Magick cycle through scroll

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by Amor »

That video may be relevant to those attempting to escape humanness.

But some spirits entered into the human race for a higher purpose. They retain a pure mind as instrumental in managing the future of this planet

A pure heart (buddhic body) and a pure will (atmic body) are also critical to their functionality

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Good point. Samyama synchronizations harmonic to the more primordial of self maybe shoonya intelligence is essential, and then the samyama can become more complex with things additional to personal survival like extra or other people things; the government is a good conservative construct for extra safety for failed functioning or somewhat liberal constructs of civilization. While also the position of a being which can be attributed to practicing lonely meditation still would have some universal blessings and is a blessing of overall great role model composition in philosophy by positioning in metaphysics; these wavelengths are powerful enough to travel far distances off the top of the head like Shiva and Parvati.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

The sorcerer consciousness malleable spell material can make the ratios of nature valued by enforcing very optimistic paths of possibility for the general will of the sorcerer which is compounded by the manifested and summoned spell forms of nature, and the wizard can make the ratios of the spell conditional to and rooted to the cause and effect causing karma of nature while the spell is energized and accumulative by natures building energy effect complexities which can be used for activating spell mechanics and dimensional processes which are assisted favorably by the witchacos who set up shop. The sorcerũcles environment ratios are great if they are integrated by synchronization to the main bank of intelligence, which is loaded with optimistic general imagination to be intensified things by the effective filtering and developing consciousness methods, though also helpful if synchronized to their further tools and fated fun when with any favorable objects to be enchanted and put through magick time.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

All so many optimism ratios for the sorcerer are grown from the prana of the biomemory which is scalar by certain intelligence, and is also further processed for specifically chosen things and their tuning in mana conditioning which is active as physiology (synchronization and muscle and emotional) memory activity, and is enriched by chi of simple mediocre complex complexions enriching as bio energy.
The wizard integrates potential spells of short medium long lasting times and enriches 1) emotion and its intuition, 2) mechanics, 3) processes that are furthered through greatly tuning the orders of the signs

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

A visual of interaction:
When the sorcerers and wizards create a reaction by the fusion of the will to to each other metaphysics the wizard knows the specific longer conditioned mechanics making self styled conjugation structures everywhere so well they can realign the power concentration of the sorcerer through domination and submission to primordial and developed intelligence of the sorceress, and the sorcerer can delete destroy decondition the trajectories of the wicha and the alignments are intended to be ended by the sorcerer who aims to stop so much radiance that the wizards base fate units are manipulated, made potentials unaligned which also might have been made evoked and manifested. The wizard seems to make force fields that conceal the force radiance of the sorcerer.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

10 miles figuring can help a person decide which astrological set or parts of perhaps one or more 12 years are selected for the spells and overall time spells, while there are even time spells about more time than the 144 signs of 576 minutes for example. 1 mile or 0.1 of a mile or 0.01 of a mile can be figuring for different amounts of space which start to prime spells with compartmentalizing and perceptional angles, and specific signs can be guiding the magic path as well as the enchanting of the spells and the building of divination for those necromancy alignments while the whole trajectory of present moment or present instant spells are also part of an interconnected worth.
The most specific focus being the body (0.001 mile) obviously reaches its direct relevance by work to 0.01 and 0.1 and 1 mile.
The focus of what happens in the most basic environmental range (0.01 mile) is done by the body (0.001 mile) being the present space shuffling structure/limits and is tending towards the most magnetic ranges of focuses which are (hand/0.0001 mile), (0.00001 mile), (0.000001 mile). 0.0000001 mile/1000th of hand is a unit of matter chaos, and 10000th, 100000th, 1000000th of hand are the objects of synchronization and shaping/controlling.
This is not using 100 additional units after 1 millionth of hand.
10 millionth at this of hand is in fact alignable to having it being as a reflection to the entire 10 miles centerandgroundable, while 100 millionths of hand is 1 mile expandable, 1 billionth is .1 mile is shrink lapseable, 10 billionth is .01 mile match strikeable. The cool thing is the next division of ten and 1000 are like the body length, hand, 10th of hand, 100th of hand. Being in the dimension of a spell for analogical relativity could be like being yet again within the 1000th of hand (1000 quadrillionth of hand), 10000th of hand (10000 quadrillionths of hand), 100000th of hand (100000 quadrillionths of hand), 1,000,000th of hand, (1,000,000 quadrillionths of hand), so in a way this is a synchronization where one wards a quadrillion parts per unit of hand starting at hand=quadrillion. While alignments of hand, 10 per hand, 100 per hand, 1000 per hand is one dimension; another dimension is the next 10 division and range of 1000 division; the third dimension is perhaps the last 10 and 1000 division again with quadrillionths within. Maybe the structure order chaos naming changes by shuffling subjective to the spell action/focus and direction

The largest has the 10 and 1000 starting with the 10 as the hand, and the second 10 and 1000 smaller and adjacent to that one. The middle size of quadrillionths per field/zone are the next 10 and 1000 and the next 10 and 1000. The smallest is the next and the next.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Psychic/structure/self/prana, psionic/order/what task the one is doing/mana, magic/chaos/mysitcal happenings in nature ‘the vast void’/chi.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

These attributes can be good guidelines :
Psychics create alignments for potential exponential harmonized growth. Psionics create super conditions for the work of the self. Magic mages create complex constructs for methods and matter.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Method for siblings/cousins/friends during a new time starting magic or continuing magic:

For families who do not already practice magic in the lineage the oldest is psychic the middle is psionic the third is ‘magic’ magic, for families which do practice much magic before the children were born the order is the opposite. If the youngest are the magic then the magic grew with the family and if the oldest are the magic then the stage shows basic progression through structure then order then chaos, while basic or complex regular philosophy of the parents who guide can shuffle the order still and the magic designations could change or could just be the random/chaotic story of life for the raw magic model following families.

Youngest siblings all are what is beyond the 4th degree polynomial which is what can come to take the high chair of God which is the quintic which commonly doesn’t make sense to common numberers.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

Psychic divides conceptual things into 81 categories and uses triangulations. Psionics works with three groups at a time and tunes nature with it especially noting the environment being an addition to just the body/aura. Magic uses the things in nature for the 81 scales and finds synchronizations within the path between scales and intersections.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

In this method:

The magic mage uses a 81 things in a 144 size, then uses 81 things in a 7 size, then uses 81 things in a golden 144 size, all working with 27s of structure order chaos within any of the three.
The psionics mage used the golden ratio light coming from the body and aura and then attached nine (+ a base tenth) grey light cake looking layers with the levels being changed a basic rate by the nine lights within them and even having nine light layers switch between which of the nine to influence more specifically, and then the rest of the work is about the object being formed which has 27 layers every 3rd of a minute which corresponds to 3 of the gray cake layers by its 9 groups of nine that have are in correspondence to the nine in each, and there are 324 81s per minute by the 4 variation constants of 7 out of nine in the nine nines which have a dominant 81 in each minute.
The psychic can collect intelligence which is subtle energy of 81 different shades objects can emit and the triangulations can be made to create the level of 1 which can be worked with by the Saturn value system ( ... post-34045) of 410 so that for each group of nine plus the tenth/overall group, the understanding of 41 being the middle of the categories because the different illuminations or even signs are kept distinguished; 410 can mean one scale in each group of nine is the middle 41 by one vibration with an inner frequency of 9 (or 10…) and additionally a frequency of 9 410s can be scanned giving each scale the middle centering into focus pinning it for creating a conditioned time of a certain type of focus, and each 410 has 100 points in a way where more conceptually nine counted might not keep 1 of them as a 41st but instead is a shade that cognized that the overall point for the nine is accounted for so then the ten nines of the 410 regardless synchronized and aligned to it can give 100 point counting method, and so if the 9 41s during a time that is more thorough and could be in coherence with reflections inflections complexions compositions of 81 on each of the 81 scale as a constant throughout the 81 41s, then each group of nine are counted then the conceptual value would be 900 and a second phase can be of how the ten from each of the nine groups of nine were all counted similarly but more overall and then the overall group of nine was counted again giving an additional 1000 points simply by that the 900 complexion was counted a second time by the 100 in each of the nine being in balance for ten of of course the most most overall nine 100s and the single most most most overall 100; a 10000 could be of body or nature happenings within 144 minutes with further triangulations made or just for a minute.
One can dedicate intelligence to time and mechanics for psychics, task and process for psionics, space and mechanics to magic. Process and mechanics can be coherent and conductive to the 324 things per minute throughout four minutes for example.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

The 6561 per heartbeat of the environmental chi chaos is what can ensure success of specific task condition because every scale ensures success of spell shade or step and this entire level of the chaos realm builds the complex smartness in the chaos necessary; the 81 scales per heartbeat level assists the evocation and transmutation/abjuration.

81 per heartbeat for the psionic can transmute and abjure and evoke; 81 per minute can manifest and evoke.

81 per minute for the psychic can work with signs, enchant spells from the deep, manifest, evoke ratio constants; 81 scales per 36 days can design sign programs, condition spell realm ranges, develop magick energy trajectory, shape basic spell elements more specifically or reshape energy material that specially unravels, give channeled spells and signs

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

With these powers paired with @veganstringbean sanyasi post core philosophy we will be the most powerful beings by common easy chance and if the world is weak and fearing then we can be the one who receives harsh questioning as our cognition and bank system is the most conservative and advanced and ultimately that it is fully answering by the core philosophy and it’s 81 scale magic system consciousness/being empowerment. One thing to say is to work with breathing and habits or tasks in stride with finding proper emotion and to be scientific with chaos by complex yet for many probably conservative ratio mastery. All beings hopefully can master this magic system by what is found in these posts or others or what one knows on their own. Have confidence and let yourself counsel with ease.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

No matter what you can always become a very new person again with no fear and with confidence by strong virtue and magick and science mystical ratios and harmonic principles.
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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

144 days can add together the strong complex elemental complexions and compositions of 36 days for example, to then make harmonic intelligence of the 81 scales by a scale a day (including 63 overall points) so that one can create paths for spells and fit to alignments for spells that work in tangent and in alignment with the timeline scale of 1440 days and also having all three 1440 days working similarly by Kai Zen principles submitting to the 63 days for greater magic and working with the following or preceding set of 4383 days for 24 years from both sets of 12, and there are more things for the 6 sets of 24 years for a 144 year schedule and each set of 144 years could work like each set of 144 days within the 24 year method, and the 63 years sets can find more creations specific to the long range design and all of the sets of first and then last 12 years can of course be used for those 63 year sets of frenzy and can be emphasized while also using common 24 year logic per day, and every year could make one grand spell to add.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

For magic between people one can have black as inner four inches of sorcerer and brown in the middle range while the other has white on the inner and brown in the middle, while between them the black brown white can fulfill the missing color of the both by the being closer to them while the opposite can be the middle three order for the magic of prana mana chi forces, and the prana chi and even mana can be constantly changed as well plus another good idea is switching the color each person was prominent for by having it as their prana (while they could even be switching to have the chi be their prominent/close color; and this can be done alone between the self and the nature without others included.

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

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Re: Magick cycle through scroll

Post by JMPtD »

The cleric then bard then druid then magic of nonastrological magic changed by every 36 years also in this basic 81 scales of common conservative magic even somewhat specifically of earth is to be more actively functioning by what a very more physical stretch of the eyeballs and such per say can achieve grasping of even as far as the whole present 36 casually for us beginners and mediocre perhaps while the idea of each 36 years having a subtler shade fifferenc3 sectioned by four sets of nine years works likewise for us by the cleric then bard then dru8d then magic wh7pe the notice here comes from the sign of the 12 or 24 or 36 year spell layers within particularly cleric and bard tells us that by the 12 year functioning, the three sets of 12 are a general structure order chaos of much active like 81 function intelligence rather than 144 with four sections though the 4 sets of nine are more basic and are like the basic philosophy less advanced in magic perhaps in a wa6 while survival mGic though survival magic it is, is functioning with an obvious four similarly as it is basic but is anyways similar much trailing by its anyways less or even more active while four minute spells or 144 minutes and such are similar but in a more advanced position though even survival magic can be very liberally conservative though still in magic and th7s entire comment is such of an incantation as ws are growing through nature's and are getting G c loses to the natural condition for the world of the original destiny in the living primordial seed. Don't judge humor though the essentials of core philosophy are obviously not to be bargainnned with.

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