Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

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Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

[exclaim] [exclaim] [exclaim]
I am going to put a warning here that looking into this could cause bad things to happen such as tragedy and death.
I am absolutey terrified that something will happen to me and people I know.
[exclaim] [exclaim] [exclaim] ... orld/page3
Can the blog really have been a transmitter for these entities? If they exist?
It is the quote of comment 23 that makes me feel this fear.
Is Daniel Mitchel's theory correct?
Will just researching and or looking deeper and or just knowing about them and or any version of this kind of wording expose oneself to death and or tragedy?
Can someone research to see if anything happen at all?
Is the entities that are referred to within the quote the same ones as what Daniel Mitchell calls the harlequin?
Does belief determine if one is affected and or effected by these supposed entities?
Are these entities that cannot be understood/labeled or can they be labeled?
Is there ways to prevent attracting the attention and or exposing oneself to these entities when researching and or thinking about them? Especially multiple times? So that way supernatural things and or death and or tragedy does not happen and or follow a persons nd or people?
Does researching these entities and or subject / subject matter cause one to be exposed to the entities and death as being exposing oneself to the entities as said in the quote in comment 23.

What happened to Karla Turner? Are the entire she may have dealt with the same one that Daniel Mitchel has spoken about before?
Did she truly fight them off of was Daniel Mitchel right and she did not fight them off and instead just invited them further into her life?
Were these supposed entities the ones that caused something to happen to Karla Turner?
Is reading her works dangerous and or a transmittor as well?
Would thinking about this subject / subject matter and these entities cause supernatural things and death and tragedy to follow again / every time one were to merely think about it and or look it up again?

Is there ways to permanently forget about learning about these entities / subject / subject matter at all at all? ... orld/page6 ... orld/page7 ... 55ad68b42a
What do you make of/ what is your opinions on these pages / links? ... d.html?m=1
Why do people seem to believe him but then become skeptical later on? Especially if they have claimed somethings supernatural and or bad happened to them before.
Is this bloggers friend right about the darker magick?
Feel free to use wayback machine to see Daniel Mitchel's old blog. I do know some pages are readable but I am too terrified to look and or read them / check all of them. Will someone let me know if strange/supernatural things start to happen in their life or not? Please.
Why does the author of this blog become skeptical of Daniel Mitchel's experiences / stories if he had at first believe them and felt something / had something supposedly supernatural happen to him / take over him?

There are people in the comment saying that they and others have experienced supernatural things happening just by merely reading Daniel Mitchel's blog particularly luminosity.
Is this true? Is it just coincidence, exaggerations, and or all lies / completely made up?
How much / many of them are completely made up / lies? ... orld/page9 ... rld/page10
Regarding comment 89: is that truly possible at all?
Has Daniel Mitchell truly opened a gate for people for things to happen to them? Including the entities that could bring death and or tragedy if you know about them / research them?
Regarding comment 93: Do you agree / believe the last paragraph?
Do you agree with comment 94?
What do you think of comments 95 and 96? Is comment 96 just coincidence or connected at all?
What is your opinion of comment 97? Do you agree with the person?

What is disinformation? What is a disinformationist?
Could he still be in his old occultist group?
Could all of this stuff had been caused by a traumatic event in his life and or him grieving the loss of his mother?

Is there any kind of protections and or prevention and or precautions one could take before/while researching this stuff at all? Or people that could help close doors and or stop these entities from causing things to happen at all at all? Is there ways to completely forget that I learned of this stuff in the first place? ... 55ad68b42a ... rld/page11

Comment 102:
What kind of dangerous things is the person talking about? The imitation occult magick or the supposed entities?
What about that one person who said that they had experienced something after speaking with Daniel Mitchell? Do you think that person was just lying?

Do all people who have interacted with Daniel Mitchell have had something supernatural happen to them and or death and or tragedy to follow them? Especially if that people that researched and or spoken about and or merely just thought about the stuff Daniel Mitchel was blogging about? Are those just all lies as well?

What protections and or preventions and or precautions could one take against these supposed entities?

What do you think of about comments 111, 115, 118, and 119?

Is there anyone who has read Daniel Mitchel's blog particularly luminosity, and or talked to him himself? Did you / do you know anyone who did these things?
If so had anything supernatural ly bad happen after doing so at all?
Did you almost die? Did people you know die?

Feel free to read all of the pages of the entire thread but do not feel a need to do so. I do however strongly suggest reading the entire pages that I have linked however.

Please please please debunk this.
The old blogs seems to be gone but if anyone can find the blogs and
Say if they are real or not that would be so greatly appreciated.
Is he lying / exaggerating / completely making it all up? [exclaim]

Also if anyone has a more appropriate site / forum to post this to, since ufos are mentioned quite a bit, I will gladly take suggestions.

If anyone knows of protections that or persons that do protections(particularly for free as I do not have much money right now) that is greatly appreciated.
If anyone know of any protection videos and or subliminal that is also greatly appreciated.

Also looking up the term harlequin entity can bring up more info especially an interview done by someone named Stephen Youn doing an interview with Daniel Mitchel there is another interview that is on another website but I cannot rember what it is called and or who it is by.

I also apologize for for messy / rambling this is I am terrified and very paranoid. And I believe the only thing keeping me from doing further research is my fear that death and or tragedy will follow if I do so and the fact that I am not sure how to research these entities / entire whole subject. That is why I am coming here to ask these questions and get a debunking. Though I fear I may try to research these entities / subject matter again anyway.

I may update if I have more questions.

Does just speaking of / about and or thinking about these supposed entities cause something to happen and or death and or tragedy to follow?

Does con take thinking about this subject matter and or these entities attract their attention, even if you do not want to? Would bad luck and or death and or tragedy then follow?

How would one make that stop and or prevent it and or protect themselves from it if they are real?
Does Daniel Mitchel believe that aliens/grays are the same entities that he says will bring death and or tragedy if you research about them, at least to much?

Does he believe that if one researches into aliens/ grays at least a little to much that they will bring death and or tragedy to that person and or the people around them as well?

What ways could one protect oneself and other around them from these entities that he has spoken about? Is there ways to forget about learning about them at all? Like spell and or rituals.
If you know someone please let me know. Preferably someone willing do it for free or very cheap since I do not have much money at the moment.

Does he believe that just researching these supposed entities and or subject matter is a way to expose oneself to these entities and therefore death and or tragedy as well?
What do you think about Karla Turner? What happened to her?
Was she investigating and or also fighting off these same entities that he has spoken about before?

Is he saying that all aliens/ grays(that people in the past have talked about and or researched themselves like Karla turner)are these entities and that just researching / looking into them causes death / tragedy to follow?
Last edited by Pearzonz1876 on Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... orld/page8

In regards to comment 76:

Is he admitting to makeing this all up to cause trouble in peoples lives through occult means without their consent?

What does he mean by employed a mythology?

Does lack of belief protect one from things happening to them?

Does lack of belief protect one from exposing themselves to these supposed entities and therefore also death and or tragedy following them? Just for looking into / researching them and or possibly also speaking about and or thinking about them, especially constantly.

Is there ways to protect and or prevent anything prom happening and or from these supposed entities?

What about the people who have said things happened to them after reading his blog posts? Are they exaggerating and or lieing / making it all up? Just pure mundane coincidence?

What do you make of Daniel Mitchel's experiences?
Last edited by Pearzonz1876 on Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... rtem-World

Comment 1, the boldened text:

The creator of these blogs later says that discussing and or researching this stuff causes death and or tragedy to follow. So why is he discussing it in a second blog?

Does this debunk everything he has every talked about ever?

The boldened text is from another blog he had made.

Are his blogs truly a transmitter for these entities and then death and tragedy will follow those who read it?
How could these entities know that he is writing about this and or who is reading it?

Please answer.

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Learned helplessness is cute in two-year olds

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

In regards to the hidden experience blog:

Is the blogger's friend right that there is something g dark about those posts?

Is it because of occult magick or the supposed entities?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Amor wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:49 am Learned helplessness is cute in two-year olds
I came to this forum for answers and a debunking because I am personally having trouble truly forming a belief on this.

Can you please let me know what you think?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

There is mentions of a sigil that Daniel Mitchel made in his blog. It had apparently been made to open up doors so to speak.

Were these / was this sigil made to open up doors to demon? Or were they made to expose people to the supposed entities for death and or tragedy to follow?

There was also talk that it came to him supernaturally as well and that the person who posted it to that forum thread had to delete it because no one knew what to make of it and or what it could potentially cause.

What do you make of it/ think of this? And does merely looking at the sigil cause something supernatural to happen to someone? What about merely thinking about it and or imagining it? What if one were to mediate on it? Or draw it themselves?
Is it connected to the supposed entities that Daniel Mitchell had spoken about before? Or was / is it connected to something else not supposed entity related?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Could someone try to find the sigil in the luminosity blog to find the sigil? And not post it but maybe describe it (although this maybe is not a good idea) and say if anything weird happens to them? Like they see the supposed entities that Dan Mitchell has spoken about and that according to one commenter had / has plagued / followed him all of his life.

The start of the sigil discussion is comment 51.

Can some let me know what they think of comment 56?
Then there is cmoment 61: Why would the person mention just merely thinking about it? Does just merely thinking about it cause something to happen? Like encounters and or death and or tragedy because of the supposed entities?

What do you think about the last paragraph of comment 56?

What do you think of comments 57 and 59? Can someone cast black magick through images and or words? Like a blog or book?
Does the sigil that appeared to and or made by Daniel Mitchell meant to manifest the supposed entities from his life into others' lives? Why would he do that?
And if anyone wants to try to find the sigil and or sigils and or images, it seems September 6 2012 if the date to find using the wayback machine.
If anyone does find it can they describe if they have an encounter with the supposed entities and or if anything supernatural happens at an all? Or if death and or tragedy happens?
How could one prevent and or protect from anything like that happening especially an encounter with the supposed entities and death and or tragedy following and or happening?

Is there anyway to forget about learning about this and any and or all of these questions and or things that I have read?

Is there possibly any other sigils and or arts / images on the luminosity blog and or any of his other blogs that would and or could cause one to be exposed to these supposed entities and or then death and or tragedy to follow at all?

And in Daniel Mitchell's comment, what other deaths and or tragedies were there? How many more? It it people who have read his blog and or spoken to him and or had contact with him and or knew him?
What about people who probably never knew him such as Karla Turner?

Is / was the sigil described in the forum threads / posts at all? I am not sure all I remember is the mentions of triangles.
What does the person in comment 51 mean by firewalled and spiritual trojans? Is that protections? Does merely thinking about the sigil cause evocation of the supposed entities? Something else? Death and or tragedy to happen and or follow at all?

How dangerous is it to see it and or think about it and or draw it and or meditate on it? Does anything happen and or danger change by not seeing it vs seeing it? And then thinking about it and or meditate on it and or drawing it at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Daniel Mitchell did say that these supposed enetites know how to scare and or strike wonder and or obsesseion into people?

Is that what is happening to me right now at all? Supernarutallly because of these supposed entities? Am I doomed? Are the people I know doomed at all?

What are ways supernatural / magickal and or non supernatural/ non magickal to stop this and or protect myself and those people I know and or come inc contact with from anything supernatural from happening to any of us? Especially anything dangerous and or death and or tragedy happening and or following.

If I have already exposed my self to the supposed entities and death and or tragedy to happen and or follow. What are ways to get rid of them and to protect myself and the people I know and or care about and or strangers i talk to at all? Who to contact / speak to what to do etc?
What are ways to prevent them from appearing in mine and or others lives just by being around and or in contact with me? What are ways to protect ourselves and or ways I can do it for them without them knowing?

What are ways to stop exposure at all?
What are ways to permsntly forget about all of this?
What are ways to get rid of them?
What are ways to stop them from coming into mine and others lives?
What are ways of protecting and or prevention and or precautions?

Would exposing and or attracting their appearance and or attention just happen by thinking about them and or knowing about them and or hearing about them and or speaking about them at all? What about meditating about them? What about dreaming about them at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

How to stop looking them up and or researching about them?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Pearzonz1876 wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:57 pm How to stop looking them up and or researching about them?
Push light from your heart to dislodge the dark entity sitting on your head

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Amor wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:13 am
Pearzonz1876 wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:57 pm How to stop looking them up and or researching about them?
Push light from your heart to dislodge the dark entity sitting on your head
Thank you. But how do I do that exactly?

And can you please answer a few of my other questions please?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Pearzonz1876 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:39 am..
Thank you. But how do I do that exactly?

And can you please answer a few of my other questions please?
Read all my posts on this site.

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

For comment 23 in the very first link of the post in the last paragraph of the quote in the blue box:

Why would just writing about that cause something to happen to people and or expose those who read it to the supposed entites? How does that work exactly? Are the supposed entities all knowing and or does writing about / speaking about and or thinking about and or meditating on them attract their attention? Thus causing the supposed entites and death and or tragedy to happen and or follow at all?

What could Daniel Mitchell mean by defining an indeginous presence? Would just merely theorizing cause something such as death and or tragedy to follow / happen and or the supposed entites to attach and or follow someone and or possibly people around them regardless if they know that person or not?

Why would theroizng and or trying to write and or define something be dangerous and possibly cause something to happen at all to the writee and or the person reading?

What kind of issues what he speaking / talking about? How / what kind of problems would writing that blog post cause? Would it be / become dangerous?

How could his original blog have been a transmitter of the supposed entities?

When Daniel Mitchell says that just writing about these issues causes / could causes problems: is he referring to the supposed entities or aliens in general and or both? Or is he referring to different issues entirely? Such as supposed experiences and or both things?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... let-shoes/ ... let-shoes/ ... 517310007/

Do these experiences / stories give credence to Daniel Mitchell?

Does looking at the drawing(and knowing what the supposed entries may look like) cause something supernatural to happen like exposing oneself to the sipisssd entities and causing death and or tragedy to happen and or follow? Would it be the same with the supposed photos at all? ... o.html?m=1
What do you make / think of this story?

There is also an interview and book by Stephen Young about this subject and supposed entites. What do you think of those at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... d.html?m=1

Could the supposed entities be fae like this article suggests at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Does Daniel Mitchell believe that the harlequin entities and the grays/aliens/supposed entities that exposing oneself to leads to death and or tragedy happening and or following are the same entities? Or does he believe that they are different entities? I am having trouble telling. ... in-entity/

The appearance section says of this article says that they have pale / white skin, however I feel like Daniel Mitchell and other people have described the entities with gray skin. Let me know what you think. The same entity just different names and or different types of entities to worry about? ... orld/page3
Comment 23
What kind of things could they be behind at all? Does theorizing / guessing cause something to happen at all? How dangerous would / could it be?
Would accidentally / coincidentally theorizing / guessing right cause something to happen at all? How dangerous could / would it be?
Are the things they’re behind things we could never think of at all?
Would knowing the things they’re behind cause something to happen at all? How dangerous would / could it be?
How does Daniel Mitchell know this at all?
Would just theorizing / guessing about any of this stuff cause something to happen at all? How dangerous could / would be be / get / become?
Do all the drawn out processes always end in death?

In an interview one can find on YouTube by Steph young, and in other articles, Daniel Mitchell mentions that his father always said to not talk about it and to not look / research into it to him and seemed to know more and possibly be the cause of any of this in the first place? What do you think / make of this?

Is writing and or talking / speaking about and or seeing and or reading and or dusccisng and or drawing and or merely thinking and or theorizing / guessing and or etc etc about this stuff dangerous / a real life info / congnito hazard? How dangerous is it and or cruel / would it be and or become at all?

Are there precautions and or preventions and or protections one can take and or make and or preform how the danger either does not happen and or is greatly lessened at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... in-entity/

I have a fictional character that somewhat resembles/ looks like the way the supposed entities are described. They also perform in a circus as well. Does this mean anything at all? Now that I have thought of this will something supernatural / paranormal and or dangerous and or deadly and or tragic will happen if I do anything with this character that I have made?

I did make this character after I had found out about Daniel Mitchell md the supposed entities, but I was not thinking about it at the time and did not take any inspiration at all from Dan Mitchell and the supposed entities. Is there a connection between my character me and the supposed entities at all? Will death and or tragedy happened and or follow now that I have thought about this / realized this even though I DO NOT want anything like that to happen at all and also DO NOT want any kind of connection at all?

Please tell me these are just paranoid thoughts and that nothing will happen ever at all.

But if this is so is there anyways to severe the connection permanent between the supposed entities and me and my fictional character so that way I can still use my character that I have made?

Will anything happen at all now that I have thought of this / about this? Have i just made a connection now that I have thought of this?
How would one severe it?

Are there precautions and or preventions and or protections one can take and or make and or preform how the danger either does not happen and or is greatly lessened at all?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Amor wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:36 am
Pearzonz1876 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:39 am..
Thank you. But how do I do that exactly?
Read all my posts on this site.
Is that too hard?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Amor wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:43 pm
Amor wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:36 am
Pearzonz1876 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:39 am..
Thank you. But how do I do that exactly?
Read all my posts on this site.
Is that too hard?
Can you please answer my questions about the fictional character?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Use the technique I have given and you will be able progressively to answer most of your own questions. Stand up!

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by WhiteWizard77 »

Amor wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:13 am
Pearzonz1876 wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:57 pm How to stop looking them up and or researching about them?
Push light from your heart to dislodge the dark entity sitting on your head
How come everyone has a dark entity sitting on their head? Do you still see one on mine. I have completely solved my problem myself with white magic

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 » ... orld/page3

Comment 23:

If writing about the supposed entities causes things like death and or tragedy to happen and or follow and is a transmitter of this entities. Why does he write about them then?

Will something happen now that I have theorized / guessed and or realized this?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Pearzonz1876 »

Amor wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:13 am
Pearzonz1876 wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:57 pm How to stop looking them up and or researching about them?
Push light from your heart to dislodge the dark entity sitting on your head
Do I actually have an entity attached to me at all? Is that what you mean? And is it a random one or one of the supposed entities?

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Re: Please ASAP need debunking and asnwers

Post by Amor »

Pearzonz1876 wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:40 pm Do I actually have an entity attached to me at all? Is that what you mean? And is it a random one or one of the supposed entities?
I said what I meant.

You will get nowhere until you remove it.

Use heart light. Read my posts

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