Hello everyone (this is coded)
I’m hitting you up and others, about my situation I’m in. I’m a whistle-blower and the website that I did it on for long time finally banned me (November 2024)
This can be taken a few ways: the last leak I did was too much, something is about to happen to me, website is going be taken down, etc.
All my stuff has spread far and wide to multiple people (a lot of agencies etc), its bigger than Julian Assange/Edward Snowden
Feel like I have a little spare time left so I’m hitting up prominent people in the conspiracy/research field if they want any of the stuff (what you see publicly is safe)
I will tell you however that the reason I did it is complicated (I was essentially attacked which resulted in a memory loss, I’m a vegetable). Before I lost all memory, I did my whistle-blower deed and held on as long as I could
I made the goal of lasting 3.5 years and the only reason I’m going on is my family’s sake
It is very black pill, but it was the right thing to do
The website
https://bluemonarch.freeforums.net/thre ... ox?page=32
Public information drop is in the Lucifer Jukebox thread (look for username IDK)
Give you some context because this is a lot to take in
I blew whistle on government (Batman Map) which lead to me playing stupid for 8 years knowing that I was watched the entire time
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BrX4D9-o6 ... 1hbg%3D%3D
In early 2020 I had a Vision and on St George Day I caught the government red handed in my life. The entity in question is Eglin Air Force Base/Tavistock Institute/Godlike Productions.
They tried to scapegoat me (there is more events to this), which resulted in a plasma ball/pink light coming in bedroom at nighttime and it hit me. It turned me into a vegetable, so I acted in a short amount of time
(The initial plan with my other half was to do 2012/The Day After Tomorrow/Biblical Weather to attack New World Order and to save as many as we can, think Normandy. I ended up finding out that my other half did not pursue this plan) So it essentially came down to me, which my other half realized she had messed up. Building off my momentum of various events, I would share in private a whistle-blower cache. It is the biggest leak in Planet Earth History. The other part of my counter attack is what you see publicly on Blue Monarch with Username IDK. My life is the Truman Show as I’m surrounded by various agencies, I’m essentially a living dead man switch
Which in turn it would add weight to my words
See the thread below
https://bluemonarch.freeforums.net/thre ... ny-sayings
The Funny Sayings is done in this dungeon and dragons approach to last as long as possible (buying everyone time). I’m basically using my opponents weight against themselves, like Aikido. READ BETWEEN THE LINES
(My friend Nick I made contact in 2020 with, he was on the run
He ran the nrgiseternal forum
I do not know his whereabouts)
More context
I was a avid reader growing up and by chance I encountered esoterics in 7th grade (I know it’s unusually young). I was a very spiritual person. By the end of high school, I created something which I called EMERALD TABLETS. Essentially what the EMERALD TABLETS are is a collection of binders filled with information/data/etc. I was saving everything of the old internet (before the deletion of websites and censorship)
I made the EMERALD TABLETS because I knew civilization would collapse and it would be something that could help people/environment
There was one other person that saw the inside of my EMERALD TABLETS. It was a girl named Mckenzie (she could read auras) and she saw it in 2017, I knew she was a agent
In September 2019 my great uncle (use to have Dicyanin glasses/The Live Movie) and his friend (builds military software using sigils) were conversing. My uncle brought my name up to his friend, and his friend knows someone from my bloodline
This was the kickoff because this is how the higher society became aware of me because they made contact with my local area/gangstalking (top met the bottom)
The Vision in early 2020 (recall to best of my ability since what I written down is in my account which is banned)
The Vision took place around nighttime, me and my brother were watching the film Ford v Ferrari. Within the first 10 minutes of film is when the Vision happend. I saw a group/council of men in Freemason-looking attire badmouthing my great grandfather. He did something (I don’t know what he did/lie about bloodline/conceal something/?) The conversation then turns to me and they say I’m too pure and they talk about my EMERALD TABLETS (they call it the Book of God). Suddenly I’m shifted to space and I see a giant gold being that is gold platted and is made of light. He has a giant crown (similar in shape to a wedding tier cake)
I hear a female voice asking the gold being about what if he doesn’t make it and the gold being responds by saying “don’t worry I will drop the GOD BOMB”. The Vision ends and all the lights in the house kick off
More context
Briefests summary of what has happened is those that run the New World Order have opened Pandora’s Box to acquire more power and released something akin to Hellraiser/Stephen King’s The Mist
If you see narcissistic stalker on Blue Monarch website, it used to be Jester. The reason for that is I outed the Royal Order of Jesters on said forum and a incident took place because the administration of website changed all mention of Jester into narcissistic stalker
If was changed after a event on the astral
Which I detail below
It was me, few others and Rachel in a undisclosed location
Rachel was extremely stressed and sweaty. She was telling everyone in the room about being raped, government having a frequency that matches her mind, etc. It was just traumatic thing after another and I remember people crying from the testimony of Rachel
Everyone is trying to write downs all the stuff she is saying.
She mentioned about being in another dimension and how everything we know is a lie. The part that remember the best is when she talks about space and how that is completely fake. Its like a planetarium
After this point of her space explanations I can tell something is off like Peter Parkers Spider Sense. It is like a Bats echolocation system where it goes from me to miles out and crosses dimensions.
I see what looks like The Royal Order of Jesters using all the information that they have gathered from experimentation on Rachel. I’m seeing a Ocean of numbers.
Rachel is still telling people in the room about all the horrible things done to her while I’m seeing Royal Order of Jesters across dimensions opening a portal (so its looks like I’m staring off in space but I’m not). The Royal Order of Jesters are doing a mock ritual of the birth of Christ as they masquerade as The Three Wise Men. They have gifts on standby next to the portal like children, artificial intelligence, etc.
I then realized that the area I’m in, the military wants me to help them but I realized the gravity of the situation on how compromised Rachel is with all the tracking and mind experimentation, I’m realizing at this point that its too late and the consequences are too server.
At the end of this experience my vision gets solely focused on the Royal Order of Jesters and the realization of what they did.
They were used as fools for entities that lied completely too them. They were used as tools to open and sustain a portal. I see a army of CENOBITES emerging from portal
I see the entire history of Freemasonry flash before my eyes in a about 30 seconds. All of it since it’s inception was a facade.
The only purpose that Freemasonry, Shriners and the Royal Order of Jesters served was to open and sustain a portal
Book of Revelation
Announce your presence, if you will.
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