900 complexion was counted a second time by the 100 in each of the nine being in balance for ten of of course the most most overall nine 100s and the single most most most overall 100; a 10000 could be of body or nature happenings within 144 minutes with further triangulations made or just for a minute.
One can dedicate intelligence to time and mechanics for psychics, task and process for psionics, space and mechanics to magic. Process and mechanics can be coherent and conductive to the 324 things per minute throughout four minutes for example.
For the shades of complexions
The more structure when the structure 27 are in the middle could be astrological magic of the chaos, and the more chaos when the chaos 27 are in the middle could be astrological.
One can dedicate intelligence to time and mechanics for psychics, task and process for psionics, space and mechanics to magic. Process and mechanics can be coherent and conductive to the 324 things per minute throughout four minutes for example.
For the shades of complexions
The more structure when the structure 27 are in the middle could be astrological magic of the chaos, and the more chaos when the chaos 27 are in the middle could be astrological.
Re: Body prana magic (here white magic)
With each set of 144 minutes being one scale with 4 counted a day, then after 36 days there are 144 and a total of a complete 81 scales while the complex version for the body and environmental wizards has a common limit of 81 per minute, while both sum to 10000 total.