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Primordial Magick

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:49 am
by Flowing Hands
I'd like to give you all my personal book of shadows. This guide took me many years to put together because its not easy to find truth in a sea of lies. Imo to cast spells first you need mana.

I have biology, metaphysics, physics, internal alchemy, and magick all combined perfectly. Just so you know all modern knowledge is false by design by the powers that be for many reasons. But what i'm giving you is the real truth imo. Each piece perfectly connects with the others and every topic is essential imo to see the big picture.

I had to delete a lot of physics and lifeforce device explanations to be under the 500k character cap.
But i kept basic essentials of physics.


Guide to Building a mana body.

Perfection does not need anything. the less man needs, the more he becomes
like gods, who use nothing and are immortal.

Man dies months/years from not eating. He dies weeks after not drinking. He
dies minutes after not breathing. So the imortance from greatest to least is
Air, water, then food.

We first existed as breathanarians that lived 100k+ years. Man
first subsisted solely on air then went to water,fruit,meat,vegatables and
then grains in that order. We were 35ft+ tall. We had virgin birth. We were
man and women combined. We came into being by god itself around the equator.

Electricity is stored in the air and we get it when breathing.
also goes directly through your skin into your cells power houses/mitochandria.

Grounding barefoot or laying down on the earth gives you electricity.
Make sure there is no insulating material(rubber/plastic) between you and
the earth ever. Only use conductive material(organic/metal).
The earth has a weak but vast electrical charge. If your body is lacking
energy it will supply it to you as long you are in direct contact with it.
Excess energy will deplete through the earth. The earths water to land ratio
is same as body. Saline levels of the ocean are same as blood. If you take
infared goggles and look at the legs of a diabetic person it will be red
indicating its inflamed. When they ground within 15 minutes it will turn

Only breathe through the nose. Air must be freeflowing and never
confined where toxic gasses from exhalation are accumulated. Best to breathe
very deeply all the time during the day, high in mountains, dense forests,
waterfalls, rainfall. Exhalation is how most impurities leave body. The
hydrogen in the air is high energy light which combines in different ways to
form all the vitamins and minerals you need.

Breathe of life:
There is enough electricity in a single breathe of air to power a airplane
for a month. The hydrogen in the air turns into all vitamins and minerals
youll ever need and more. When breathing through nose the electricity in the
air nourishes the brain through the several nasal ducts that connect to it.

Breathe of death:
If you put a bird in a box that will have it live for 3 hours before it dies
then take it out at the second hour and put a new bird in. The latter bird
will die immediatly because it didnt have enough time to adapt like first
bird could. This is reason people get sick in winter because they close
there windows to prevent the cold air from getting in which allows for
the build up of poisonous gases.

Drink only distilled water, rain water, or get it from fruits. Water
removes impurities from the body. Water uncalcifies and dissolves

Eat just tropical fruit, watery fruit, citrus fruit, berries, and
nuts. Absolutely no grain or salt. When you stop eating your body will start
regenerating and purging all toxins. Food can be eliminated entirely

Mice and worms were fed very little at certain intervals. This caused there
lifespan to be 20 times larger then normal. When you fast your body
regenerates and replaces itself. It normally does it over 7 years. But if
you fast long then can be shortened to 1 year or a few months. Your body is
never older then 7 years old. Digestion takes 10 to 70 hours. A childs cell
regeneration exceeds their cell desintagration. Thats why they grow.
Vice versa = old age and death. Thats why old people get shorter.

Degeneration: We have been devolving from perfect humans who contained both
coprinciples of creation within them and gave virgin birth. The degeration
was caused from ingesting earthly incoherent matter and lustful desires. The
first race being a mother race which was more feminine then male but had
both qualities. Women degenerated in time and her body knew that she was
losing the ability to give parthegenic birth so it gave a final birth to a
male to help her with the seed. Then the males suppressed the women who were
their creators with the lustful desires.

Regeneration: We need to reverse the process going from grain, vegatables,
meats, fruit, water, and then back to air in that order. Awakening all the
dormant glands that are capable of extracting the electricity from the air,
earth, and sun better and using the hydrogen to create all the
vitamins/minerals needed for the body. Black holes create trillions of tons
hydrogen and is high energy light aether condensate. Its the core building
block to create all types of organic matter and water. Regeneration only
occurs when you fast because all your energy goes to digestion and
elimination of toxins when you eat. Thats why you get sleepy when you eat
because the electricity is being sucked from your brain. Fruit is the only
food capable of giving you enough glucose with the help of air you breathe
and the oxygen to create atp electricity. So you can still maintain
regeneration with eating fruit/nuts sparingly. It has the lowest acid and
lowest ammount of earthly matter.

Adaptation: All earthly matter is poison except hydrogen. The stronger the
poison the greater the craving and shock. You can die from shock. So you
have to slowly reduce food/drugs intake.

Where to live: The closer you are to the equator the longer you will live.
It has more electricity from the sun, fresher air from more plantlife, and
the lowest gravity so less stress on the endurance of your cells. You are
actually free from economic enslavement there where there is no need for
shelter or food cuz weather is always perfect 70-80 and food/water is

Excersise: Spinning, jogging east, facing east, isometric excersises, riding
a bike. Impurities are removed from skin when sweating. If expelled very
quickly can look yellow green or black and smell bad. Make sure your
hydrated when excersising or there is no point.

Must be clean with no soap or any matter touching it. If pores are
clogged toxins go back into bloodstream.

Massaging, hot/cold alternating showers, and movement helps remove
toxins by moving the lympathic system.

No masturbation or sex ever. Only during childbirth. When the seed is
conserved you can store more electricity and your body's dormant glands all
wake up. We store electricity long term the same way eels do through lecithen.
Stored short term in cells plasma.

Good thoughts and emotions make your blood alkaline rich in oxygen.
Bad thoughts make your blood more acidic. Dr emoto did experiments on water
crystals and found good thoughts improve crystal structure geometry and bad
thoughts destroy its structure completely. The blood is made of a lot of water.
You can do this experiment easily at home.

Conclusions: You will start feeling sick and weak because all toxins are being
removed and pumped into your bloodstream. You wont keep shrinking forever.
When all toxins are removed your body will look healthy and you will start
growing very tall. You might even grow to 9-10ft. Your gray hair will regain
color. Your teeth will regrow. All impairments will be cured such as
paralysis, blindness, deafness, and any disease. Old people get shorter
because their cellular disentegration exceeds its regeneration. Vise versa
our goal is regeneration to exceed desintagration. Thats why you will get
tall and thats why kids grow. You will also probably have many different
wierd phenomena happen to you which is from a excess of energy accumulating
too fast. To cure any phenomena you just need to ground. As you become more
immortal if you are a man your penis will shrink then invert itself. For
women the boobs will shrink. Your body will attempt to contain the dual
elements of creation and give virgin birth. This is much easier for women
and is why women are more in tune with nature and also why cultivation is
much easier for women.


Important Biology Info:

All life thrives at the equator and doesnt want to leave from there.

Man first manifested at the equator you can tell by our long digestive
track, rotating jaw, and hairless delicate skin that hates the cold.

Frugivores have very long intestines and rotating jaws like man. Carnivors
have short intestines cuz if they are longer meat would putrify.

Humans are made to live at the equator.
Man has thumbs to peel and pick fruit . Air is clean from abundance of plants.

Fruits and nuts have very little acid and earthly matter. Also the
mitochandria use the glucose with the help of oxygen to create

Do trees eat food of the earth and displace that matter up above as wood? If
that were the case then trees would be in a crater. In experiments
scientists found wood is created from air. Cells blood flesh bones are
created from air also specifically the hydrogen.

The reason cells die is because acids in the blood from food ect corrodes
the cells magnetic poles and cant get electricity anymore. The way to
elimite acids is to eat low acid foods like fruits, breathing deeply,
grounding, sunlight, persperation, drinkings lots of water, fasting. Citrus
is acidic but turns into alkaline ash and helps dissolve impurities faster.

You feel much lighter at the equator.Theres less so called gravity there
which is just high centrifugal and low centripidal force. So there is less
stress on the endurance of your cells with weaker gravity.
salt is completely stable and body doesnt absorb it at all and it instead
saps you of important fluids and calcifies important glands like the thymus
and pineal. Salt is one of major causes of old age and destroys your energy.

archeologists have uncovered many humans skeletons ranging from 15-35 ft tall

Most lower life dies immediatly after expelling its seed. Even rabbits and
boars will die immediatly from sex sometimes. Horses eyes will roll in the
back of the head and they will fall over.
By looking at all the dormant glands. And many other features of man and
nature that modern men of have no clue of. We start to see a bigger picture.

1. The female is the primal and original sex, and produced the male. Ure der
the law of Heredity this actually makes the male a deformed female.

2. Maleness results from excessive development of the positive qualities am
a corresponding atrophy of the receptive qualities.

3. The male penis is an excessive development of the female clitoris.

4. The male scrotum is formed by a union of the lips of the vulva and their
expanding into folds, leaving a raised seam (raphe) that divides the scrotum
into two parts, and extending from the anterior portion of the anus to the
extremity of the penis.

5. The testes appear as herniated ovaries, with the positive element of
the ovaries developed to a functional degree, while the receptive element is
rudimentary and atrophied.

6, The mammary glands of man occasionally develop to a functional degree amd
produce milk as in woman,

7. The diseased condition of menstruation appears in some men as well as in
some women.

8. The prostate gland in man is a rudimentary uterus.

9. Some people appear with the male and the female qualities so equally
developed that they are neither man nor woman.

10. If min and woman were distinct types, neither would possess the qual~ '
ities of the other so fully developed, in seme instances, that they cannot
be classed as either mile or female.»

If you doubt this, consider as one very convincing example the breasts of
the male. There you always find two undeveloped milk nipples, Also, in the
ex+ terior female sex organ we note a small replica of the penis, and this
the seat of pleasurable feeling in copulation.

There are hundreds of other indications showing that each individual is both
masculine and feminine, In fact, philosophical anthropologists assure us
that there was a time in the far-pre-historic past on this earth, while the
forms we now know were in the process of formation -~ perhaps under the very
design of the Deity himself, when sex was so evenly balanced that each
individual body carried within itself complete, the functions of both sexes
and gave virgin birth.

Virgin birth:
parthenogenesis aka virgin birth, a reproductive strategy that involves
development of a female (rarely a male) gamete (sex cell) without
fertilization. It occurs commonly among lower plants and invertebrate
animals (particularly rotifers, aphids, ants, wasps, and bees) and rarely
among higher vertebrates. some sharks, lizards, komodo dragons, aphids,
snakes and others reproduce without male. bees wasps ants

Woman still possesses the latent capacity for virgin birth, manifesting in
the development of ‘dermoid cysts’, or malformed embryos, in virgins, which
is recognized by the medical world. Originally the embryo is hermaphroditic.
Through degeneration, imperfect males and imperfect females come into being.
The perfect person that once existed before the race degenerated, was like
the embryo in its early stages of development. Only through degeneration did
the two imperfect sexes arise.

Originally there was only one sex, not two and that these superior, fruitful
beings reproduced parthenogenetically, by virgin birth.

There are jellyfish,worms,bacteria and a few other animals that are truely immortal.
If they are then why cant man?

Loius pasteur created virus theory without a miscroscope. We didnt get his
scientific research until 1990. Then we realized its all bullshit. Even on
loius death bed he said viruses dont exist. The powers that be used viruses
to spread invisible fear and to take out whoever they wanted. Instead of
using fake demonic spirits to spread invisible fear they now use viruses.

Alpha brainwaves 7-8hz activate your mitochandria and produce electricity by
resonating with the planets heart beat or pulse which is 7.83hz and varies
depending on locating. This pulse of the earth is in the atmosphere and
creates dna.
In a lab they took this frequency to a vial filled with the building blocks
of dna then hit it with that frequency and all the blocks configured
themselves into spiral helix dna.

The vital seed or jing is actually lecithin which turns into cerebral spinal
fluid and is transformed into the golden elixer at your pineal gland. Eels
use lecithin to store there electricity.

The Masters who lived in atlantis that escaped death from the flood, were
those who fled to distant India, where their successors still abide in the
fastnesses of the Himalaya Mountains, and whose ages are said to range from
500 to 1500 years. From that source there trickles the small stream of that
Ancient Wisdom

The most important immortality glands are (1) the pineal and (2) pituitary
in the brain, (3) the thyroid and paratbroid in the neck, (4) the thymus in
the thorax, (5) the suprarenals in the abdomen aka spleen, pacrease, kidneys
(6) the prostate and epididimis in the pelvis, and (7) the gonads in the

All organs, glands and systems of the body are subsidiary to the Nerve
System, thru which Astral Light manifests the enigmatical states called
Vitality, Consciousness, Mind and Intelligence.

tadpoles fed thymus glands will stay tadpoles and live a long time. also
called the gland of youth which calcifies quickly after puberty and later in
life commands your body to kill itself.



One Absolute, Eternal & Infinite Unity, Within Which Manifest A Duality, A
Trinity And The Quarternary, Producing The Decad, The Perfection Of Numbers,
And The Duodecad, The Sum Total Of All Things In Heaven And Earth.

Truth is simplicity and simplicity is Truth.
The heavenly man, in whose image the earthly man is made, and in whose body
the suns and planets are but cells and organs, is the prototype of man

There are two conditions that appear in the body: (1) Good Health and (2)Bad
Health. There is no disease.

There is but one Temple in the world, and that is the body of Man. Nothing
is holier than that high form. Man is the miracle of miracles -- the great
inscrutable Mystery.

For the invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen (in
the mind), being understood by the things that are made (visible). For we
look not at things which are seen, but at the things whick are not seen, for
the things which are seen are temporal (and illusional), but the things
which are not seen are (real) and eternal.

"The Real Man is neither born, nor doth it die. Unborn, undying ancient,
perpetual and eternal, it has endured and will endure forever. The body may
dissolve, but He who hath occupied it remaineth unharmed and unchanged.

Birth and Death are two deluding aspects of the same thing. Physical birth
may be termed spiritual death, and spiritual birth is regarded as physical

There is no life and death. Everything changes and transforms.
Water(visible/man) will turn into vapor(invisible/soul) and back again. Sun
and moon rise and fall. Winter is death/sleep, Spring is life/rebirth,
Summer is growth, Fall is Withering. People reincarnate by default or ascend
to gods by accumulating enough energy which is where your memories are

All visible things give Man many hints of Immortality. In winter, the hills
and valleys seem chilled in death, held apparently lifeless by the grim hand
of snow and ice. Every bud, twig, blade of grass is still. Is that death? Is
that annihilation? Is that the end? Then comes the spring, and as we stroll
over these same regions we see Throbbing Life everywhere. What has happened?
The warm hand of the Solar God has touched the frozen hills and snow covered
valleys, and lo and behold, they have risen into New Life as though by
magic. Is Man less provided for than these things?

Our soul is the aether/absolute and the ego is the limited amount we can
contain in our body. The better the body/antenae the more soul you can have
which signal is sent to you from the aether. Trancendance or nirvana is
perfecting the body so it contain more soul and will be expressed by greater

Our shadow self aka the ego is the mask which is just a limited amount of
soul/absolute. Your ego can be weak or strong, dumb or smart. Personality
comes from the greek word persona meaning mask. But you can imprint your
ego/memories upon your soul and be reborn and maybe ascend. With a cycle
there needs to be a way to overcome it or you will just go round and round
in annialation.

There are thousands of stories of people with memories of their past lives.
Many stories are run through rigorous scientific tests and they past all the


This section needs condensing.

True Physics:

This is the position of nikola tesla jade kirk maxwell charles brody's
steinmetz oliver heavyside eric dollard on and on in other words the
greatest minds of electrical field theory.


aether ie eternity ie true power ie origin of power.

voltage is aether and amperage is magnetism.

aether it is the medium itself for light/radio/ect just as air is the medium
of sound

aether always reverts to homeostasis/rest

aether contains the most information.

aether is no different than inertia and when you actually release that
inertia and you cause the pressure modalities to exist you cause
compressions and rarefactions

aether you could say is subspace, zero space, counter space, dark energy

aether density is several thousand times higher than air density


Time is just a measurement of magnitudes and the passing of masses. It
doesn't exist.


we are in the center of a magnet thats what you call space where magnetism
doesnt exist its a shadow of the aether called space.

space is a anti-field or opposite of ether. space is the after effect of a
diverent magnetic field.

space is the center point of a magnet. space is like a shadow the abscence
of a thing being ether.


matter is ultra high energy aether condensate.

all free neutrons become protons at 17 mintures. they are all hydrogen
turning into different compounds.

atoms are compounded hydrogen. hydrogen is ultra high energy light.

galactic jets of blackholes create and emit trillions of tons of just

matter is ultra high energy light 100 magnitudes above gamma rays.
two ultra high powered lasers shooting at each other. at the intersection
matter is formed. at the intersection there is a amplification of energy
7,500 times higher then the 2 lasers are capable of.


gravity is coherent or incoherent matter spinning or moving in one
direction. This creates a artificial magnetic field.



Light is the illumination of the aether. There are no light particles.

light is a coaxial circuit whether it be circular or linear polarization and
longitudinal rarefactions and compressions along the propagation of the
disturbance a coaxial circuit.

light is a soundwave in the aether.

now the easiest way to refute light as an emission is to ask a scientist how
light speeds back up after it leaves glass without breaking the law of
conservation of energy


everything in the universe is electricity.

dark matter is electricity

All matter is hard electricity.

Electricity = creation/matter and magnetism destroys all matter and returns it to the aether


magnetism is the dielectric/aether field. dielectricity and magnetism or a
dual entity that are one thing.

the earth is a magnet. the solar system is all on a single disk, same with
galaxies. they all are giant magnets. magnets combine. even the whole
universe is a magnet.
the plane of interia aka the equator where 95% of life exists and thrives.
life doesnt ever went to stray from the equator. thats why north and south
poles of earth have no life

Low frequencies have more magnetism. High frequencies have more electricity


Everything below here is unorganized. Ive read thousands of internal alchemy books and the book
white moon on the mountain peak by damo mitchell is the best imo. The first section is notes on the book below but i only read half way. They rest is info i gathered from other books. So there will be differences.
I will organize it eventually.

Internal alchemy man and women

inner smile gentle love for all things purifies body.

continous gentle heat creates the blood crystals after many days.

women gentle intent into observation
also starts at ldt but when it moves to
middle dantian in center of chest at height of heart it stays here.
middle dantian is foundation of woman. light spontanious movement is good

entering trance you may see a lot of images in the
darkness this is like seeing your life unfold at death.

In trance you will see a bright light the breaks u out of trance just guide
it to correct dantian middle for women and lower for men then enter back into trance.

dont practice if pregnant. if your under 18 your emotions are tooo unstabel
might have a negative effect but if the emotions are fine then its the best
time to start.

sitting in lotus or horse stance pressure on legs.
vital water is produced by kidneys and is stored below the LDT. by fast breathing,
clenching perineum, the water below the ldt around the perineum is called lower
burner and is turned into vapor by warm heat and is raised to ldt. the middle dantian
is above the diaphram. the diaphram is the middle burner. when energy is raised to
mid chest/heart you need to stay in stillness and calmness. While the fire burns
and remains below the ldt and in calmness causes the vapor in the heart to rise
to the head. neck straight and top of head lifted likes its hanging on something.
eyes closed or observing inward in middle of head. You will see a light in your
head which indicates pituatary/pineal being charged. Then you enter trance

when pituary is awakened you see a bright blinding light filling all space in your mind.
after further consolidation is becomes a ball of light. after more consilidation a big
vibration is felt and pineal awakens and you see shining stars or spreat out dots of
light which is the brain waking up.

quick breath ignites the fire at the lower burner, long gentle breath fuels fire at chest.
deep powerful breath draw fire and substance to the head.

winter solstice december 5 qi or substance is at base of spine. every 15 days it moves up
1 vertebrae. reaching top of spine on december 7

guard the kidneys during winter.

supermoons are most powerful to bring the vitality to the head chakra.

full moon energy is at head. when full moon passes it starts to fall down front of body
reaching base of spine at start of new moon. as new moon passes energy raises in back
reaching head on a full moon

using hours,days and months can help overcome blockages.

Dao and De are born from Heaven and Earth,
Yin and Yang are both the origin and the result of the developmental process of things.
Heavenly Hun is the father of the White Tiger,
Earthly Po is the mother of the Green Dragon.
Rotate the elixir into the mud pill palace,
Transform the Jing upwards into the highest place.
If a practitioner can understand this,
The ten thousand writings here are as simple as a child’s book

humility,compassion,humour,simplicity, no governing or judging others.

understanding the interconnectiveness of everything and thus knowing when to leave things be.

sitting in quietude allows you to realise who you are. sitting and forgetting

removing biases and beliefs help us reach no self.

watching tv and dramas fuels our emotions and self. when u sit in meditation
and relax these emotions disperse and you may spontaniously laugh, cry, shout, or move.

heres a list of powerful influences to forget. emotional baggage, disease,social class,
trauma,religion,beliefs,attractiveness,biases,status,popularity,body image,lineage,
political persuasian,ego,societal expectations,media influence,pride,intellect,power,
education,sexuality,peer pressure,career,insecurities,ethnicity,emotions,preferences,
age,prejudices,nationality,wealth,gender,social class.

3 stages of release are first emotions, second norms and expectations, third beliefs and identities.

Removing biases and prejudices

mind affects the body and body affects the mind

in postures hip is always above knees. half lotus putting one foot over the thigh.
you must switch foot for equal amount of time so its balanced

burmese sitting. knees lower then hids. tuck one foot under butt with heel pressing against perenium

to find correct spine posture. slump your head down and forward then slowly raise your
head until you find that weightless spot. suspend head up likes its dangling and bring
chest down so neck stretches open slightly

while sitting knees close to ground opening hip joints. hips above knees can use a cushion
to assist you. preferably conductive cushion. can build dirt up in mound to sit on.

you can run tongue back and forth over roof of mouth. if its cold then its blocked if its warm then its open.

qi moves from high pressure to low pressure. so pressure on legs it moves to chest.
pressure on chest moves either up or down depending if pressure is up or down.

no metal on your or crystals during qi practice.

practicing 11pm-1am can hurt the qi pathways cuz its too strong. be gentle during this time.

first always sit and relax with no real aim. then u can begin by observing breathe.

start with observing the breathe until it becomes automatic what ever differnent breathing u
do should always be observed first until it becomes a habit. Then mind goes to subconcious.
After overcomming boredum with this technique does all tension start to release. first observe
air entering nose and leaving mouth. then move to chest area and observe the lungs and surrounding
areas. over time u can feel your whole body through your breathe right down to the skin. no
intense focus only gentle observation. dont try to stop any thoughts that arise. Our intention
is always outward when it begins to look inward it can repair everything better. overtime the
breathe will make u feel fresher then run your awareness over your body through the ground gently
in short runs. you may notice sharp pains in the body. If you find blockages you can gently
gaze there with your awareness instead of stare.

remove tension from mind body and soul.

as you observe your beathe and then body you feel tingling sensations on skin, waves of warmth,
small movements. later you will feel your aura/field contract inward on inhalation and expand
outward on exhalation. you then try to find the edge or your aura field as far as you can feel
it. then you strengthen your focus and try to push your aura field out farther on exhalation
until u reach a couple meters. see how far you can go. when u stabilize at a certain distance
you will feel a pull from the atmosphere. as body removes tension you can feel movements subtle
to strong, a breeze moving through body or as movements of cold or hot fluid. electrical
sensations can apear, pain, twitches, shaking, laughing, crying, shouting. after feeling your
aura go outward for a time finish with bringing it back in for several minutires until it calms
down. you may get a runy nose or slight head cold this is natural and indicates you are
regenerating and clearing out toxins.

mudras can work either to complete a circuit, press on certain acupoints in hand for certain
parts of body, absorb energy, or as a symbol of how u want energy to flow according to your
memory and will/intent.

taiji mudra hands crease between index and thumb is pressed togethor. with left thumb in right palm.
this helps create more heat and raise energy level. this is the mudra to use to most throughout neidan.

fire mudra is slightly weaker with thumbs clenched in two fists so seperated.

bao mudra left palm facing up and right palm facing up on top of it and 2 thumbs touching. used to help focus on LDT.

wuji mudra place all fingers connecting both hands togethor in a ball shape then expand
knuckles and fingers outward and inward slightly.
this help expand your aura field and muscles of whole body.

sword fingers mudra left hand down at ldt palm facing up. right hand at chest level index and
middle pointed upward while other 3 fingers connect. this helps energy travel upward. this is a
famous mudra with ancient statues using it.

right hand around chest and left hand at ldt causes expansion and vice versa contraction.

avoid intense excitement,greif,fear,annoyance,hatred,ambition,romantic obsession.

avoid excessive walking, standing, sitting, sleeping, fun, speaking, looking at things, mental activity, eating, sexual activity.

Qigong and neigong must be done before neidan

•Regulate the body and soften the joints.
•Structure the body so that you can fully relax all of the major muscle
•Work with your breath so that it becomes deep, long and smooth.
•Regulate energetic flow through the acquired meridians.
•Calm the mind as much as possible.

•Awaken the lower energy centre of the DanTien.
•Open the various congenital meridian pathways, also known as the ‘extra-ordinary meridians’.
•Clear out as many energetic blockages as possible from deep within
the channelsthrough purging.
•Activate the early stages of the ‘small water wheel of Qi’ to ensure
the safe recycling of energetic substances within the body.

Neidan training

100 days without sex or masturbation before you start neidan.

focus point center of back between kidneys.

Through breathing deeply daily free flowing air, getting sunlight, contact to the earth, drinking distilled water, eating fruit, starving yourself for lengths of time, and moderate excersise. you purge all the toxins from your body and establish a foundation for alchemy training.

Top of head raised up slightly like its hanging on something. The bottom of throat slightly sunken down. Spine straight with chin slightly down. Chest slightly out. Torse straight up not bending forward. Tongue on roof of mouth. Crease between index and thumbs on hand comes togethor with one thumb in palm of other hand. Eyes closed. Mind still and calm. Sitting legs one or both feet bent up onto opposing thigh or standing legs spread apart comfortably with knees bent.

With the guidelines above and observation at your solar plexus center the true water or kidney water will build up and flow down from center between the two kidney down to your perineum area. From here you make it rise by quick breathing, perineum clenching, contracting belly on inhale and gentle awareness over a single point around the perineum. The water is turned to vapor and rises to the navel center or center of stomach. You will feel a warm or hot heat. In time it will raise to the mid chest so you switch to slow deep gentle breathes. You awareness can be moved here now. Around a full moon you can do deep fast breathing to guide the generative fluid up base of spine to the head. Always remain calm with tongue on roof of mouth. You can observe the base of the spine and pause when it moves to midback you can pause in that area for some time. When it reaches head you first move your attention to the back of the head for some time. Then you may look inward at center of head and pause. When it falls down front of body you pause at your chest solar plexus area. Then it falls to lower center and starts all over. After many cycles you end with the energy in your lower center for man and mid chest for women. Over time you will see a bright flash of light filling the space in your head. remain calm, still, and thoughtless. More time passes it will condense into a ball of light. This is your pituatary charging up. When it discharges onto the pineal in attempt to awaken it you may feel or hear a big vibration or rumble. Then you will see spread out dots of lights like stars. This is pineal charging up and awakening your brain so you can use more then 10% of it. You may also feel cool sensations on parts of body and a overwhelming feeling in the head. After doing this for sometime you can enter trance which puts you into the perfect regenerative state and absorbs energy straight from the aether. Very light focus allows you to absorb energy from the planet by resonating with its frequency 7.83hz. So when pituatary awakens you get a 6th sense which is magnetic site or aura sight. When pineal awakens you get a 7th sense which can contact the divine and learn infinite knowledge.

Built up heat must not be too hot or too cold. If it turns cold its hard to get the heat back quickly and may take twice as long.

After energy is built up you can gently observe different parts of the body slowly to guide the energy to nourish different areas of the body.

to reverse jing and stop errection contract and lift perenium and focus on kidneys in solar plexus. slow deep breaths

gently rest awareness on lower dantian. on inhalation contract stomach inward gently and contract perenium upward gently. on exhalation relax both
Do this for 10 mins then do normal meditation for 10 mins then back to contracting 10 mins and so on.
Do this until you feel a great warmth. Quick breaths can be used to jump start the warmth. you may start sweating profusely.

LDT is directly above the perineum. move your awareness up and down that central spot until you find it. when u find it you
might notice sharp heat or a tugging sensation.

after building warmth for in abdomen over time when it reaches its peak you will feel a healthy warmth radiating from it all year round.
it will feel like warm fluid swirling around but overtime it will start to bubble. its not a subtle feeling but a very aparent one.

3 breaths
start fire with short, fast breathes with little power
chest area with longer gentle and smooth breathes
Spine to head with powerful deep breathe with little strength

small water wheel is done first basically circulating and revolving around the lower dantian
then you move on to MCO

When the LDT bubbles move the lower spine region backwards gently so the steam rises up it. Inhaling
short and sharp as if your trying to sniff something up your nose. This makes bubbles go up spine.
Combine with contracting abdomen, raising the perineum, and slightly outward spine stretch. never
force it up just rest and repeat and so on. it should take one powerful breath to go up spine then revert
back to deep smooth breathing

people will see a light in your eyes when white moon on the mountain peak is activated.

the bubbling starts in stomach use sniffing breaths short and forceful but smooth to start the fire and make
true water go up base of spine, then use deep slow smooth breathing until it rises to neck. Then switch
to strong sucking inhalations from true water to move into head. Lower water wheel and entire body
needs to be cleansed before moving true water to the head. after it moves to head will feel like pleasant
water moving then you can just breathe normally. there will be a sweet taste in mouth which is swallowed. stretch
neck open then allow energy to flow down front of body to the ldt. violent twisting motions can occur in torso.
you may see a low light glow comming from abdomen when u close your eyes. you may also feel very sexually aroused
which needs to stop. if you get stuck in a spot then concentrate on spot and expand your mind imagining it
expanding outward in a sphere to open it up.

first circulate the bubbling elixer then enter trance like state.
stages of enlightenment first faint white hazy mist. then it gets brighter
until it fills whole head. then condenses to a ball then to stars. later
it turns gold. when white light apears men focus on ldt women on chest. when
white light moves there then go back into light trance. never imagine white light
or anything. the ignition first breath is short and fast can be 6 breathes per second.

when ldt is full of energy you dont force it to move up to chest
it will move on its own like a overflowing bowl of water spilling over.
short fast silent breathes. not moving your diaphram. up to 6 breathes per sec
is used to build the fire. you will feel great heat in abdomen and perineum.
6 seconds of short breathing at a time followed by normal deep breathes.

fire and water are mixed in the solar plexus
after its mixed for awhile enter stillness/trance with
light awareness over the heart. free yourself from
your ego and let all attachments fade away. Observing
the solar plexus while fire and water mix you will see
a blue color that lasts for several minutes and also
red flickers within the blue apear.


women specific neidan

women keep jing in the breasts. but still
starts from kidneys goes to perineum then to breasts.

full moon qi and blood go to head and they get emotional
hence the name luna-tics. as full moon passes and aproaches
the new moon qi and blood move downward and mestruation occurs.
a ideal healthy womans mestruation will align close to the moons

mens jing is affected by the moon. a woman bleeds every 30 days
and loses jing at that time. If man regulated his base sexual
desire he wouldn't die earlier then woman. so it balances itself out.

qi and blood of both man and women are affected by the movement of the sun
and the changing of seasons.

men will feel strong sexual urge around full moon and feel physically
weak around a new moon.


Internal Arts:

First you need to build a foundation by expelling all impurities and
becomming fit.

Optimal breathing:
1.Square Breathing: Contract diaphram/belly on inhale and hold breathe for X
seconds. Relax diaphram/belly on exhale and hold with no air in you for X

2.Tummo breathing: Breathe deeply for 30 breathes without retention or
holding breath. Then on last exhale hold breath with no air in you for 1

3.Immortal breathing: When your body reaches high purity you can absorb air
straight into the skin like plants. Through relaxation and stillness.

After that you breathe deeply during the day and gently rest your awareness
on your solar plexus for weeks. Over time it will overflow into you stomach
energy container which is around the navel. Focus on the navel area for
weeks. In time it will sink further to base of spine.

Midnight during 3 days around a full/new moon, equinox, or solstice. Drink a
little water and eat a little bit of fruit. Mind being thoughtless or gently
resting your awareness on your lower abdomen. Deep relaxed inhales bringing
your diaphram and belly inward. Do mantras like OHMM with your voice humming
notes on exhalation relaxing diaphram/belly. Ground yourself. Eyes closed.
Spine errect. Chin slightly downward. Hands togethor or thumbs in your fist.
Sit in full lotus(legs bent inward and feet clutch onto each leg) or stand
with the legs bent low until they start shaking. You need pressure on the
legs. If your a man you will get a errection. If your a women you will feel
a pulsation. Focus on it and if it disapates then it wasnt true. If it stays
then guide the energy down to the base of the spine with deep fast reversed
breathing through the nose. Makes sure you dont build up to much heat in the
stomach or it will destroy the seed but also make sure it doesnt become to
cold. You can increase or reduce the heat by breathing fast or slow. Make no
attempt to play with your genitals that is only done if you are impotent.
Once it breaks through the base of the spine it will shoot up and there will
be blockages in your midback and neck. You can bend those areas, focus ahead
of them and do deep fast breathing. You can also have someone massage those
areas with their right hand.

Once it reaches the head you need to stay relaxed and in stillness removing
all thoughts and senses. The pituatary will gain alot of electricity then it
will discharge and knock on your pineal gland to awaken it. You will hear a
roar or feel a earthquake when the pituatary knocks the pineal. When the
pituatary charges the pineal gland enough it will awaken all your dorment
brain cells and you will see shiny lights stars in your head. This is when
you will awaken your 6th and 7 sense. The 6th sense is sensing magnetism and
7th sense is contact to the aether/infinite knowledge/true power/absolute.
Over a period of time you will see a visible light in your head and it will
even extend in a ring/disk outside your body. Just remain thoughtless so it
comes back. Fast breathing makes energy go up spine. Slow breathing will
allow the energy from the head to go down front of body back to solar plexus
then down to lower center. You will help the energy go up the spine then let
it fall down the front of your body and back up again and again.

After you do this enough times and after so many weeks you will accumulate a
refined seed blood crystal at your solar plexus. After 9 months it will
sprout giving birth to a immortal spirit/thought form containing your
memories/emotions which will leave the top of your head. This is either a
golden thoughtform creation method which you can send out to heal people or
its the method of instilling memories into a vessel which goes to your true
soul and combines idk. This part is optional. The sprouting might be the
formation of the blood crystal which resonates with magnetism much greater
then a magnet of its size. Magnets and crystals both have hexagonal
structures but crystals are stronger and more intune with the aether field
and more influenced from magnetism. Crystals at the right angle can repel or
attract magnets. It acts like a spirit circuit that extracts electricity
straight from the aether or the earths field.

Final warnings. Absolutely no salt. And if you had sex or masturbated then
dont do this for 1 week. Its better to abstain all togethor. Never have
lustful thoughts or the vital seed/lecithin will turn into usesless semen.
No grain or alcohol because they destroy the vessel the vital
seed(philosopher's stone) is in and kills it. Grain turns into alcohol when
as its digested. When building high ammounts of vitality you will feel a
great heat in the stomach and its good make sure there is a little water or
fruit in your stomach. Also make sure it doesnt get too hot or too cold for
too long.


Miscelanious techniques:

Put right hand on a tree and walk clock wise around it to absorb its
electricity/life force. The tree will wither and die quickly depending on
the vitality of the tree. Make sure you only do this with trees that are
very healthy and strong.

Enter perfect stillness thoughtlessness. Extremely relaxed until all your
senses fade away even time aka sealing the 5 senses. This is when you enter
the akashic records/ infinite knowledge to get answers, inspiration, gifts.

After enough practice your can breathe deeply and slowly and in stillness
slow your heart rate down until it stops then you can astral travel. It
might start beating extremely fast then it will stop altogethor dont be
alarmed. It will start back up in 15 mins. You can also focus on the right
side of the heart to get it beating again. This is a dangerous technique if
you dont have enough cultivation. But this allows you to enter the
borderline state in between life and death.

Left hand heals the front and right side of body. Right hand heals back and
left side of body.

you can send energy into people around you even through walls and people
will be attracted to you.

Your can start fires with newspaper or kindling by tensing and shaking your
right arm/hand on it.

The more electricity you condense the more magnetic you become so you can
move objects with the left hand?

You can move in slow circular movements and use intent/focus to guide life
force through various parts of your body to remove impurities deep down into
the bone and flesh.
Rubbing your hands togethor fast will infuse your hands with lifeforce for
healing or fire making

Spinning in a clockwise circle will allow you to gather electricty straight
from the aether. Or running fast eastward.

Hard physical holds like standing on one leg for a long time or holding a
hard position will put pressure on your bones which are crystaline and
create electricity

Humming and vocal resonating sounds will heal your and help remove
impurities. OHM, AHM, UHMMM

Very light focus and deep relaxation will help you resonate with the earths
life field. The earths life field is 7.83hz same as a alpha brainwave. This
is same frequency that creates dna. Without it dna wont form.

Purifying the mind doesnt exist. Only purifying the body then can it hold
more soul and your mind become more powerful/intelligent

put both hands together and both feet togethor to amplify your energy for

You can go into hibernation/long sleep and fast easier to transform yourself

In a trance remember when you were 10 , 7, 3, 1, and keep going back before
birth to recall past lives.

Activating the solar plexus will protect you from cold, heat, and pain.

Levitation is possible but i dont understand it completely. Its down below.
Look for anti gravity.

Telekinesis is just magnetism.


Lifeforce devices:

The edge of the south side of a magnet will heal you closer to its center
plane like the equator but slightly south. The south edge might produce pain
but will start regeneration.

Tensor ring: Lavkoski coil: Orgonite: Orgone accumulator: Water Life force bowl


Occult spells:

After you perfected yourself up above you will have plenty of mana and will be able to
perform many supernatural powers naturally.

For more occult magick imo you need mana, incantation(to help concentrate optional), imagination, Intent. So magick imo is very easy and you can create your own spells.

Re: Primordial Magick

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:54 pm
by Caerdon
....the hell did I just subject myself to read?

A lot of this will put people in the hospital, a lot of the philosophies in this are just wrong or outdated beliefs, things that goes against natural science (Magick works within and through the laws of nature my dude), medicinal science, and honestly I'm trying to find out what about this is supposed to be primordial magic. Primordial Magick is Magick that uses the fundamental forces of the universe, such as pressure differential, coalescence or diffusion, attraction/repulsion, etc.

It looks like a lot of this was taken from various Asian methodologies that have never been proven to work, or are from literature.

Re: Primordial Magick

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:17 pm
by simdope
This is the truth and a massive secret that not everyone should know. Source: Mystery school. From Africa. Won't say which country. But you are 100% spot on.