I see a lot of interest in healing on this forum, so I decided to make a dedicated thread for those seeking techniques. I am not particularly well read in any esoteric group, including energy healing, but I am particularly good at energy healing. I do better at healing other's than myself. I thought I would put some things out there. The techniques I will discuss here are partly from Qi Gong and partly else where. I acknowledge that the metal aspect of this is very real in adding the energy transfer, but the energy transfer itself is also very real.
I will discuss healing others in this post. As you work with this you will understand the methods better. Everything here may not click with you if you have never worked with energy and nor is anything here particularly special.
Q:What do these techniques help with?
A: I have had success with head aches, ligaments, tendons, joints (somewhat), muscle soreness, spinal injuries. Sprained ankles are easy enough,
but make sure you don't just blindly push in energy and that you alleviate energy from ( possibly) and relax the back of the ankle.
Healing others is done of course with the hands. Ever felt extremely strong energy sensation when meditating? If so you can probably learn this easier than you think. Closing your eyes is VERY helpful for the visualization aspect.
Pulsing into other people: Some people may not be able to feel energy at first when you pulse into them for the at first (they aren't use to it and you may need to warm up a bit, thus meditation before hand it helpful).
Some things to try on other people who want to help you develop this. Ask the person to close his or her eyes and pay attention to the sensation.
Two hands on one: I usually start by grabbing the person's left hand (for symbolic reasons) with both of my hands (emphasis the palms being in contact with the individual's hand). Visualize the energy going down your arms and out of your palms (the center point) and sort of push it the energy out. If you need more energy draw it from your stomach to your arms and out your hands. Visualize the energy going into the individuals hand and up the person's arm. Ask for feed back if they feel a sensation or not and how far it has gone (it may take a little bit for the recipient to feel it, but it is important that they can). You may feel the energy in their arm as you guide it up, but whether you do or not still ask for feedback. They may feel it not as far along as you do. If you can't feel it keep visualizing it anyways and uses their feed back to know where it is in their arm. You can theoretically guide it through the rest of the body just through the hand, but this can be difficult and impractical. Not very good for a sprained ankle (if you can get from the hand to the foot you probably don't need me telling you anything). I often do this at the beginning of a healing session to for multiple reasons. First I become acquainted with how the person feels the energy and how easy of a time I am having pulsing through them. Second it makes the people who aren't sure if you insane or not stop doubting so much, thus they become relaxed (easier to pulse through) and they can knowingly or not aid you in healing them because their perception is now favorable to healing them. Find someone who won't look at you like a nut to first practice this.
Other places that channel energy into the body very well.
The bottom of the foot in the center (yongquan point, google images)
Top of the head (crown/ baihui)
Forehead (third eye)
Please note that this to be effective will may feel like you subconscious or some external force is doing the fine details.
I have had some impressive things happen that didn't entirely feel like my doing, I was just the conduit.
Usually I sit in a chair and so does the other person but you can adapt if need be.
General healing technique: Pulse energy in the area in pain through your palms or finger tips. If you can get enough sensation, use you finger tips. You have to guide the energy in and imagine it doing the work you want. Follow you intuition like or like you are a instrument of a higher power and let your hands and finger tips be placed where they need to be placed (I know it sounds like new age stuff, but it has worked for me). Make sure you work on the areas connected to the affected part of the body (especially before to loosen it up to be worked on).
For Muscle soreness focus on stimulating the affected area with energy a inhale slowly and exhale focusing on imagining the sore part of the person's body relaxing.
Ligaments and tendons: Focus on mending. It may feel like threading something together. If not, the general method will still help.
Head aches: I stand perpendicular to a person sitting in a chair. I face them and they face forward. I place one palm on the third eye and the other on the crown. Pulse the energy in through both palms lightly. You either need to calm the energy in the head or unblock the energy flow (depends on the problem). If it is a tension head ache you likely need to loosen up the neck as well. The person may feel the pain shift. From here pulse through your fingers on the spot where the pain is.
Try it out and let me know if anyone has any success. If you guys find this useful I will make a self healing post.
Healing Others
Re: Healing Others
Interesting insights. There are so many different healing systems out there, but healing with "hands" is quite common. You see this in Reiki and some Angelic systems of healing. For me personally, i have a bit of a different approach.
Step 1
-Divination: before i even approach a work, i take out my cards and do a reading to figure out what the person "needs", outside of any short term maintenance. I'll also share this with the client so that they can have insight into what to expect and any challenges they may face as a result of shifts.
Step 2 (or 1): I'll do a general clearing of the persons aura, so that its not uncomfortable for me to be around and i don't pick up goop. Generally i don't like having too much physical contact, especially if the person is oozing a mess...its easy to pick up energetic gunk. In addition, i'll do i bit of energetic prep for myself, so that i am charged up for the session.
Step 3: I personally, don't find too much physical contact necessary. So what i'll do is evoke my spirit allies (HGA...etc), make them offerings to do the task (if necessary) and observe, as there clearing out gunk and making adjustments. I'll making adjustments here and there, but generally let my spirit allies handle most of the work. The complexity of energetic ailments is vast....so sometimes it requires and great deal of flexibility and experience.
Step 4: After the work is done, i'll sweep up any remaining goop in the space, talk to the person and ask how they feel. Once it's done, i'll then go into intensive energy-work for myself...so that i can sweep out anything that i picked up from the session. It's best not to let sick qi linger.
-There are so many different approaches to this kind of work. The above is just some basic "stuff".
-Some common archetypes that enjoy teaching healing: Raphael, Michael, Manannan, Jesus, Odin and Merlin. Doing a 100 day intensive (daily offerings), with any of these Beings, in exchange for there teachings, is a great way to get started, in expanding your Gnosis on this path.
Step 1
-Divination: before i even approach a work, i take out my cards and do a reading to figure out what the person "needs", outside of any short term maintenance. I'll also share this with the client so that they can have insight into what to expect and any challenges they may face as a result of shifts.
Step 2 (or 1): I'll do a general clearing of the persons aura, so that its not uncomfortable for me to be around and i don't pick up goop. Generally i don't like having too much physical contact, especially if the person is oozing a mess...its easy to pick up energetic gunk. In addition, i'll do i bit of energetic prep for myself, so that i am charged up for the session.
Step 3: I personally, don't find too much physical contact necessary. So what i'll do is evoke my spirit allies (HGA...etc), make them offerings to do the task (if necessary) and observe, as there clearing out gunk and making adjustments. I'll making adjustments here and there, but generally let my spirit allies handle most of the work. The complexity of energetic ailments is vast....so sometimes it requires and great deal of flexibility and experience.
Step 4: After the work is done, i'll sweep up any remaining goop in the space, talk to the person and ask how they feel. Once it's done, i'll then go into intensive energy-work for myself...so that i can sweep out anything that i picked up from the session. It's best not to let sick qi linger.
-There are so many different approaches to this kind of work. The above is just some basic "stuff".
-Some common archetypes that enjoy teaching healing: Raphael, Michael, Manannan, Jesus, Odin and Merlin. Doing a 100 day intensive (daily offerings), with any of these Beings, in exchange for there teachings, is a great way to get started, in expanding your Gnosis on this path.
Re: Healing Others
I am old enough to remember Julius Sumner Miller who several times each episode said: Why is it so?
So much medicine and healing seems to be based on fixing the symptoms rather than detecting causes.
For example my neighbor had both knees replaced. There was apparently no investigation as to why the cartilage was degrading. So now he has two problems: the body still has the same general condition of cartilage degeneration and it now has to deal with a range of inorganic materials embedded in the legs.
So he has restless feet that wake him each night and he walks for a couple of hours to settle them - and his painkiller dosage has been doubled to deal with increasing knee pain. What problems might come from chronic use of strong painkillers
Similarly with energy and spiritual healing of an ailment: why is it so?
I go for a morning run and used to have a twinge in my left foot. I would give the foot some heart-light and the pain would stop in less than a minute. So that went on daily for a couple of years. Then one day a relative that had not communicated for about 5 years made contact. And the next time I ran I could see that the pain in the left foot was from the anchoring of an energy line from this relative. The link in the foot was to make sure that I did not get too far away.
So I gave back the energy line and have had little trouble with that foot since then.
So much medicine and healing seems to be based on fixing the symptoms rather than detecting causes.
For example my neighbor had both knees replaced. There was apparently no investigation as to why the cartilage was degrading. So now he has two problems: the body still has the same general condition of cartilage degeneration and it now has to deal with a range of inorganic materials embedded in the legs.
So he has restless feet that wake him each night and he walks for a couple of hours to settle them - and his painkiller dosage has been doubled to deal with increasing knee pain. What problems might come from chronic use of strong painkillers
Similarly with energy and spiritual healing of an ailment: why is it so?
I go for a morning run and used to have a twinge in my left foot. I would give the foot some heart-light and the pain would stop in less than a minute. So that went on daily for a couple of years. Then one day a relative that had not communicated for about 5 years made contact. And the next time I ran I could see that the pain in the left foot was from the anchoring of an energy line from this relative. The link in the foot was to make sure that I did not get too far away.
So I gave back the energy line and have had little trouble with that foot since then.
Re: Healing Others
Yeah, the degree to which we are interconnected, on this vast web of conscious.....goes way beyond what we perceive in everyday awareness.
Re: Healing Others
I think it would be a good idea to stipulate what the process for these methods (for the most part)are actually doing as better understanding can lead to better success.
It is less about healing others from yourself and more about stimulating and increasing the efficiency of someone's natural healing processes. By increasing the energy in one area that is injured, you stimulate the body's natural healing and can put it into an overdrive up to a point. From there, it is up to the person receiving the energy and their natural healing process and how well their system can use the energy for how well the healing is increased.
The person using the energy can help a lot with the process with a few techniques combined with knowledge of the human body and how it works. Understanding how the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, etc are , the better you can direct the energy in ways that are more suited to help rather than just bathing the area.
For muscle pain, giving a simple massage then directing energy to the muscles as you move your hands along the way they lay to help replenish them will be a lot more effective than just directing energy to that one area.
For a simple sprain, you can actually use energy to reinforce the area to help give it better durability and resilience (though you still need to take care) to help it heal. This technique though i mainly use on myself as it is very labor intensive, needing a lot of vigilance and maintained concentration due to not only the body's metabolism of energy, but the natural decay of shaped energy to ambient energy.
In any case, these ways of healing via energy manipulation only increases the body's natural healing, and decreases the amount of time needed for the healing process to finish.
Based off of my own personal experience for myself, something that would take 2 weeks to heal is pretty much healed within 10 days, something that would take 3 months to heal would take 2-2.5 months, something that takes a week to heal would be healed in 3-5 days.... Assuming I keep actively at it diligently. So don't expect a broken bone to be healed in a week or something like that.
However I am not the best at healing, so results may vary.
It is less about healing others from yourself and more about stimulating and increasing the efficiency of someone's natural healing processes. By increasing the energy in one area that is injured, you stimulate the body's natural healing and can put it into an overdrive up to a point. From there, it is up to the person receiving the energy and their natural healing process and how well their system can use the energy for how well the healing is increased.
The person using the energy can help a lot with the process with a few techniques combined with knowledge of the human body and how it works. Understanding how the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, etc are , the better you can direct the energy in ways that are more suited to help rather than just bathing the area.
For muscle pain, giving a simple massage then directing energy to the muscles as you move your hands along the way they lay to help replenish them will be a lot more effective than just directing energy to that one area.
For a simple sprain, you can actually use energy to reinforce the area to help give it better durability and resilience (though you still need to take care) to help it heal. This technique though i mainly use on myself as it is very labor intensive, needing a lot of vigilance and maintained concentration due to not only the body's metabolism of energy, but the natural decay of shaped energy to ambient energy.
In any case, these ways of healing via energy manipulation only increases the body's natural healing, and decreases the amount of time needed for the healing process to finish.
Based off of my own personal experience for myself, something that would take 2 weeks to heal is pretty much healed within 10 days, something that would take 3 months to heal would take 2-2.5 months, something that takes a week to heal would be healed in 3-5 days.... Assuming I keep actively at it diligently. So don't expect a broken bone to be healed in a week or something like that.
However I am not the best at healing, so results may vary.
Time is but an illusion in perception and is only perceived to pass by at the same moments together for us all... which is, quite frankly, me saying to not expect from me in a timely manner!
-I am but a simple wanderer... Though I may be gone for immeasurable time, always do I return.
-I am but a simple wanderer... Though I may be gone for immeasurable time, always do I return.
Re: Healing Others
Yesterday I received an email from a female friend complaining about difficulty in breaking up with her boyfriend
So I looked at her energy body and told her about a hook in her mental body from him and his family. Also a hook in the base chakra etc.
There was a dark entity over him and his family. So I suggested a technique for shrinking the entity until it left
An hour later I looked at her again and she was free from her boyfriend and his family - and looking much brighter.
I felt uneasy about posting a more extensive account
So I looked at her energy body and told her about a hook in her mental body from him and his family. Also a hook in the base chakra etc.
There was a dark entity over him and his family. So I suggested a technique for shrinking the entity until it left
An hour later I looked at her again and she was free from her boyfriend and his family - and looking much brighter.
I felt uneasy about posting a more extensive account