Gnostics and Animism

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Gnostics and Animism

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Gordon White on his most recent podcast, shares his insights into Gnosticism and how he fits that current of magick into his larger view of Animistic spirituality. I'm no scholar of Gnosticism (only read a few), but i found his ideas on the topic unique. He basically encapsulates Gnosticism as a type of Spirit Medicine (Bear, Plant, Bird....etc) that is of value in Dark Times (Archonic).

If perhaps you live during the inquisition or are seeing the last remnants of your civilization fall to pieces.....its important to know where to stand, so you wont be pulled into the abyss, alongside a corrupt Matrix. Never lived in a tyrannical society.....but i imagine it's not pleasant. Anyways....i found his views interesting and worth sharing. I don't know if i fully agree with the perspective on the whole, perhaps once i formulate my thoughts on the matter, i'll share them here. Link below.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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The Azazel vibes in this are strong. He is the Dark Teacher. South Park is The Goat.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Thinking about a new project, I'm gonna start working my way through Nag Hammadi scriptures, but instead of just reading the texts, it's also gonna be a project for channeling.

Each scripture, I'm gonna channel Jesus and whatever other Beings come through. I'll take notes on each text and then give a summation on each scripture as a post. The, all in one, text I have is 900+ pages, so it should keep me entertained for awhile. I've already done this for the Book of Enoch and that was a fun and fascinating process. We'll see how it goes.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

Post by Amor »

WildWolf wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 7:43 pm...I'm gonna channel Jesus and whatever other Beings come through. ...
How will you send the "whatever" beings away?

They might be "forever" beings

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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I just finished my 1st session, on the "Prayer of the Apostle Paul". It's an interesting prayer, because of some of the things the author is requesting of Christ throughout.


During the session, the author Paul came through pretty strongly, but he struggled to "fit" in the space, so I had to clear out any debris. It took several minutes of "getting comfortable". After these initial stages, he started to explain the prayer and that the essential intent of this prayer, is to ask for Jesus's assistance on a path of spiritual ascension, in which you rise to a level of spiritual authority, that is similar to that of Christ and become Holy as Christ.

-Ironically, Jesus, didn't say a word the whole session and I only asked him for confirmation of the individual.


Anyways, its a cool prayer and I could easily see a Christian, whom has a relationship with a candle offering and going to work on this one. Next up is the Secret Book of James.
Last edited by WildWolf on Mon May 08, 2023 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

Post by WildWolf »

Amor wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 12:35 am
WildWolf wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 7:43 pm...I'm gonna channel Jesus and whatever other Beings come through. ...
How will you send the "whatever" beings away?

They might be "forever" beings
Knowing Spiritual Kung Fu is important. PSD is a deep topic....and mandatory to explore if your a practicing occultist.

Generally, I don't have this problem too often. Most Beings will leave of there own accord and if they don't do so right away, I don't mind most hanging around awhile. As long as there not stirring up trouble or offsetting my energy unnecessarily.

The "Higher" the beings are, the less likely you'll have this problem. Its usually riff-raff that cause trouble....much like in real life.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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A common problem is passive/forgotten permissions. Then adverse entities immediately return after being ejected.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

Post by WildWolf »

Amor wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 10:29 am A common problem is passive/forgotten permissions. Then adverse entities immediately return after being ejected.
Yeah, one should be aware of any contracts/deals that you get involved. Going into any situation, where your stinking of fear, is also, not ideal. If a person isn't confident in there own "authority" and PSD....then it may be best to avoid the more "wild" Beings.

A good rule of thumb....if your not confident you could perform an exorcism....then it may be best that you stay away from intelligences with a "rough" reputation.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Secret Book of James, this is another interesting text, the majority is Jesus chastising and teaching Peter and James, in regards to there spiritual ascension and motivating them to continue onwards and surpass him.

Some parts are intelligible and others very confusing....but although its only a few pages it took me 2 days to read. The energetic potency of this scripture was strong (thus the 2nd day) and I woke up in the middle of the night with my whole body vibrating, 3rd eye glowing and my body dry (drink water).

After I finished reading the text on the 2nd day....Michael came through, blazing pretty hard and full of light and told me that the text is not meant for the layperson and is for spiritual purification.

After Michael finished, then Azazel came through and told me that he disagrees with Michael and that layperson can use this text....that it is especially useful to read if a person is stuck in a stagnant situation.

These 2 are always a bit divided, when it comes to how rapid people should be moving on the spiritual path. Jesus, once again, didn't wish to speak on the text, but rather let the other 2 share there thoughts.

I may come back and read this scripture in the future. If your a mystic, especially those of the Christian persuasion, it may be of benefit to crack this text open every 1-2 months, to receive the purificatory effects, more than that, may be a bit too much.

By the way, the version of the Nag Hammadi, is the international edition, edited by Marvin Meyer. Next up is the Gospel of Truth.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Gospel of Truth, there were some really beautiful sections to this chapter, too many, so I'll only share my favorite here below. It took 3 days to read the whole Gospel and while it was not as energetically potent as other texts (no light roasting....etc) it was still lovely. When I started reading....a couple of Beings came into the space and started "playing music" which started to fill up the space with a kind of "foggy light" that filled me with a sense of peace and calm.

I asked Jesus about these Beings and he said they were Emmissary from the Father that had come to Bless the reading. I found this interesting, I tried to continue reading while they were playing, but immediately got a "hard stare"....basically saying, "stop and wait until were finished".

So for about 20 minutes, I just sat and let the light flow over me, and when the room was saturated I continued to read. After saturation, they circulated around me for the remainder of the session, and I could feel light just flowing over and soothing my mind. These Beings would come back in Day 2 and instead of music, it felt like they formed a circle in the space, and spun the circle to create a circulation of light in the room, twas a different quality, than the "foggy" off the previous day.

On day 3, I finished reading and upon doing so, asked Jesus about the text and he said: "this text is different from ones like Book of James. It is not for spiritual purification, but rather re-orienting a person so that they can move into alignment with Truth. If you read this Gospel of Truth 6 will help throw off being Lost and Confused and reorient oneself Mentally and Emotionally."

No other Beings came through with any comments. The following is my favorite section of this Gospel:

"The Word of the Father Appears

As for the Word,
his wisdom meditates on it,
his teaching utters it,
his knowledge has revealed it,
his patience is a crown upon it,
his joy is in harmony with it,
his glory has exalted it,
his character has revealed it,
his rest has received it,
his love has incarnated it,
his faith has embraced it.

Thus the Father's Word goes out in the All as the fruition of his heart and expression of his will. It supports all and chooses all. It also takes the expression of all and purifies it, bringing it back to the Father, to the Mother, Jesus of infinite sweetness."

Next up: The Treatise on Resurrection

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Not exactly an episode on Gnosticism.....but its got some of those vibes.

“A shadow that runs amok, will turn your entire life into a kind of tragedy.”

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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The Treatise on Résurrection....while this is a intellectually interesting was not energetically stimulating like the previous....I was enjoying the read and about halfway through, when I got interrupted by another Being. It was apparently the author of the text, which as far as I'm aware is not labeled...only Rheginus is mentioned.

Anyways, I confirmed the presence with Jesus and the Being gave his name as: A Disciple of Jesus. He then went onto say, that when he wrote the text he was not particularly skilled in the mysteries...and that the text is not useful like previous scriptures....and that he still had much too learn. I thought this was interesting and confirmed my own thoughts, because when the presence came in the was not "clean" like other higher Beings.

I asked Jesus on the matter and he said that this person was not a layperson, but was also not a high level mystic either. I then asked if I should continue reading this scripture (about halfway through)? He said no, and I moved on.

Anyways...that was my experience...intellectually interesting....but in terms of blindingly intense laser beams of Gnosis? None present.

Next text is: The Tripartite Tractate

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Still working through the is one of the more lengthy chapters.

On a related note.....I feel like, St. Cyprian, is a spirit that pairs quite well with this current. The energy matches. He is Saint and Occultist....both powers seem to make up the background of Gnosticism. Additionally, so many texts have been put out on the Saint in the last decade.

The Book of St. Cyprian by Jose Leitao
Cyprian of Antioch by Frater Archer
Grimoire of St. Cyprian by Edmund Kelly
The Testament of Cyprian the Mage by Jake Stratton Kent
St. Cyprian and the Sorcerous Trasmutation by Nicholas d Mattos Frisvold
St. Cyprian: Saint of Necromancers by Conjureman Ali


Jason Miller put out his Black School course awhile back. Anyways, theres a lot of potent content out there on him and given the "dark resonance" I feel between him and the Gnostic current....I wonder if they will, "fold over" on one another in the future and he becomes the "Dark Saint of Gnosticism". Time will tell.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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The Fall of the West. Gordon White and Chris Knowles talking about the Gnostic times in which we live.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Aliens in the Bible....watching this now....gonna be wild ride. My nag hammadi work has slowed significantly....will eventually get back to it.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Insightful discussion on Old vs Modern Christianity.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Cool talk, i may have to get his book, Ani.Mystic.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Gordon and Miguel talking modern politics and Gnosticism. I will eventually get back to my Nag Hammadi situations have disallowed.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Gordon talking mountain energy and animist adventures.

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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This post has been a long time laid numerous obstacles....but were back and doing the thing.

The Tripartite Tractate

This chapter is a creation myth, that talks generally about the development of existence and the eventual descent of Christ into material form for the Redemption of lost Beings.

The Emissaries of the Father mentioned in previous posts have become a regular occurrence when I sit down to read. They were particularly active in this text. Every time I finished a section, they would circulate around my aura. Jesus came through at the end and said: "this chapter is valuable, if you want to understand the descent of Light into the various layers of reality. If you read this text a minimum of 50 can initiate that Gnosis."

This path of initiation may be of particular interest to those studying Kabbalah. My favorite excerpt below.

The Creation of the Human (pg 86)

"Now, the whole establishment and organization of the images, likeness, and imitations has come into being for the sake of those who need nourishment, instruction and form, so that there smallness may gradually grow, as through the instruction provided by the image of a mirror."


Next chapter: The Secret Book of John

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Secret Book of John

I supremely enjoyed this had a soothing energy and many profound passages. The basic topics are The Fall of Sophia, Yaldabaoth, The Creation of Humanity and the potential for redemption.

While reading, I had a surprise vision of the Primordial Abyss.....I didn't understand what I was perceiving at first....but checked in with Michael and he explained. Primordial Abyss is the space beyond the Crown and Halo. I asked him how I could better understand this realm which is Beyond and he told me I'd need to go through a very long and deep initiatory process (not something for this lifetime).

There were no "messengers"....but I did have 2 visitors: John (Author) and Sophia.

Gnostic John came through as an extremely powerful golden spirit and said that he has mastery over Mysticism and a Golden Angelic Light.....he'd be open to working with human beings in both those spheres.

Sophia descended into the space as a large owl-shaped bird and said she is always open to doing healing work and loves humanity.

Jesus said the Secret Book of John is an expression of "Angelic Light" and that people can read in order to "tap in" to that energy.

My favorite passage: The Fall of Sophia (pg 114)

"Now, Sophia, who is the Wisdom of Insight and who constitutes and aeon, conceived of a thought from herself, with the conception of the Invisible Spirit and Foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth something like herself, without the consent of the Spirit, who had not given approval, without her partner and without his consideration. The male did not give approval. She did not find her partner, and she considered this without the Spirit's consent and without the knowledge of her partner. Nonetheless, she gave birth. And because of the invincible power within her, her thought was not an idle thought. Something came out of her that was imperfect and different in appearance from her, for she had produced without her partner. It did not resemble its mother and was misshapen.

When Sophia saw what her desire had produced, it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion. Its eyes were like flashing blots of lightning. She cast it away from her, outside that realm so that none of the immortals would see it. She had produced it ignorantly . She surrounded it with a bright cloud and put a throne in the middle of the cloud so that no one would see it except the holy Spirit, who is called the Mother of the living. She named her offspring Yaldabaoth."


Next is the Gospel of Thomas. 8)

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Re: Gnostics and Animism

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Gnostic Key

Previously, in my structuring praxis thread....I played around with mantric keys attuned to Coyotes and given there is crossover between Chaos magick and Gnosticism....I thought I'd do the same here. Below is a very stable key structure that is attuned to the Gnostic current and a list of its effects. Have fun.

"O"--- 3rd Eye, Truth, Celestial Light
"Rah"--- Root Chakra, Internal Peace, Stone Qi
"Zin"--- Occult Knowledge, Black Flame Qi


Work with the Nag Hammadi has slowed down again...not sure when I'll finish The Gospel of Thomas.

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